February 14, 2025

Are you dragging your past into the future with you? Do you have trauma wounds that need to heal? How can you prevent that from happening and create a better future?? One way to release trauma is to meditate. Meditation encourages relaxation and mindfulness. Breathing exercises can also bring you to the present moment. Breathing in the new and breathing out the old is a great mindful exercise! Other ways of releasing old wounds are exercise, crying, laughing, screaming, and writing down your feelings? ( Trauma usually stays in the body for up to a few months as long as you process the unsettling event? However, if your trauma isn't addressed, it can lead to chronic illness as well? So, take the time to release those feelings, emotions, and recurring thoughts? Give yourself the chance to heal, recover, and move forward? You will be happy you did?!...


January 26, 2025

They say this is the year of the "death of the ego?" And I'm very happy about that?? Yes, psychiatrists have said for years that the "EGO" is important. But, is it really?? So, how do you know you're having an ego death? According to Apr. 2023, "individuals may feel as though they are merging with the universe or experiencing a sense of oneness with everything around them?" "As well as a dissolution of previously held beliefs and concepts." Now, I'm NOT talking about when people use psychedelics to alter consciousness?! But, for example, when someone may experience being "born again in Christ", or other spiritual experience, they tend to "see the world" differently? The Buddhism belief also says that ego death leads to enlightenment? Some psychologists do agree that an ego death can lead to a deep sense of self awareness, spiritual awakening, or personal growth ( Apr. 2024) In my opinion, ego death may lead to a better self image, or better value of one's self? You may not take "who you think you are" so seriously anymore, negatively, or positively.. You simply just are who you are? And that's o.k., because everybody is important in their own standing? Just my thoughts? So, be happy being YOU?!...


January 12, 2025

They say that forgiveness frees the soul?? Are you stuck in a situation where forgiveness seems impossible? I think we have all felt like this at one time or another? However, not only can it help you emotionally to forgive, it may just save your life?? There are several health costs when you refuse or deny forgiveness. According to MaryJanesFarm Oct-Nov 2023 Dr. Laura Koniver, holding onto resentment can increase heart disease, worsen mental health issues, and impair sleep behavior. In addition, she stated that " the Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2011 found that forgiving others was associated with a decreased overall mortality risk." How can that be? Well, evidently "forgiveness is a huge relief to your body." By allowing what happened to have happened, and accepting that the situation occurred is a good start at forgiveness. Letting go of difficult emotions is key. Easier said than done though, right?! If emotions are charged, slow deep breathing can help, taking a walk, journaling, taking back your power with positive mantras or affirmations are helpful steps as well. But, simply making the "decision" to forgive can help you realize that this "decision" is no longer going to affect your health. It is realizing that forgiveness does not mean acceptance, and helps set appropriate boundaries. And, seeking professional support when necessary can be instrumental with your journey to forgiveness. So, if it is time to let go of emotional burdens around forgiveness, the sooner you can start, the better? It just takes one step at a time...


December 29, 2024

What does it mean to surrender to God, to the universe, or your higher self?? Do most people still believe things always seem to work out for the best?? Maybe, we need to do what we can in situations, then sit back and let life evolve? Trying to "control" situations rarely works?? And sometimes, can actually make things worse?? So, how do we start to surrender? "The first step is to allow yourself to have the feeling without resisting it, venting it, fearing it, condemning it, or moralizing about it" ( Recognizing that it is "just" a feeling, will help. Try not to judge these feelings, modify them, or resist them? Practicing "letting go" helps you fully surrender. Negative emotions like fear, pride, anger, guilt, shame, grief, apathy, even desire are created by our egos. Letting these negative feelings go will bring you back to center. Practicing " letting go" is key! Yes, it does take practice?! Breath work, meditation, exercise, and nature will all help. And remember, FEAR is false evidence appearing real as well???...


December 12, 2024

Have you felt anxiety, depression, or even a little PTSD over what we've been through the last 4 years in our world?? Well, you would not be alone?! Change is hard, especially if you've had to deal with betrayal, shocking revelations, fear, or confusion? Here are some ways to soften the chaos, and get right with your higher self, soul, mind, and life. Here are a few of my favorite strategies:

1. Breathe deeply. Getting anxious? Start to deal with these feelings by taking slow deep breaths. Avoid hyperventilation by breathing into a paper sack or a cupped hand for a few minutes or until starting to calm down.

2. Stay Mindful. Staying in the moment, focusing on breathing and what is right in front of you will help. Some people wear a rubber band on their wrist and flick it to remind themselves not to let your feelings get away from you?

3. Shake It Out. Literally shaking your feelings out with movement of hands, arms, legs to prevent "paralyzing" from fear helps. Trembling from shocking news actually helps disrupt the nervous system to balance itself. 

4. Drink a hot or cold beverage. There's nothing like a cup of tea to soothe the nerves?

5. Stay off the phone or away from media excess. Engaging in chaotic news or information can add to fearful feelings. Instead, sit with your feelings and give yourself permission to destress.

6. Prepare for a flood of emotion. Once you have calmed down you may have a flood of emotions like tears. 

7. Talk about it. Talking about your feelings or venting your anger by expressing those negative emotions can help us start to cope.

8. Take action. Keeping busy "with the details" of moving forward can help move past worrying. 

( March 2022)


November 26, 2024

We've all been through a chaotic 4-5 years it seems. Some people have lost loved ones. Some people have dealt with illness. Some people have lost jobs. We were locked down, lost time with family, were scared, and even traumatized?? BUT, we've made it through these chaotic years? It's time for a new season in our lives?! We now know what is MOST important to us? We are stronger. So, it's time to release all those negative influences, memories, or habits? Here are some tips to help:

1. Physical exercise. Taking a simple walk when overwhelmed with emotions can help. 

2. Journaling. Writing down your feelings can help clarify your emotions.

3. Breathe. Taking slow deep breaths during times of frustration or strong emotions can be calming.

4. Meditation. Giving yourself space to reflect is key.

5. Self-forgiveness. Adding positive affirmations helps as well. Realizing no one is perfect and everyone is learning, helps keep perspective. But, being authentic is o.k. 

( April 2023

Other ways to recapture good feelings is through music, aromatherapy, massages, salt baths, counseling and rest. Be good to you. Because, you are important!...


November 12, 2024

I think it's time to start doing those things that feed our soul?? Most people would probably agree that living a highly stressful life is not the way to go about it, even if you are a type A personality? So, what DOES feed your soul? This quote resonated with me because these things DO feed my soul? But, there's many more things as well? I like a baby's giggle, the smell of a puppy's breath, a quiet snowy night, a good comedy, reading a really good book. etc., etc. Maybe it's time to give ourselves permission to do those things that feed our souls? It just might make a difference after all??...

October 26, 2024


What makes us happy?? Well, the cheese company Babybel, conducted a survey to find out just what makes us happy? (MaryJanesFarm June-July 2024)

Here is their top 20 list of things that create happiness?:

1. A good night's sleep.

2. A sunny blue sky.


4. Receiving compliments or praise.

5.Booking a holiday.

6. Crying with laughter.

7. Getting a quiet moment to yourself.

8. Eating your favorite snack.

9. Pets being happy to see you.

10. Looking at old photographs.

11. Finishing a great book.

12. Helping an elderly person.

13. Finishing a workout.

14. Hearing children belly laugh.

15. Finding a parking space.

16. A newly cleaned car.

17. When your sports team wins.

18. A heart-to-heart with a loved one.

19. Volunteering or helping others.

20. Finding out your children have done well at school.

Well, you may have a different list? But, I agree with 1., 2., 6., 8., 9., 13., 14., 15., & 18

But, I am not surprised that sleep in #1?! I think I'll go take a nap now??...


October 11, 2024

We've been through a lot of CHAOS the last 4-5 years it seems?? Stress is on the rise and reported to be chronic in a lot of our lives?! But, we DO NOT need to let it define us and our lives? Chronic stress is usually caused and reported  by financial strains, work, and/or family relationship issues? More and more people are reporting anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, and gut related issues just to name a few?! Health problems will continue if we don't address these stress factors. It's true that you may not be able to address all your factors causing chronic stress? But, there are ways to combat the negative health effects they may be causing? Here are some tips:

1. Physical Activity- even a walk around the block can help your mood and reduce stress.

2. Relaxation Exercises- meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, and even napping/focusing on sleep when you can will calm stressful situations.

3. Focus on a Plan of Action- Prioritize what needs to be done today first. Then, plan future goals and tasks.

4. Remember What Sparks Your Joy- Write a list of things that can bring you simple joy. Plan to incorporate at least one item a day that increases joy. This can be as simple as a cup of coffee, reading a book, gardening, etc. etc.

5. Talk To Someone When Needed.- Everyone needs a friend from time to time. But, seek professional help especially if you are becoming distraught. Journaling can help as well just to clarify your thoughts? 

Lastly, let's all give ourselves a break, shall we?! It's been trying for sure? But, we CAN make it through our chronic stress to feeling joyful again?! Take care as always, because you ARE worth it!...

September 27, 2024


What a year, huh? I think most people would agree that our world is getting more stressful by the day?? So, if you find yourself having one of those days, it's o.k. to give yourself a break and just BREATHE... Take care of you!...


September 12, 2024

The easiest way to reduce stress in our lives is to LIVE SIMPLY! Some people say that is easier said than done? Well, that may be true at first. But, when you start to declutter your life, things just start to ease up? Here are some ways to start:

1. Declutter your house. You may feel physically less stress with less clutter. Freeing yourself from what doesn't serve you anymore whether that be clothes, dishes, collectibles, etc. will help. Start with one small area. Give away, sell, or keep. Just starting is the hard part. Keep at it, and you'll accomplish your goals.

2.Cut out toxic people. People can be a stress by taking your time and/or energy. Don't be responsible for those that can help themselves. Be alert to any codependent relationships you are a part of? Refer those people to professionals that can help instead.

3. Budget your money. Many people get stressed from over spending. Setting up a budget takes the guess work out of spending? And, a plan can keep you accountable. 

4. Use your time efficiently. Scheduling planned activities, or scheduling down time as well, goes a long way to feeling less stressed. Don't over commit when not necessary.  Use your time for those things important to you instead. 

5. Work on bad habits. Habits like dwelling on the past, toxic thinking, or giving away your power will fuel self-doubt and lower self-esteem. Instead, try to invest in gratitude, self-compassion, and positive thoughts.

( July 2018)

If your are feeling overwhelmed in the process, start slowly, even decluttering one item or thing a day if necessary. Because, the less time you have to expend energy on the things that don't add to your life, the better. Good luck and take care! And remember, you are worth it!...


August 29, 2024

This month I think we ALL need a reminder to Hang In There! Don't Give Up! The Best Is Yet To Come!


August 12, 2024

It is said that self love is the key to happiness?? Well. not the narcissistic type of self love, but the self love that is NOT self critical? Yes, there are times in life where we need to accept our mistakes, apologize, and make amends? But, many times, we are the most critical of ourselves? Some questions to ask yourself are; Do you appreciate what your body does for you? Do you give yourself credit for your accomplishments whether big or small? Do you allow yourself to NOT be perfect? Do you allow yourself to "live" and enjoy life? Do you accept yourself, flaws and all? If not, the first step is to just "breathe", speak your truth even if it is just to yourself, simplify, show love and gratitude to yourself and others, be kind to yourself and others, and just "BE!" God Bless... 


July 28, 2024

Life is full of challenges for sure?? But being grateful for your blessings in life can give you a mental health boost, according to several studies at least? Life can be tough. But, that is where optimism can kick in? Are you a "half glass empty or full" type of person? Considering I just spent the weekend passing a kidney stone, I was at least grateful I didn't end up in the hospital?? I have to remind myself that things can ALWAYS be worse? So, is it time for you to make a realistic list of your blessings?? Stay positive everyone, no matter what life throws at you? Because, statistically, things always seem to work out? And if not, we can always learn from our challenges in life?! And remember, keep it simple when things are getting you down? Retreat if you need to?

You just may come out stronger in the end??...


July 13, 2024

Have you ever had to make difficult or heart breaking decisions?? Well, it is inevitable it seems? Those especially hard decisions usually involve making the best of two decisions, or making a change in our lives that involves saying goodbye, not wanting to hurt other's feelings, or even a "toss up" decision of what is best?? It is definitely tough! Do we think with our heart, or with logic? Neither is fun. Some people say to "sleep on it?" Well, then that's such an oxymoron because you probably WON'T get much sleep?? But, has some advice for making tough choices:

1. Look beyond the moment. 

2. Evaluate a "head choice" vs. a "heart choice."

3. Consider amount of disappointment.

4. Respect the influence of others.

5. Go with what you know. 

Basically, I believe we are given intuition for a reason? If the decision is causing us physical or mental stress, maybe it's NOT the right decision. Some anxiety is warranted, but a breakdown is not? Can you get advice from a trusted person? Are others also affected that you need to consider? And finally, give decisions at least 24hrs. to evaluate your thoughts and feelings. That being said, it was a little sad when we made the decision to sell a vacation property. But, we'll see how it goes?? Usually, things DO work out for the better? And, if not? Time to reevaluate your goals, and go from there? Good luck in all your endeavors!...


June 30, 2024

One thing is certain in life, that change is frequent and chaotic?! Are you experiencing changes in your life that are upsetting? Are you having to move on from a job, a relationship, a home, or other life event?? It can become overwhelming. It can cause panic, or sadness, anger, or depression for sure. These are ALL feelings that are completely understandable. And it's o.k. to feel those feeling, then take a deep breath, and formulate a plan for letting go? Here are some suggestions: ( July 2023)

1. Resist resisting. You are going to have those "feelings." There could be arguing, crying, yelling, or even freezing in place?

2. Validate those feelings. You are ALLOWED to feel upset, angry, etc. because change isn't easy. Venting to a friend, writing in a journal, or even stomping your feet may help??

3. Manage your expectations. So, you've come to acceptance of the problem. This is a big step, so give yourself some credit for coming to terms with the circumstances. You are coming to realize no amount of wishing or bargaining will help the situation. It is the first step in moving forward. It's o.k. to take things slowly. Rash decisions are not recommended. 

4. Flex your equanimity muscle. Equanimity refers to the mind's ability with being okay with whatever is happening or has happened. Work on practicing before responding to stressors includes deep breathing, meditating, praying, and giving yourself the space to start to deal with your situation.

5. Lean into routine. Routine can bring comfort in troubling times. It shows us that we still have stability in our life. 

6. Reflect on your resilience. Realizing you are moving out of your comfort zone but realizing you are "okay" is key.

7. Prioritize self-care. Seek support as you need it whether that be counseling, support groups, a good friend, or treat yourself to a massage or other self care treatment as necessary.

8. Savor the good. Being grateful for all the good things in your life is key. Enjoy the things that bring you joy and happiness no matter how small or trivial.

9. Express yourself. Helping others who are in or have been in the same boat can help as well. Set boundaries for reoccurring issues.


There have been SO many times that I have resisted change, only to then embrace it?! So, give yourself the time you need to move forward. Because, you are worth it! God Bless!...

June 13, 2024


Have you ever tried to accomplish something, only to fail repeatedly?? Instead of beating your head against the wall, maybe a change of perspective is all that you need?? Is there another way to meet you goal by following a different path, instruction, or method? Sometimes, a change in attitude is all we need as well? Re-evaluating our life challenges is sometimes necessary? Many times we may just decide to go a different way? And, that's o.k.?! Don't be your own worst critic? Be grateful, patient, and honest, and you just may get what you've always wanted in the end?? Peace...

May 30, 2024


A study was published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, reported in MaryJanesFarm Apr.-May 2024, in where researchers found that for people 50+ in age that live alone, caring for pets helps prevent cognitive decline. The study followed British participants for eight years at an average age of 66 years who lived alone. specifically. They concluded that owning a pet decreased loneliness, which has been long thought to be a significant factor in cognitive decline of the aging population? This is a Win-Win for all! It is not the first study that concluded the benefits of our pets! So, get your puppy, kitty, hamster, guinea pig, or other pet on!! Because, they definitely feed the soul, no matter who you are??...

May 14, 2024


Are you the kind of person that seems to absorb all the negative energy around you? It can be stressful, frustrating, or even depressing as well?! It also seems to drain all energy reserves too?? If you find yourself in these situations, here are some tips to navigate through those troubled waters:

1. Walk Away. It's as simple as it sounds? Excuse yourself, hang up the phone, or even drive away from a negative situation. You do not need to explain yourself at the moment. 

2. Meditate. Practicing slow deep breathing, practicing yoga or light exercise, or praying all count in centering yourself. 

3. Set Boundaries. Setting healthy boundaries to avoid potential negative situations is key. And if you must be in a negative situation, harmonize with whatever you confront. Pace yourself. Engage/visualize a shield around you.

4. Grounding. Setting your feet on the earth, feeling the sun on your face, and/or getting out in nature however you can can all count to re-center yourself if exposed to negativity.


April 30, 2024


Are you naturally a positive thinker? Or, do you think of the worst or negatively?? I'm usually positive most days. But, there are those days where just everything seems to be going wrong?? Yes, I've certainly had those days! But, one way I get out of a funk is to focus on gratitude instead?? How many times have you been thankful for unanswered prayers in the end? It's hard sometimes to see the silver lining, or the sunrise, or the thankfulness for even difficult times? But, usually things work out for the best, you learn a lesson, or you gain a new skill?? So, instead of focusing on the negative, try switching your perception to gratitude instead? I promise it is possible to see things with a new view? And, it may just be the best view ever?? God Bless...

April 14, 2024


Do you love to dilly dally?? I love to dilly dally! According to the dictionary, to dilly dally means to "waste time through aimless wandering or indecision." Well, now I don't agree?? Many times I come up with my best ideas dilly dallying! And, is wandering really aimless?? I dare to say "no!" Most teachers would probably disagree with me regarding their daydreaming students?? But, it's possible, many things get "worked out" by dilly dallying?? So, the next time you have a lot on your mind, try to dilly dally? You just might get A LOT accomplished after all?? Besides, it's good for the soul! ...

March 29, 2024


They say 2024 is the year of the purge?? Purging belongings, purging old feelings, and/or purging relationships that are not serving our best interests? Maybe it started during COVID lockdown?  Maybe we started to take the time to finally evaluate our relationships? But, if you've been struggling with feelings of guilt for moving on from certain relationships, maybe it's time to reconsider those negative feelings towards yourself? I also think it's no coincidence that we've been around or met people who gave us bad vibes? So, maybe, it's time to trust your intuition regarding people? Because, who you let into your life is your choice? Why not pick those people that bring joy, love, and fellowship into your life? And just maybe good things are then bound to happen? It's not to say that you will never run into difficult people, but love yourself enough to place those boundaries for your own well being? Life is hard enough as it is? Choosing loving relationships makes it just that much sweeter!...

March 14, 2024


We are definitely our own worst critics? Why are we so difficult on ourselves the most? According to "being hard on ourselves can come from sources like your family, peers, educational institutions, culture, religion, workplaces, and other places as well?"An article in Forbes, July,2018, explains that "human beings are transformed when pushed to the boundaries of their understanding, comfort, and capability." Some people can learn from their life experiences quite naturally, but others cannot? The article actually suggests leaning into a hardship which may be essential for mental health? They suggest to embrace self-crticism in healthy doses, but NOT self degradate. Because, being honest and critical with ourselves can be our greatest teacher? My personal suggestion for those who are self critical is to realize that we are all human, and in human nature, we all stumble and fall? My suggestion is to take what you can from a negative experience, but don't overthink it?! Sometimes, us perfectionists can "get in our heads" too much? Take a break, a walk, or talk with a trusted friend or therapist to see if your worries are warranted? But, most likely, 9 out of 10 times, you're being to0 hard on yourself in my opinion? So, be kind to yourself, no matter what?! Because, you are wonderful!...

February 29, 2024


Do you need to unplug? Are you feeling fearful, stressed, fatigued, drained, or melancholy? Well then, it may be time to do just that! What are some ways to unplug and add balance to your life? Here's some tips:

1. Unplug from electronics, literally. Social media is one of our worst offenders for adding stress to our lives. Other offenders include news, politics, etc. Try to implement a "no electronic time zone" daily to unplug that stress. 

2. Exercise. Taking a walk, or run, lifting weights, stretching, dancing, yoga, etc. are all ideas for unplugging. And, different days may require different exercise routines depending on your energy levels?

3. Initiate a sleep schedule. Having a regular wake up time and bedtime routine will balance melatonin levels and reduce stress.

4. Get out in nature. Nature is "grounding." Whether it be a stroll, gardening, mowing, etc. ,nature has great healing properties.

5. Be creative. Adding creative hobbies back into your routine can bring focus back into your life. Activities like reading, crocheting, knitting, painting, etc. all qualify?

6. Pamper yourself. Try a warm bath, get a massage, a pedicure. etc. Even taking a five minute break can help sometimes??

7. Meditation, prayer, or other spiritual activities can also help. Try listening to soothing music, or frequencies as well for at least 5-10 minutes a day?

So, try unplugging today? You'll be glad you did!...

February 14, 2024


Are you getting cabin fever?? Have you been stuck inside too long? Many people get down and moody during dreary weather and even develop seasonal depression? There may be luck on the horizon since the ground hog did NOT see his shadow, thus predicting an early Spring?? Winter is a good time however to be cozy, enjoy quiet time, and spend more time with the people you love? Although, even the most homebody personalities enjoy getting out of the "cabin?" The Danish deal with long Winters with Hygge which is creating a comforting physical space like lighting candles, snuggling up with soft blankets, and drinking warm soothing drinks? But, the "extrovert" type of personalities probably need a little more? So, how can we work through these last few weeks of Winter with a positive attitude?:

1. Use a sauna. If you can't bear the cold, warm up your core body temperature.

2. Exercise. Increasing circulation from exercise improves the mood and invigorates the senses.

3. Eat tasty soups. Good nutrition improves brain function and mood. Try new recipes to include those important vegetables.

4. Prioritize Sleep Schedule. Waking up each day with a set schedule and maintaining a bedtime schedule reduces daytime fatigue and helps maintain a positive attitude.

5. Aromatherapy. Using essential oils, scented lotions or scented candles/wax melts can improve mood and invigorate the senses as well. Choose your favorite Spring or Summer scents to bring nature inside.

6. Take a walk. As soon as the weather allows, get out in nature and breathe in the fresh air.

Before you know it, the Spring bulbs will be blooming, and the grass will need cutting again? So, I'm just going to enjoy these last few weeks of Winter. But, I'll be dreaming of Spring?!...

February 1, 2024


Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!! I hope you at least spread a little love this month?? Because extravagant gestures are not necessary? You're loved ones just want to hear from you, or know that they are loved by you?! And if you feel so inclined, spread love to those around you whether it's the clerk at the store, your neighbor, or even a stranger? It costs nothing to smile, open the door for others, shovel a walkway for an elderly neighbor, or drop a thanks or appreciation for all those that add to your life as well!  February is not just for romantic couples? And who knows, if you start early this month, those gestures just might turn into habits?? You'll be surprised how much better you feel as well?? xoxo

January 14, 2024


What thoughts do you dwell on most of the day, or most days? Is it true that the things we give most of our thoughts to can affect us mentally and/or physically? What kinds of movies do you watch? Do you watch the news everyday or all day?? It is true that the terminally ill do better physically and mentally when they think positively! Yes! Negative thinking can worsen anxiety and depression. Thinking negatively can raise your blood pressure as well? So, how can we change our thinking to improve our mental and physical health? Here are some tips:

1. Be grateful. Being grateful can lift your thoughts by examining the things in life that bring you joy.

2. Follow a healthy lifestyle. Take a walk daily, eat a balanced diet, and keep healthy sleep habits. 

3. Be open to humor. Watch a comedy. Or, listen to or talk to a friend with a humorous attitude.

4. Practice a positive attitude. Talk nicely to yourself. Make positive goals for your life. Surround yourself with other positive people. Take time for yourself.

5.Celebrate positive accomplishments. Whether your goals are met or you help celebrate other's goals, lifting your spirits will help.

So, let's start to bring more positivity to life? You'll be glad you did!

December 15, 2023

Green Soul

Are you an old soul? I think I am or at least relate to an old soul type?I've always had empathy, have been sensitive to the underdog, like simplicity, am a homebody, and I don't mind alone time at all?? If you can relate, I feel you! I don't care for large crowds. But, I do love to learn new things. Or at least, learn from history? I tend to think there's always a way to figure things out, even if it takes awhile? Many old souls don't feel like they fit in? I can be ok blending into the crowd as well. But, if you have felt like an outcast, you may be an old soul? I do have a strong sense of right and wrong as well? Or at least, I am loyal to my beliefs? Cruelty in any shape or form makes me incredibly sad and/or angry? Many of these type traits are thought to be part of an "old soul" personality type. So, if you feel like you have any of these traits, don't be surprised? There are quite a few of us out here? So, if you are in a group and notice an old soul like yourself. introduce yourself. You may find that you have a lot in common? 

December 1, 2023


Our behaviors can influence our mental wellness. And practicing better skills to maintain better mental wellness is key. Here are some ideas to practice:

(Health, Mar 2022) 

1. Sleep- 7-9 hours of sleep is a priority for mood, movement, memory, and muscle repair. 

2. Set 3 types of goals- process, performance, and outcome. Each goal is important, and good mental wellness is affected by each stage of your ultimate goal. Make each goal specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. Goals don't have to be large and unattainable. Setting simple goals are just as important!

3. Preparation Rituals- Preparing items necessary to accomplish your goals is important. It could be as simple as painting a mental picture, or rehearsing your steps for success? Preparing ahead of time can streamline the process for meeting your goals. 

4. Breathe- Remembering to breathe should be automatic? But, it isn't, especially when worried or anxious. It is also calming to the nervous system. Focusing on your breathing can help you if you get "stuck" in negative thinking. Breathing creates space to make an intentional response to any situation. So, take a minute and focus on breathing slowly in and out purposely. 

5. Speak and Be Nice to Yourself- Staying positive with affirmations can help regulate emotions. Talking to yourself and treating yourself with positive emotions reduces self sabotage. 

6. Be Grateful- Gratitude helps to remind you that there is always a silver lining? Even in the worst of circumstances, we always have "something" to be grateful for? Practicing gratitude is key. Speaking or journaling those things that you are grateful for will help improve your mood, relationships, and productivity. Make sure you're letting others know that you are grateful  as well?! Even when things may not go your way, you can maybe be grateful for the experience, or the lessons you've learned? 

Being mentally well takes practice, but you are worth the effort!...

November 15, 2023


Starting new healthy habits is hard. Most people fail because of lack of consistency? But, if we approach every day as a NEW day to start again, we can accomplish our goals, slow but sure? Like they say, "How do you eat an elephant?" "With one bite at a time?" Life is hard enough without putting unrealistic expectations on ourselves. So, give yourself the benefit of the doubt, and look towards the long goal. Live life one step at a time, one day at a time, and one accomplishment at a time?... You will get there...

November 2, 2023


People ask what we need in these trying times these days?? Well, I tend to believe what we've always needed, which is, each other! EACH one of us has unique gifts that we can offer each other! You may not think that you offer anything of importance to anyone? But that's not true at all? Maybe all you can do is provide a smile to someone during the day?? But, MAYBE that is all it takes to make someone's day?! You may never know how your gifts affect others? And, that's o.k.! It is nice to get feedback, but it isn't always necessary?? And, don't forget to give those things you need to yourself as well? Because, love starts at home, and with YOU! If you are struggling during the day, just look for those signs that we all care for each other? And, remember that no one person is an island? Loneliness is a disease maker after all?? So, get out there and start giving? You just may be surprised at what you get back?? Can't get out because of disability or difficulty? Try making a call to someone, or send a note to let someone know that you are thinking of them?? Because, spreading the love just may bring it back to you as well?? So, make it a habit each day to give and take those necessary human gifts we all need and provide? Happy spreading that joy, starting today!...

October 17, 2023


We get a lot of our self esteem from being self-sufficient! It makes us feel productive. It makes us feel worthy. It makes us feel content? Even if we have to learn a new skill, it helps our brains grow, literally! We've been in a holding pattern it seems since the pandemic?? Well, enough is enough? It's time to get back to enjoying ourselves? To being more productive again? To be happier again? And, how do we get there? Start with baby steps if you prefer.? Or, just jump right in? Just take the chance and start? Whatever it is that makes you happy? Get back at it?! Be you!!...

October 3, 2023


They say that love makes the world go round? I'd have to say that they are correct?? Whomever you love doesn't seem to matter, as long as it's reciprocated?? Loving a spouse, family member, friend, acquaintances, and even pets can make ALL the difference? Maybe you work at a business and have a favorite customer? Maybe you have a favorite worker at the grocery store? Any of these "connections", however intimate they are accomplish one thing? They make you feel important to someone, have warm feelings for someone, or are in romantic love with someone? This is called being part of a loving community, partnership, or friendship? It is what we've been lacking it seems for some time?? But, that can and should change? Make the effort to "connect" with people, even if it's just to say hello?? Because, you never know just how important that connection can be to someone?? And, make sure you hug your pets as well, just to let them feel that connection too?? Don't have a pet, or a spouse, or many friends? Try volunteering with any good cause that helps people or animals, and you'll soon feel profound connections too?! Spread that love...

September 18, 2023


It has become clear that we are one SOUL COMMUNITY?! We ARE affected by what happens to others, our famililies, the communities we live in, and the countries that we live in? The last few years have held up a magnifying glass to HOW we relate to each other? And I don't think that is a bad thing?? I actually think it was necessary? I think that humanity NEEDS each other to survive and flourish together. Or, we may meet our demise together?? So, how to we make COMMUNITY important? Well, each person can do their part, whatever that may be?? Help others where you can. Use your gifts to help in any small way you can? Maybe all you can do each day is to say "hello" to someone? Or maybe you can go the extra mile and help someone less fortunate by volunteering to help in any way? It can be accomplished in many ways like: praying for someone, helping monetarily, giving items to those in need, spending time with a loved one, physically helping with jobs where needed, or just offering a smile?? Let's bring communities together and spread that helping hand where you can? God Bless...

September 3, 2023


It seems that there is an atmosphere of negative or even angry people these days?? Sometimes we need a reminder that is is ok to stay away from demanding, negative, stressed, or angry people. Toxic relationships can be stressful for sure. Maybe it is because of what has happened in our world the last 3 years? Or, it could just be their natural disposition or character? Putting yourself in those chaotic or frustrating scenarios can just lead to more stress and frustration? Life can be difficult, so don't take on more than you can handle. And if you can't avoid those times, put firm boundaries in place, don't settle for less, and take small bites out of your tasks to make it less complicated. Take care of YOU first so you have the strength and will power to take care of others as needed. Good luck in all your difficult endeavors!...


August 18, 2023

It's time to get our happiness and joy back! What's the easiest way to do that? By unleashing your inner child! I know we haven't had much to be joyful about in the last few years? But healing the past can help you get there? Addressing chilhood traumas and triggers can take a lifetime, I know?!  When we are triggered or reminded of our traumas, we tend to go into survival mode. And sometimes we end up self sabotaging our efforts at happiness and joy. So, what can we do? According to Trish Phillips PsyD, Women's Health May/June 2023, "doing that inner child work can help provide stability to the nervous system." Here are some tips:

1. Identify and address unmet childhood needs. What needs were not met for you as a child? Did you need affirmation, affection, time with loved ones, safety, etc.? Work to address those needs now. Be that adult you never had. Ask or provide the fun, safety, or love you needed then. Self love is key! 

2. Challenge negative childhood beliefs. Is your self narrative accurate? Learning new beliefs and parting with old beliefs is key! List positive qualities about yourself on paper. Give examples if necessary. Looking at the facts can challenge our long standing negative beliefs. 

3, Engage your childhood play. What brought you joy as a child? Incorporating those childhood activities can bring happiness to the present. Dancing, bike riding, camping, hiking, playing board or card games, playing sports games, etc. etc.

Not all traumas are easy to navigate however. So, getting professional help can be necessary. Don't be afraid to reach out and get the help as needed, even if to just call a friend or loved one.. Be your own advocate to help yourself heal. Soon enough, you may be smiling from happiness once again! Take care of yourselves...

August 3, 2023


It's a little crazy out there? But, it's so nice to find a friend who you can share your thoughts with?! Since COVID, people have been hunkering down?! And, getting back out there has been a slow progress? But, our mental health requires us to connect with "like thinkers?" Because, loneliness can be a killer, literally. It takes courage to get out there and make like minded friends. But, the alternative is loneliness which can lead to mental stress. So, how do we find those kind of friends? Start with those folks you know. You may be surprised if you ask a few questions of those you know? Listen to podcasts, join a friend group at church or other social gathering, join a like minded group on line? The point is to seek out friends as needed. You may just be surprised at who you find? Good luck and have courage. as it may take a few times to find the right friends for you...

July 16, 2023


It's definitely getting harder to stay peaceful in this chaotic world?! But, it definitely is a choice. AND, it does require practice. So, what are some ways people destress to stay peaceful?:

1. Journaling your thoughts can at least get your frustrations out?

2. Eat and sleep well. Avoid late nights and junk food. It will just make you feel worse and have a shorter fuse?

3. Meditate and/or pray. Becoming quiet in itself can lower stress levels.

4. Spend time in nature. Grounding yourself barefoot to the earth can reduce tension, stress, and encourage positive electrons.

5. Gentle exercise can stretch muscles and reduce anxiety.

6. Laugh. Laughter releases good hormones. So, enjoy that comedy!

7. Intimacy with another person also releases good hormones. Even hugging for 30 seconds counts as well?! A good massage works too!

8. Spend time with a pet. Cuddling or petting your pet reduces stress hormones as well.

9. Escape by taking a short trip, even a good book or movie works as well? Just avoid those adrenaline pumping places or things.

However you can destress will help in the long run! So, stay grounded everyone!...


June 26, 2023

Are you living an authentic life? Are you living your life FOR you? Are you able to be yourself? Are you in the career or job you like? Are you grateful for all that you have? These are all questions to ask yourself in this day and age. There is nothing wrong with helping others, But, just like they tell you on an airplane flight, you have to put the oxygen on yourself first before you can help anyone else. YOU are your best support system. Once you become your authentic self, material things tend to matter less. Why? Because you are filling up your life with fulfilling people, experiences, relationships, and NOT things. Don't get me wrong. Acquiring beautiful and/or special things are wonderful. You don't need to LIVE for them though?? Once you start living an authentic life, you tend to want less, live simply, or love more intentionally? So, start being YOU authentically. You are the best YOU afterall! NOONE else can be you! And if you mess up, apologize, learn your lesson, and move on. Because great things are in store for your authentic self!...

May 26, 2023


Who or what is stealing your energy these days? What habits have we been investing our time in that do not give back? What actually fills your spirit, and what takes away? Exhaustion can be good or bad?! I have been fully exhausted but completely fulfilled. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about those energy takers that exhaust you physically AND emotionally. So, what can we do about it?

1. Sometimes all we need is an attitude adjustment? When things go wrong, and they do go wrong, we need to focus on what we're grateful for that is a positive in our life?  

2. Exercise, in whatever way you choose, helps get things flowing, literally! So, take that walk, go for a swim, or do some gardening work? It all counts!

3. Eat, drink, and sleep well. This should go without saying? But, drinking lots of caffeine for example, can set your anxiety and sleeplessness off? 

4. Set realistic goals. If you need to feel productive, set small goals. If you need to dream big, set larger goals. But, just having a direction in life helps? 

5. Surround yourself with what brings you love. Whether that's music, a pet, children, a good book, a nap, a bath, etc. etc. Doing what you love brings joy and happiness...

May 8, 2023


Have you ever walked in a room and smelled something cooking, a flower, a candle, and immediately you are brought back to a great memory from childhood, or your mood is instantly lifted?? Aromatherapy can do just that for you! If you haven't tried different types of aromatherapy, you are missing out?! Are you having trouble sleeping? Are you feeling fatigued? Are you feeling anxious? Are you feeling sad? Just letting your olfactory senses help you out is a great idea!  Finding the perfect scent is key for your mental health? Don't be afraid to try different scents, because they are all different and can AFFECT you differently as well?? Most people don't give aromatherapy a decent chance. But research is clear that aromatherapy can be an effective tool for many issues with mood! So, give it a try?! My favorite ways to get aromatherapy is through essential oil misters, or wax melts? I also use essential oil roll ons as well. So, have fun finding the right scent for you!...

April 24. 2023


Change is hard. And, it seems like something strange is happening daily?? However, sometimes it's darkest before the dawn? At least that's what they say? Try taking slow deep breaths when anxious to re-center yourself and you will be surprised how much better you feel after a few minutes?! Think back to past experiences that caused you to doubt, worry, or stress? And, slowly things either turned around, or maybe you adjusted your attitude or plan? Living in the "present" helps as well? You may not be able to do anything except what you can do "right now"? Having faith, a positive attitude, and patience can go a long way as well? BUT, if you are feeling "out of sorts", reach out to a trusted friend, relative, co-worker or counselor?! Just getting a different perspective or reassurance may be all you need? We are all in this crazy world together afterall? Take the time to do some self care, and be good to yourself and others! Because, this too shall pass as they say? Take care...

April 12, 2023


We are bodies. But, we also have a soul. Maybe you don't believe in a soul? Well then, call it our essence, personality, spirit, or the part of you that makes "you" unique?? The fact is that many variables make up who we are?! So, why would we think "just" treating the body in a physical manner of practice would work? How did we get in the physical shape we are in now? It involves physical, mental. AND spiritual health. There have been many studies and/or research done on what happens when people are isolated? The results aren't good! We need each other. We need to feel included as well. And how does that make us feel? It makes us feel "loved!" So, get as many doses of love as you can. And, if you don't have someone to love you, seek out those in need? Volunteer to love someone and you may just get it back ten-fold? Because, love "makes the world go round." It's "what the world needs now." And, "all we need is love." Need I continue to quote the song lyrics?? Just spread some love. And, most importantly, remember to love yourself! ...

March 27, 2023


Change is hard. And, our world is changing. It is up to you to see the good that is emerging? It is a choice. Do you want to be part of the change? If so, you may experience some anxiety, sleepless nights, or restlessness? Thats o.k., and to be expected. Sometimes our bodies pick up on the things evolving around us as well. It is up to you to work through the tough times. Find your inner strength. How can you do that? Meditation, jounaling your feelings, talking with like minded people, reading information, resting, and nurturing yourself, are all ways to get through times of anxiety. But the number one thing to remember is to "just breathe." In through the nose, and out through the mouth. Try it the next time you're feeling anxious for 3 slow breaths. You will find yourself more centered and calm...

March 13, 2023


We're getting weary it seems? But, it's always darkest before the dawn they say??? So,, if you need a reminder today, Good Always Wins! Staying positive may be tough. But, it will raise the consciousness of those around you as well? So, dance in the rain, and smile, smile, smile...

March 1, 2023


The world is a little crazy now... What can we do to NOT allow all the negativity to influence our inner peace? Here are some ideas:

1. Don't be hard on yourself. These are unprecedented times we are living in? Talk kindly to yourself, or write down kind words about yourself. Allow yourself to remember what is truly important to you.

2. Live in the present. Survival mode is hard but sometimes necessary. Limit those responsibilities to what absolutely must be done. You can put off what is not necessary. At the same time, cherish what is important right now. Experience right now.

3. Practice spirituality. Wherever your inner peace leads you is where you can breathe and be still. Wherever or whatever that is will lead you to what decisions you need to make and what is truly important.

4. Identify your support system. You don't have to go it alone. Whomever or whatever is your support can make the difference. Whether a trusted friend, relative, therapist, pet, or favorite mantra, call on your support system as needed.

Practicing self love is the most important way to be kind to yourself. Soon you'll notice that self love expanding to others as well...



February 19, 2023

How do you cherish YOU? Do you give yourself self-love? When you love yourself, you open yourself up to more love from others. (Meghan Watson, MA,RP) Self love includes acceptance, compassion, and nuturing actions towards yourself! Many people deny themselves less loving actions than what they show others? Women tend to have a harder time with self-love due to internalizing negative body image beliefs, or judgements from others. A first step is to affirm your intention to yourself. Place self loving actions on the calendar if need be? Second, have positive affirmations available to see, read, or do? Thirdly, set firm boundaries for those who don't show you respect, or don't have a positive attitude? Lastly, practice gratitude. Find something every day that you are grateful for? How do you maintain positivity yourself? Besides having gratitude, change your internal dialogue to "getting" to accomplish something vs. "having" to accomplish your tasks. Slowly, your positive affirmations will win out in the end. And, you can see the sunshine despite the clouds...


February 9, 2023

I want to be brave again?! These last few years have taken a toll on most people? We've been somrwhat beaten down with worldly events? But, we can take our freedoms back again! So, how do we get there?:

1. Baby Steps. Not been out of the house much in the last two years? I understand for sure! It starts by taking baby steps in the direction YOU want to go. For example, if you miss being outside, start by taking quick jaunts like taking out the garbage and really smelling the fresh air, or taking the dog for a walk by going a little farther each time or more walks? I had to start grocery shopping again. That was my goal because I was getting used to grocery pick-up?! So, I started with a smaller store or a quicker trip. It does get a little easier each time...

2. Feel The Anxiety And Let It Pass. It is true that many people have now become afraid of "many" people.? The "pandemic" has put a wrench in our "social" skills for sure?! Anytime we wander out of our comfort zone, we tend to at least get uncomfortable? This is somewhat new to me because there wasn't much that made me so uncomfortable that I would get anxious or think twice about something I've done many times before?? But, the problem is that we don't necessarily think of the world or society as a necessarily "safe" place anymore.?This is sad, but we can change our perceptions by trying to put ourselves out there again? So, if you're getting anxious, take a few slow breaths and center yourself again.

3. Observe, Don't Absorb. I heard this recently on a podcast and thought it was great advice. We are going to continue to see things changing in our society, but we don't have to let it affect us on a soul level? We will be challenged on beliefs, activities, or life tasks, and we can only stay true to our beliefs or our life traditions. Other's opinions or bias can get us down, but we have to remember to "BE STILL AND KNOW, as the Bible encourages us to do. You are following your path and your life's journey. After all, we all have free will?...

4. Adapt Personal Mantras. Whatever it takes for you to get out there is great! Maybe you need to listen to an uplifting song, podcast, or movie for encouragement? Maybe you need to pray, meditate, do art work, or clean your house? Whatever gives you encouragement to venture out again is great! I started making lists of what I needed to accomplish while out. If you can combine some errands at first to get "used" to being out in society again, that's o.k. too. It does feel good to mark those accomplishments "done!"

Even though life has been tough, we can reclaim our lives again! Fear doesn't have to stop us anymore. The "invisible enemy" is ourselves most times, right? Of course, always take care to be safe in your environment and you will do fine. Congratulations for any efforts! We deserve it afterall!!!...


January 30, 2023

How do we go about healing our souls? Well, we CAN'T separate our mind, body, and soul. We need to integrate ALL aspects of our human experience! But, getting close to nature and all the elements that our Earth has available is key! Start with meditation, prayer, or journaling in an area that brings you close to nature or is peaceful. Allow your intuition to let you know what or how you need to heal to the best of your ability. Can't get close to nature? Try healing frequencies, take a bath, or get a massage? Getting to KNOW yourself will help you find your way. Good luck on your journey!...


January 21, 2023

Clearing generational trauma is hard work! But, you can make a choice to face those traumas, work through them, then let them go. Studies show us that suppressing negative emotions can have a negative affect on our health. So, it may be a good idea to dump that emotional baggage?! Easier said than done? Here are some tips to help you heal:

1. Acknowledging your trauma is the first step. Many times we're expected to NOT speak of trauma or to suppress those feelings caused by your trauma. We see this when there are "family secrets?" It's time to state your truth, even if it's to a friend, counselor, or journal.

2. Allow yourself to grieve or express your anger. This is probably the hardest step? Because, you may have been taught not to express your feelings about the trauma. Others may not want to face or discuss your trauma. Physical exercise may help get you in tune with your anger. Trying exercises like boxing, etc may help?. Journaling your anger may help as well? Listening to music may help you grieve and/or release your anger as well. You may have a good cry, a good scream, or a good exhale of emotions? 

3. Seek support when needed. While you are facing your traumas and stating your truths, certain relationships may change temporarily or permanently. Finding a good friend, counselor, or therapist for support may help you adjust to these changes? Sometimes, people may take years to come to terms with any responsibility or role they had with your traumas. It's o.k. to place boundaries with relationships that are not supportive or are detrimental to your well being. 

4. Practice Self Care. You are responsible to treat yourself well. Practicing gratitude, breathwork or yoga type exercise, journaling,massage, meditation, or prayer, are all types of self care. But, you can decide what self care means to you. Maybe reading a self help book, or watching a comedy, or walking in nature is your type of self care?

Being good to yourself is key during this process. The timeline is dependent on you and you may not progress in a linear fashion? Sometimes you may progress slowly or not all at once. But, no matter what, you are worth progressing past generational traumas. God Bless!! 


January 11, 2023

Change is hard for some people. But, it doesn't have to be? Sometimes some of the things that make us sick or that allows disease to enter or exist in our bodies, are not being able to let go of that bad job, that arument with a loved one, that failed marriage, etc.etc.? It seems we ALL have lessons to learn in life. Why do we think we have to repeatedly review our mistakes? Making peace with our past, will bring us into the future, open doors, and allow our energy to flow freely. It takes practice! But, talking to someone, a counselor, or journaling can help work through difficult thoughts. DWELLING on those thoughts will not be helpful. Easier said than done? Try meditating, praying, or reading positive affirmations when those negative thoughts keep you stuck? Besides, the future is waiting for you to join in?...

Facing Fear Head On

December 28, 2022

What a year 2022 was? Congratulate yourself for making it through in one piece! You now are arriving in a more awakening space than a year ago. We are making progress, whether slow or fast, it is an individual process. What is this process?? It is growing OUT of a fear based existence and into a more  enlightened or spiritual existence instead. You've probably had sleepless nights? Or, physical symptoms like headaches or dizziness? You've probably had dreams about the past? These are all symptoms of a rise in your consciousness. Trust your intuition. Let go of what doesn't serve you anymore. Reach for the future without fear. Because, what have you got to lose in becoming happier? 2022 was a year of cleaning out the cobwebs of our souls, and getting in touch with the "real" you! And, if you are just starting on that journey, it's o.k.  It's all about growing in your time, opportunity, and choice. Good things are on the horizon!...
