October 11, 2024

I ONLY remember paper bags when getting groceries growing up?! So, when did it change over to plastic bags? Why did it change? And how do we fix it?? It appears that back in the 70's and 80's, the US switched from paper shopping bags to plastic? Evidently, plastic bags cost less to transport, take up less landfill space, require less energy to recycle, and cause less global warming pollution. ( However, most plastic bags are made from petroleum, using hazardous waste chemicals? So, what difference does it make if they take up less room at the landfill, if they are NOT biodegradable? Paper bags ARE biodegradable and in MY OPINION, can hold more items, therefore, using less?? And, paper bags are recycled more often as well vs. plastic bags? Usually, you have to return the plastic bags to the store for specific recycling? However, I reuse any plastic bags in my home for trash can liners, etc.?  But, paper bags are made without petrochemicals and can be made from sustainable forests where trees cut down are replaced? So, what is the best choice? How about a compromise?? How about we reuse our plastic bags whenever we can? Then, opt for paper bags when you have a choice? And my favorite? Use reusable bags that are made from recycled plastic, cotton, linen, or even paper? Just keep them in the car to remind yourself to use the bags for whatever is needed at the time? They definitely come in handy for many things other than groceries?! And by the way, my personal opinion on why we started using more plastic bags PROBABLY has more to do with money and/or making money, instead of environmental reasons? But whatever the reason, we can be conscious of how we reuse and recycle instead?...

September 27, 2024


We have switched from incandescent, fluorescent, and halogen to LED (Light-Emitting Diode) light bulbs as consumers. Although LED light is a very bright light, energy efficient, gives off no heat, and contains no mercury, was it the right choice?? In 2008, LED lights started to become popular in schools, offices, and hospitals. ( Even though, LED was developed in 1962 at General Electric? However, does LED lighting disrupt normal sleep and wake patterns? Does LED emission spectra cause light induced retinal damage? Do LED lights emit optical radiation that could damage the eyes and skin? Do LED lights inhibit melatonin secretion? Well, according to a study published in Oct. 2019, prolonged exposure to artificial light is a matter of increasing health concern. This study tested Drosophila Melanogaster, flies that were maintained in daily 12 hour cycles vs. flies maintained in constant darkness. The flies exposed to 12 hours of blue light per day, accelerated aging, accelerated brain neurodegeneration, showed damage to retinal cells, and impaired locomotion. Blue light induces expression of stress-responsive genes in older flies and implies an accumulative effect as they aged. (Nash, T.R. Chow, E.S., Law, A.D. 2019) And, in 2023, scientists are researching whether artificial light impact the development of Alzheimer's Disease? It remains to be seen it seems?? But, reducing use of blue light, LED use may be beneficial indeed? Taking a break from LED TV's, computer monitors, smartphones, and tablet screens is always a good idea. However, the sun emits blue light as well? But the only difference is that we don't sleep with the sun in our eyes. In fact, morning sunlight exposure plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle and maintaining a balanced circadian rhythm instead... ( 


September 12, 2024

It's totally up to us?! If we want our world to become chemical free, it IS up to us?! So, how do we accomplish the world we want? One way to get corporations to see your point of view is to show them how you feel with your pocketbook! Put your money where your mouth is, literally. Do not support companies that push these poisons on our environment? Don't purchase the processed poison food they want to sell and feed you? Instead, buy whole foods or grow your own food, use natural cleaning products and chemical free weed killer, recycle when appropriate and/or buy in bulk, use natural beauty products and/or make your own, just to name a few. Slowly, we ARE making a difference! The old ways are making a comeback.  To before the increased consumer consumption changed things? Live simply. Live well. Enjoy the changes that are coming in our future?! Because, it's time to make a difference,..


August 29, 2024

No matter what your political affiliation, we need to pay attention to our food supply in the US?? Considering, that over 90 other nations have banned many of our food products, specifically additives! I was actually thrilled to hear that RFK JR. has taken up the torch to rid our food supply of poisons?! I think everyone could unite for that?? And, maybe it's time to protest with our pocketbooks? This means refusing to buy the processed foods with additives?! Also, refusing to buy the produce sprayed with poisons?? At least for your own health, be wary of the "dirty dozen" produce products that are commercially sprayed?? The dirty dozen are 12 fresh non-organic fruits and vegetables with the HIGHEST pesticide residue. These include: strawberries, apples, nectarines, peaches, celery, grapes, cherries, spinach, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers. (

For your own safety, consider purchasing these food items organically. Purchase at a organic produce stand. Or better yet, grow them yourself??  Simply, take control of your health by being safe...


August 12, 2024

One of the best ways to live a  great lifestyle is by simplifying your life. What are some easy ways to transition to a simplified healthy lifestyle? Here are some tips:

1. Spend time in nature. Experience grounding techniques by sitting with your bare feet positioned flat on the ground, grass, sand, gravel, brick, concrete, or soil, or submerging yourself in a natural body of water.  

2. Eat organic whole and/or pasture raised foods. Grow some of your own produce as well.

3. Decrease scheduled events as much as possible to promote relaxation and/or an adventurous spirit.

4. Shop or buy used/thrift items. Declutter material items. Only purchase items needed or truly wanted.

5. Decrease laundry duties by re-wearing clothing if not soiled. 

6. Keep healthy sleep habits. Nap when you can or feel tired.

7. Exercise with health in mind. Change up routines to include fun activities.

8. Encourage cognitive growth by reading, watching documentaries/learning about others, playing games.

9. Volunteer when you can. Practice gratefulness.

10. Remember to breathe. Relax, meditate, and/or pray.


July 28, 2024

It has apparently happened again?! Are we dealing with Hawaii all over again? Fires in Jasper, Canada have appeared to "burn" Jasper very similarly to the fire in Hawaii?! It appears that cars are burned, melted literally. But, trees remain green and standing?? Fires are also raging in California as well? It is becoming more apparent that each of these fires are suspicious in nature? Meaning, that they are not naturally occurring?? In addition, many "routes" to safety were blocked, just as in Hawaii?? It's time to investigate what exactly is happening? Actually in my opinion, it's PAST time? Prayers go out to those affected and impacted. God Bless...


July 13, 2024

It's probably not surprising just how many hazardous tools we have and use in our kitchens? How many kitchen "inventions" to save us time and energy have actually been bad for our health?? I have to admit, I didn't think much about it until about 5 years ago. Since then I have been slowly getting away from using toxic cookware, drinkware, and appliances? I have switched out my pans, have started storing leftovers in glass containers, I only reheat items in glass or stainless steel? I do filter my water, but it is in an approved plastic pitcher? But, is it really approved?? My worst offender is storing certain items in plastic zip lock bags. It is really a hard habit to break! So, take a look around your kitchen to see what hazards you may be using for cooking or preparing your food? Because, if you are paying all that money for good organic foods, you don't want to be adding "chemicals" right back into your foods?? If you need a place to start, start eliminating "non-stick" cookware. Because, the studies are clear about the toxins leaching from them, especially if they are scratched in the cooking process? Slow but sure is the goal? Eventually, we will get there!...


June 30, 2024

Geoengineering is the DELIBERATE large scale MANIPULATION of an environmental process that affects the earth's climate, in an attempt to COUNTERACT the effects of global warming. (Oxford Languages Dictionary) I am in agreement that it is a FALSE solution to the climate crisis that aims to address the symptoms of climate change but ignores and enables the ROOT causes to continue...( I also agree with the OPINION that geoengineering claims are purely based on speculation, are favored by the global north, backed by BILLIONAIRES, and that the ecological impacts of geoengineering are HUGE! So, are these real and/or safe technologies? Are these technologies politically and monetarily based? In other word, who is really benefitting?? And, do and/or will these technologies have massive NEGATIVE effects on the environment as in our air, land, and sea? Just what kind of techniques are included in geoengineering? Solar Radiation Management, Carbon Dioxide Removal, and Earth Radiation Management are the main proposed techniques. Most of the support for these techniques comes from a small group of elite engineers, a handful of billionaires, politicians, and former climate deniers. So, we have to ask ourselves if we can fix the problem without damaging our environment? However you feel about climate change, maybe we should be sure we are not destroying our world? Discussions are needed, stay tuned...

June 13, 2024


Going to the grocery store is costing more and more by the day! We may have to make decisions on what to buy and what not to buy as it may be too expensive to buy everything we're used to buying?! However, planting a garden, visiting a farmers market, or starting a coop could be some solutions? Average food at home prices increased by 11.4 percent in 2022, and another 5 percent in 2023, and yet another 4.1 percent in 2024. ( That's an increase of 20.5 percent since 2022! Some say grocers have raised prices due to supply issues from the pandemic? But, I'm not so sure? And most economists feel that it is unlikely that prices will drop back down as prices are generally set by the sellers of goods? Also in general, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the average US household's monthly expenses jumped from $5,111 in 2020 to $6,081 in 2022.  At this time, the top three grocery retailers in the US are Walmart, Kroger, and Costco. ( So, we must make some tough choices? Do we want to continue to support corporate food organizations, or start utilizing our own means? The decision is yours. But for me, I'd rather grow some produce, as seeds are still inexpensive compared to the harvest you gain? Also, I will buy bulk at farmers markets and freeze, can, or dehydrate what I can, and order organic grass-fed meat from ranchers online? Remember, we're all new to returning to our roots by growing our own food. So, it may take some time to get the hang of it? But, start small by planting in pots. Because, you just may be surprised by your plentiful harvest?? The first step is to just try?? Happy planting!...

May 31, 2024


Can it be true??? The USDA has allocated 9.75 million in 2024 for grants to create new and improved markets for farmers and to aid those interested in transitioning to organic production! (MaryJanesFarm Apr-May 2024) ( These grants will allow for expansion of organic farming to farmers. Specifically," it will address needs for organic grains, livestock feed, dairy, fibers, legumes, and rotational crops." This is a HUGE step forward to eliminating hazardous pesticides and chemicals in our food industry! I think the USDA is finally listening to the consumers?! I believe consumers are letting them know with their pocketbooks?? Because, purchasing of organic produce in larger quantities is pushing this trend for sure? Although it's just a first step, it's a big step!  And I say, HOORAY!!...

May 14, 2024


Do you live in a concrete world? city? or neighborhood? You can "green" up your environment which can give you health benefits, decrease air conditioning needs, and beautify an otherwise sterile environment? Even if you can't plant a tree, you can add greenery in a potted plant, add potted flowers or veggies, and provide an area for "grounding" as well?? Just the visual of a concrete environment can add stress and anxiety to our day?? So, make that greenery purchase, add a lovely sounding fountain, and/or just implement a "green space" near you if you can?? And, your electric bill may just go down as well???...

April 30, 2024


The USA is behind in growing our own produce individually?! Back in the 1940's and 1950's, some, if not most families grew their own gardens and canned much of their own vegetables? But, there is a trend growing here in America to get back to our roots, literally?! And, I'm so excited to see this happen in many communities! Some of us can still remember canning with our mothers or grandmothers? And, many new instructional videos are popping up on YouTube and other sites. It is finally apparent to most Americans that our food system is wrought with chemical additives and/or sprays on our produce, especially when it's shipped from far away?? So, have fun and try your hand at growing vegetables, plant some fruit trees, or visit local produce stands this summer. You don't have to plant big plots. You can plant in pots on your balcony as well? Give it a shot! Your body will be glad to get real, organically grown foods to keep you healthy and well?! 

April 14, 2024


I would love to see wild flowers, or other natural plantings along the concrete pathways of our roads! I love to see the middle islands of traffic roads FULL of flowers or natural grasses?? Just think of all the mowing it would save?? Maybe, each subdivision could adopt an area to plant?? Not only would it beautify our areas, it would attract pollinators, reduce harmful spraying, and save money on mowing? Now, these areas do not need to be unkept however, but just maintained? So, I'm going to hope that this is an idea that catches on everywhere? And, bravo Rotherham!...

March 29, 2024


Are we asking for too much to reclaim our Earth? To have clean water, clean food, well functioning immune systems, a chemical free sky with clean air, home gardening, and happy families??These are just examples of a few of our rights that have been trampled on? So, what can we do about making things right? Here are a few ideas?:

1. Make your voice heard. Don't be afraid to state your position, even if it involves a protest?

2. Put your money where your mouth is? One of the easiest ways to change outcomes is to invest in those things that you support!

3. Take matters into your own hands? Grow your own food, try your own DIY, make your own family traditions, etc. 

4. Get involved in community support. Co-ops are popping up all over our communities. Invest in your local community with time and energy. Volunteer where you feel a need for improvement?

5. Vote for those people or positions that support your causes. Putting key people in positions of authority that will improve outcomes is important. Then, making sure they "walk the walk" is important too? 

Just the fact that we're starting to take back our livelihoods is important. Because, it starts with a few ideas, and grows from there?...

March 14, 2024


Did Bayer make a mistake buying ROUNDUP when they did? Personally, I was very surprised when they bought out the herbicide from Monsanto in 2018! Monsanto started selling glyphosate, the chemical name for Roundup in 1974. Roundup was initially well received by by those in agriculture. It was thought to be less toxic than DDT? But, now it is not considered safe for consumption of those vegetable plants sprayed with the herbicide by acgriculturists and ecologists. Glyphosate is also known to persist in the soil for up to 6 months? ( Groups are pushing for a U.S. ban on glyphosate as concerns grow. 35 countries have now banned glyphosate as well. The chief concern of Roundup is a link between Roundup and cancer by disruption of endocrine systems, reproductive toxicity, and damage to the liver and kidneys?  Bayer announced it would discontinue sale of glyphosate products in 2023??  ( Aug. 2023) However, they are currently still available now in 2024?!  And, their current legal maneuvering in Texas doesn't appear to be accelerating that process either?... So, we will wait? And hopefully, Americans will decide with their pocket books to not purchase this product until it is at least reformulated to a safer alternative? In the meantime, I will continue to be safe and sound using organic herbicides instead such as: corn gluten meal, vinegar, citric acid, mulch, and even boiled water to remove those invasive weeds and plants...

February 29, 2024


We have heard for decades that oil is a fossil fuel. But is it?? According to (Reddit.r/changemyview), although this theory is not generally accepted by the scientific community, this theory explains the origin of petroleum as abiotic. "This theory explains that the oil we extract from the earth did NOT have a living precursor like dinosaurs, but instead is created beneath the Earth Crust, similar to lava, and the convection of Magma leading to the surface." Interesting... In that case, we just may have an unlimited supply of oil available to us?? Well, that would make it less expensive wouldn't it???...

February 14, 2024


Daylight savings time will begin Sunday March 10 2024 at 0200am local time... But WHY are we continuing to turn our clocks ahead one hour in the Spring to save an additional hour of light in the evenings?? Only two American states have removed observing daylight savings time. Arizona and Hawaii are the only outliers in the 57 year old federal law. Contrary to popular belief, DST was not initiated so farmers can have an extra hour of light in the evening to help with their harvesting of crops! In fact, most farmers associations are against this law because it causes them to lose an extra hour of light in the morning causing them to rush their crops to market. It was actually first initiated in 1918 as the Standard Time Act of 1918 as a wartime measure for seven months during World War I in the interest of adding more daylight hours to conserve energy resources. And  it was also implemented again during World War II. ( In the last decade alone however, Azerbajan, Iran, Jordan, Namibia, Russia, Samoa, Syria, Turkey and Uruguay have all ended their seasonal time changes. Also, Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Louisianna have all either passed bills or implemented bills to make DST permanent and not "fall back" an hour in the Fall. At this point, the real goal of DST is to make the best use of daylight hours. promotes safety, promotes activities like dog walking, etc. But, is there a problem with circadian rhythms of humans and pets with year round daylight savings? Some say "yes."  And also would result in permanent misalignment of our internal clocks?? As a nurse I have read studies of heartattacks happening more often when losing an hour of sleep? Maybe, it's a matter of money as well, which seems to be how the world operates?? So, the debate will continue until permanent laws are passed??... Get to bed early March 9th...

February 1, 2024


We are all accumulating "STUFF?" How much stuff is enough? Is it time to look at alternatives? Here are some tips to acquiring less:

1. Declutter- The first step is to see what you actually have. Many times we will see that we have exactly what we need already? Can't find something that you know you have? Time to declutter the area. Place unused or unneeded items aside for donation or recycling. Many times clutter is simply caused by packaging or empty boxes as well?

2. Donate- Place those items for donation aside. You can start or establish a box for donating items on a regular basis as well. Place the box in a central location, garage, or near an exit to remind you that you need to make a drop off of donations accumulated. Drop off donations at least once a month or on a set schedule. You can also place items no longer needed but worth some value on social media marketplace for resale.

3. Organize- After your area is decluttered, organize those often used items towards the front of your storage area. If it's a closed storage bin, label the outside to help you remember and identify those items easily. 

4. Make a list for items needed- Making a list of items you truly need helps you to not get distracted by other items as you shop. Impulse buys are not only a budget killer, but a clutter starter! 

5. Reorganize as needed- If your drawer or cabinet isn't closing, or your space is getting tigher, it's time to look again. Don't beat yourself up about it because "stuff" just accumulates sometimes. Reorganizing may be all you need to do?

We're approaching Spring, so it's usually a great time to get that Spring clean motivation going? A less cluttered environment leads to a less cluttered mind afterall?? Living with just what you need and love is a game changer! Give it a try?...

January 14, 2023


Living a materialistic life is never ending?? If you think about it, you will always be changing or upgrading your lifestyle to compare with others? How many times have we heard that material things will make us happy?? Well. according to comfort, convenience can significantly enhance our lives IF chosen wisely?? And "IF" is the operative word. Vut, According to John Miles, CEO Podcast Host Jan. 2022, a large body of psychological research supports the concept that materialism is self-detrimental and socially destructive. There's nothing wrong with wanting the best luxuries in life. But, that should never be your life's goals. Why? Because, it can lead to a desperate path leading to apathy, hopelessness, anxiety and depression. Placing wealth over substance, and ego over serving others. makes our self-esteem is based on the praise of others? Things may become more valuable than the people in our lives, and things may become an extension of our identities? So, don't fall prey to materialism? And use your wealth to make a positive impact on others and society?! You'll be glad you did!  

December 31, 2023


Do you get Gel Polish Manicures?? If you do, you may want to reconsider?? A recent study found that UV nail dryers used to dry gel manicures can damage your DNA! They are also linked to cancer by causing cell mutations. (MaryJanesFarm June-July 2923) Both humans and mice tested showed a 20-30% cell death after a 20 minute session!! AND. a 60-75% cell death after a one hour session!! What's worse research found that the UV Rays ACCUMULATE over time?! The American Academy of Dermatology adds side effects of brittleness, peeling, cracking, and increase skin cancer risk and premature aging of the skin as well? So, if you are opting to use nail polish, use toxin-free, eco-friendly brands. You can bring and use your own polish at the salon?  Because, a perk of using your own polish is the ability to "touch up" nails between visits! So, go ahead and get you shine on the safe way?...

December 15, 2023


Let's quit blaming our cows for global warming!! They are MORE of a benefit than not! They add to the biodiversity of our planet. They do NOT cause planetary problems??? Any homesteader will tell you that thery are an integral part of growing crops?! Why? Because they add compost to the soil which helps the grass and crops grow?! People pay good money for compost, and cows provide it for free?! Grass, and trees put oxygen back out into the atmosphere as well! No one is asking anyone to eat beef. But if you choose to, it is a healthy lean meat when the cow is grass fed?! So, the cycle then continues providing nutrients to all???... So, lets stop the cow blame game, shall we Bill Gates???...

December 1, 2023


It's that time of year again to wrap presents? This year, maybe we can do better by using recyclable and/or biodegradable forms of gift wrap, ribbons, bows, and bags? Many people do not realize that most commercial wrapping paper is NOT recyclable due to its dyes, laminates, and mocroplastics present in the paper?! (MaryJanesFarm Dec-Jan 2023) Other alternatives to wrapping presents include: brown paper bags, newspaper, craft paper, cotton ribbon, hemp twine,scrap fabric, flour sack towels, and reusable bags & bows? Don't forget to use biodegradable tape like washi tape? You can also check out the sustainable gift options available at:! And, there are many ways to include the kids as well by decorating craft paper or paper bag materials? It just makes those gifts extra special?? Happy wrapping!...

November 15, 2023


We tend to think our own culture knows best how to live a green lifestyle? However, we can learn so much if we broaden our horizons into other cultures as well? Asian culures have been living the green lifestyle "naturally" for hundreds of years! According to statistics, Japan holds the place for being the "greenest" country in Asia. ( The Japanese governments have implemented a range of environmental programs and initiatives like green puchasing practices, and consumer awareness programs as well. (japanupclose.web Jan 13, 2023) Japan has also been touted as the cleanest country in Asia too! ( Jul 15, 2023) The Japanese people have historically lived during scarcity,  making sustainability important to their culture. So, we can all learn from these type cultures to better our own societies... 

November 2, 2023


Money seems to rule the world? But, would money be more important than our earth, our health, and souls?? Well, facts speak truth as we know. You cannot preach for climate control, but live your life exactly the opposite of what you are preaching? And, when it comes to healthcare, money seems to be more important than the lives of our fellow man, DESPITE any oaths that they may have taken? Some say they did not realize the impact of their actions? But, we must learn from those that want to line their pockets instead of their proposed humanitarian efforts. As they say, "the devil lies in the details?" Well, the details and the facts are screaming at us right now??? We must NEVER allow money to make choices for our well being?! It's time for "those" taking advantage to practice what they preach? But, first we have to hold them accountable? The best way to do that is to decide with YOUR pocketbook? Turn about is fair play afterall? Do not support those people, corporations, companies, or strongholds that are NOT for our greater good?! And, do your research to make sure your money supports those true causes for the greater good for all of us...You will be glad you did...

October 17, 2023


We need to start looking at food differently?! How we produce our food, how we get our food, and how we prepare our food as well?? Should we continue to eat most of our foods that are shipped from far away? Or should we grow our own food, buy locally, and eat whole food varieties? Yes, yes, and yes! There's nothing better than using freshly frozen foods, home canned foods, and eating fresh off the vine foods as well?? It can be done. We've just allowed others to make those decisions for us previously. But, what about winter?? Well, a small greenhose would help? Or growing cold tolerant foods will help as well? It's a shift, I know. But, small changes can make a difference! Have fun planning that garden for next year? Do you have a lawn that you hate to mow?? Make some room for crops instead?? Live in an apartment or small space? You'd be surprised by how much produce you can grow in pots?? Best of all, anything to decrease our grocery bill helps the most, right?! Happy planning!...

October 3, 2023


So now the latest "climate control" tactic is to eliminate trees??? Isn't that the same as cutting off your nose despite your face??? I've heard some pretty stupid ideas, but this should get your attention?? It appears that this climate control agenda has now gone "off course" and likely to lose steam soon? Or, at least we can hope? First they lied about the weather, then blamed the cattle, now they're blaming the trees??? Weren't we just trying to "save the trees" in the rainforests?? Things are getting ridiculous? And now "they" want to depopulate you too, seriously! Let's not fall for their agenda. Let's plant MORE trees??? That would be a pleasant defiance after all?? Happy planting!! 

September 18, 2023


I'm so proud of our little Colorado town in the mountains that we have been able to visit evey year. They truly offer a green lifestyle in their community! Being in the mountains, they recycle many posessions with each other either by selling, lending, or giving used items to each other. Maybe it's because they've had to learn to use what they have?  Because, it's a long trip down the mountain to get most things you may need? Or, they've learned that helping others may just be returned in favor later?  It seems that wherever they see a need, they come together as a community to help each other! So very nice to see? Maybe we should all take that example and help out in our own communities as well by recycling what we can? You might just be surprised by how many things can be used or reused for the benefit of others?? 

September 3, 2023


Be careful! You may just be supporting someone, a company, or an organization that cares more about profits than your well being?? Many products over the years have been found later to cause injury in some way to its buyers and or supporters? There have been many instances of corporate fraud, negligence, or insolvency which should always catch our attention?? As a consumer body, we have the power to NOT cooperate in their means of earning your money.  As always, products should be safe to consume, or use?! Maybe it's time to have them put their money where their mouth is? Responsibility goes both ways however? So, if you are unsure about a product that can possibly cause you harm, just say no! We do not have to participate if we decide not too?? Then, maybe, those that are developing these products will feel it in their pocket book and remove those products, make them safer, or be held liable for their effects? So, stay alert and keep yourself from harm? Take care...


August 18, 2023

Why does a government stop locals from delivering supplies to communities in need after "fires", as in Maui??? Why do local police block emergency exits as in Maui? Why is water turned off in wildfire areas as in Maui? Why are the properties by the ocean the most devastated as in Maui? How is it possible that a "hurricane" approached Maui from the East?? These are important questions to ask? FACTS are important. We need to pay attention everyone?!

August 3, 2023


Are we really heating up? Or are we cooling down? Why was the term "global warming" changed to "climate change?" For decades now they have said the ice shelf would be gone? For decades they have said the oceans would rise to encompass major cities? What's a person supposed to believe? Well, of the so called "experts," we have not met ANY of their predictions??? According to the US Geological Survey, climate change refers to the increasing changes in the measures of climate over a long period of time. ( However, according to PragerU and other climate debunking organizations, climate scientists do NOT agree on the "climate crisis." It's wise to observe the propaganda. Weather stations are coloring their graphs red, on fire, or other alarming graphics. Do we need to ask ourselves who BENEFITS from climate change? As I always say, it's best to "follow the money!" Let's take the time to read weather stats from a hundred or so years ago? Yes, we had MANY 100 degree days. And, let's research weather manipulation? How has it advanced? How do chemtrails factor into it as well? So many questions that need answers before we simply believe one side of the science? Research is key, as always...

July 16, 2023


It seems like we are exposed to more chemicals on a daily basis! How many chemicals can our bodies be exposed to before detrimental effects happen to our health? Atrazine is just the next one?! Atrazine is a chlorinated herbicide that is used to prevent pre-emergence of broadleaf weeds in crops like corn, soybean, sugarcane, and grass turf on golf clubs and our residential lawns. So, how can it affect us? It increases the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, Higher levels of estradiol can increase the risk of breast cancer. Studies link atrazine in drinking water to breast cancer as well!  Atrazine is the second most widely used pesticide and herbicide in the US.  It kills weeds by blocking photosynthesis but does not harm crops, which is why farmers love it? However, 90% of the water tested in the US contains Atrazine residue! (Dr. Axe) So. what can we do to keep from being exposed to Atrazine?:

1. Use a certified atrazine removing water filter.

2. Buy and eat organic.

3. Use organic products on your lawn and garden.

4. Contact your legislators to ban atrazine.

Being proactive could just save your life?! Be aware of what you're being exposed to. Be safe...


June 26, 2023

Why is it that we are still here? Even though Al Gore said 20 years ago that we would all be dead due to the climate "heating up?" Also, Greta Thornberg stated just 5 years ago, that global warming would kill us in 5 years? And yet, we are still here? Why are the forest fires burning in Canada this summer? Why have they taken pictures of planes asctually igniting fires in the canadian forests? Is it in areas exclusively with a carbon tax? It is suspicious to say the least? Yes, forest fires do happen. And usually they are due to careless fire starters. But, what's happening in Canada is another story. People are waking up to nefarious agendas. "Global warming" has now changed to "climate control??" The "stories" are ever changing. It's time to get down to the bottom of the story...

May 26, 2023


Microplastics are EVERYWHERE! They are in the air that we breath?! They are even found in Arctic ice, and in the depths of the ocean! And since they are in your water as well, they are sprayed on our crops and enter into our food sysytem!! Yes, it's pretty scary to think. Microplastics can attach to our red blood cells and lodge in our organs. And, plastics in general can leach chemicals that can disrupt our hormones!  BUT, we can mount a defense!!! What can we do?

1. Store food and leftovers in glass containers.

2. Grow an organic garden. Eat plenty of essential minerals to counteract the microplastics in your body!

3. Filter your drinking water and drink your water from glass or copper containers as plastic water bottles leach chemicals as well! I recently bought a water pitcher with a filter for all my drinking water. It actually tastes better I think?

4. Don't microwave foods in plastic containers.

5. Reduce plastic use by buying concentrated liquids or switch to powder products that are "boxed" instead of sold in plastic containers.

6. Recycle appropriately. Try to use bulk products to reduce waste in general?

If everyone could participate by 25%, microplastic reduction could be reduced as well?! So, do your part, and stay healthier as well!

May 8, 2023


A trend toward chemical free farming is gaining in popularity. And rightly so! One example is how wineries in Napa Valley California are now using raptors to kill their vine eating rodents, which eliminates chemical use. Barn owls, hawks, and raptors are catching troublesome rats, voles, and gophers, who are causing crop destruction. According to (MaryJanesFarm Feb-Mar 2022), they are lowering costs for winemakers, and making the vineyards greener and providing a healthier ecosystem! The results are encouraging! And most of the grape growers are now purposely inviting owls by constructing nest boxes! And honestly, isn't that the natural way???...

April 22, 2023


Is the FDA doing its job??? According to POLITICO and reported in MOTHEREARTHNEWS Aug/Sept. 2022., the Food and Drug Administration has been failing to investigate food issues, but focusing on drugs instead? According to some agency commisioners, they say the F stands for Federal, not food?! Poltico's investigation called out the inability of the agency to set standards for agricultural water despite deadly EColi breakouts due to water contamination?! Politico claims this stems from structural issues within the organization?! So, it seems like we may be on our own with food safety? Very scary indeed! It's definitely more important these days to feel safe with your produce purchases. So, watch especially for recalls of foods! It's safer to be safe than sorry! If you are questioning certain produce you've purchased, better to throw it away and not consume it?? As always, I prefer to buy local when I can, organic most times, and natural food stores that I trust?! For more info, go to:

March 27, 2023


I think the term is "cutting your nose off despite your face?" Spending thousands of dollars to de-ice a windwill for "free energy" is showing the "truths" behind the clean energy agenda? We can't allow people to freeze to death obviously! Did NO ONE think this could be a problem in the Winter months? I also just recently, saw a picture of a guy in an electric vehicle hooked up to a gas generator to provide electricity to run his car??? The madness is ridiculous at times it seems? If you have to buy an electric vehicle to be "on trend" with the green movement, you are defeating the purpose. Not only are the vehicle's batteries far from green, expensive, and filling our landfils, they are a mockery to what we're trying to accomplish?? IN MY OPINION, riding a bike, walking, running, ride sharing is the greener option?! And, as far as the windmills, we have yet to realize the cost, impact, and the landfil pollution they are creating?! Maybe it's time to put our thinking caps back on???...

March 13, 2023


Maybe it's time to get back to basics? We are living in unpredictable times. And, we have a younger generation or two that do not realize the importance of making, preparing, and storing our own home grown food? Whether we grow a harvest ourselves or buy a harvest at the local farmers market or other farm produce vendor, we can prepare and store enough food to last us through the Winter at least. Maybe you can start your own garden as well? Or even grow a garden in pots?? Anything is possible to conserve food to include: canning, freeze drying, freezing, or storing. There are plenty of instructional videos on YouTube, books, computer, or pamphlets. Water bath canning is the easiest version of canning. Freezing requires the least effort, but storing root vegetables is easy as well?  So. is this the year you'll try to preserve home grown foods? I promise, they will taste great whatever method you try?! ...

February 28. 2023


We're surrounded by chemicals it seems? Chemicals in our environment, chemicals on or in our food, chemicals that we take as medications?? It also seems like clever marketing strategies aim to keep us that way as well?? It's not a coincidence that commercials market drugs, fast food, and beauty products the most? We have to be aware that they are trying to fool us into thinking that their products are safe, nutritious, or necessary?! One example of their trickery is how manufacturers simply renamed high-fructose corn syrup to "corn sugar", or "fructose" instead? Because consumers were wary to consume products with high fructose corn syrup due to its potential harm to the liver, they changed the name! Instead of just opting for a safer ingredient, they opted to save their profits and try to fool the consumer? Even though fructose  HFCS-90 actually contains 90% pure fructose, they hope you don't realize that it's actually worse than the 42-55% fructose in regular HFCS?! According to MaryJanesFarm June-July2022, other ingredients to be wary of are; isoglucose, natural corn syrup, maize syrup, glucose syrup, tapioca syrup, or dahlia syrup. So, yes, it is important to read product labels to look for those dangerous chemicals that can affect our health whether we ingest it, shampoo our hair with it, apply it to our lawn, or even cook with it. We will have to be diligent to eliminate these products. The best way to affect these manufacturer's products however, is through their profit margins. Your pocket book is your best defense? Hopefully we can make a difference in the products they develop in the future? ... 



February 19, 2023

Why did they allow it to begin with? We've been asking this question about a lot of things lately? People are just now waking up to the many pesticides that we have been exposed to, all for the purpose of lining someone's pockets?? According to the EPA, the organophosphate pesticide known as "chlorpyrifos" has been sprayed on a wide variety of fruit, nut, and grain crops since 1965, and its use has been shown to threaten human health. (MaryJanesFarm June-July 2022) In August 2021, the the agency banned producers from using chlorpyrifos. Before this time, more than HALF of the organophosphate pestcides sprayed on US soil were chlorpyrifos. That's over 5.2 MILLION POUNDS!!! Chlorpyrifos has been shown to cause intellectual impairment in children, memory loss, reduced IQ, and impaired brain development! So, why have we allowed this to happen? Why have we allowed them to poison us?? Because, we have allowed it?!...


February 9, 2023

I'm SO proud of Mexico!! Mexico is trying to ban genetically modified corn imports and replace them with homegrown native corn varieties. The president banned all GM corn consumption in 2020, to be phased out by 2024. (MotherEarthNews Oct/Nov 2022)

The specific reason for their concern is the use of glyphosate, an herbicide otherwise known as Roundup.  Bayer Corporation is the present patent holder however.  The Mexican government also signed another law forcing GM corn to be labeled. However, Mexico is getting pressure from US officials to drop the ban? Hopefully, Mexico will not bow to the pressure for the good health of their nation and the livelihood of its indigenous people? In my opinion, there is plenty of evidence that proves gluten (wheat) intolerance is linked to glyphosate use. So, saving corn from the same fate of causing intolerance is imperative, especially with a crop that fuels Mexico's economy? Let's hope the Mexican government can hold the line! Just the fact that they are passing beneficial laws is a positive change! And, that's a good think for all of us...


January 30, 2023

Inflation is gripping our nation?! We can debate what is the cause, but it doesn't change the fact that the price of gas, groceries, and utilities is through the roof? What can we do to offset these costs? It is surprising to see just how much we may waste money, that could be better utilized in our budgets? So, how do we go about making those necessary changes to ease our wallets? Here's some tips:

1. Make a Budget. Seeing where your money is going each month is paramount! Where are the big expenses? What does it actually cost bare minimum to survive in your environment?

2. Evaluate What Is Necessary. After preparing your budget and seeing where the money is going, evaluate or revaluate what is necessary and what is not?  

3. Cut Unnecessary Spending. You just may be surprised about how MANY unnecessary cost items that you can cut? For example, do you have duplicate streaming channels? Can you cut down on the clothes spending or even the unnecessary fast food purchases?

4. Research DIY Projects. Doing a project by yourself may save a lot of money. Venture out, or start small with simple projects. For example, do that paint job by yourself, or make that smoothie at home.

5. Buy Thrift. Buying used items may surprise you?! Most times when I go to Goodwill or other thrift stores, I can usually find what I am looking for. A lot of thrift stores also have new items as well at a cheaper price! And, you can also possibly find that item that just requires a little DIY to make it your own.?! 

Watching our pennies doesn't always require a lifestyle overhaul. It just requires a little savvy adjustment to our budgets. So, check out your spending and see how much you can save???...


January 21, 2023

Are we finished listening to NON scientific minds regarding climate change? And, what happened to global warming? Did they change the name due to the earth actually cooling now? Science is now telling us that the earth is cooling AND the coral reefs have regained their growth in the last few years? And, what actually has led to THESE changes compared to the popular narrative in the last decades? The global warming debate is ongoing. There is a consensus among climate scientists that suggest the global temperature today is warmer than in pre-industrial times, and that humans are primarily the cause by the use of greenhouse gas emissions. This may in fact be true. However, the debate lies in how fast this is occuring, and the possibility of natural warming cycles that have occurred in the past as well? I do remember being alarmed in the 90's as Al Gore first told us of the impending doom of global warming. And, according to him, the ice sheets were to have melted by the early 2000's??? Obviously, this hasn't happened?! So, where does the truth lie? And also, what alarming evidence has been uncovered regarding weather manipulation? These topics need real scientific minds to address these questions, NOT those who have alternative motives to stating their "proofs." As always, In My Opinion, all voices need to be heard...


January 11, 2023

Why the push to eliminate gas stoves??? Who or what is the agenda behind this new narrative? Considering it takes 3 times as much energy to deliver electricity to your stove than gas, a gas stove is definitely more efficient! Gas is clearly the winner when it comes to efficiency. But, how about cost? Well. that depends on where you live? If you have a gas line to your house, your gas stove can run on natural gas. But, if you are out of city limits, or off grid, propane, butane, or liquified petroleum gas can be used to power a gas stove. Electric stoves are actually more expensive in general with a higher price tag than gas stoves. And, although utility rates change from state to state, gas stoves typically cost 10-30% less to operate. However, research does show that induction cooktops offer the best efficiency with 90% energy being transferred to food?! (American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Summer 2014) Home chefs though tend to prefer gas stoves because the heat responds quickly when adjusting temperature. Most restaurants prefer gas as well? There is the factor of safety to consider however. Most parents with young children prefer electric stoves. But, either choiuce can result in burn injury depending on the circumstance? Open flame on gas stoves pose a risk of catching flammable items on fire. But, electric burners can as well, at a slower rate. And of course, any home with gas appliances need to have working carbon monoxide detectors. Either gas or electric stove knobs should be monitored to make sure they are not turned on or left on?! So, when it comes to choosing your stove, personal choice for your family should be what is considered. This CHOICE should definitely NOT be mandated either way, as cooking is an ESSENTIAL part of life. Don't be swayed by the current narrative. Instead, follow the money or marketing to see WHO wants you to make that choice and why??...


Our Environment Is Hazardous!

December 27, 2022

If you haven't noticed lately, our environment is full of toxins!  The top four are shown above. First, 

we are exposed to pesticides. According to the October 20,2020, there are approximately 400 different pesticides used in the United States. And, the United States still uses many pesticides that are banned in other countries! According to government ststistics, about 1 billion pounds of conventional pesticides are used each year to control weeds, insects, and pests. ( March 23, 2017)  So, why does the US lag behind other countries in banning harmful pesticides? My opinion involves following the money??? So. since pesticides contribute to MANY long term illnesses that cause disability, what can we do to limit our exposure? 

1. Use organic pesticide methods.

2. Keep pesticides away from kids and pets.

3. Follow pesticide label instructions carefully if you choose to use.

4. Wash exposed skin, clothing, shoes, etc. if exposed to pesticides.

5. Buy organically grown fruit and vegetables.

6. Wash fruits and vegetables before use.

7. Reduce eating processed foods which may have additives which are unhealthy.

The second toxin to look out for is plastics. Did you know plastic particles are showing up in our drinking water? Also, plastics can disrupt our endocrine systems when ingested in our foods by cooking in plastic containers. Plastic pollution affects our land, waterways, and oceans, killing many marine and land creatures as well. Plastics cause hazards to our soil and when broken down, introduce microplastics to our environment. Microplastics leach bisphenol (BPA) and phthalates which interfere with our hormones. So what can we do to reduce plastic's harmful effects?

1. Stop using plastic bags. Try using reusable bags when possible.

2. Stop cooking in plastic containers as in the microwave.

3. Stop storing food leftovers in plastic containers. Try glass, pottery, or other containers.

4. Drink out of glass, copper, paper, or metal containers.

5. Don't pollute. And, recycle when you can.

6. Don't use plastics in the garden.

7. If you must use plastic, use BPA free products.

The third toxin to be aware of is mold. Mold can be hiding in many places?! Mold spores can cause allergy symptoms, increase asthma symptoms, can cause chronic respiratory issues and can make you very ill if not taken care of. Mold can be very dangerous to those that are immune compromised. Black mold is the most dangerous compared to mildew. Black mold grows in damp environments. So, taking care of leaking water, standing water, or chronic damp areas is paramount!  So, what can we do to prevent mold infestation?

1. Keep humidity levels low in your home. If running a humidifier with your furnace or by itself, keep levels below 50% at all times.

2. Fix leaks from roof, plumbing, or walls as soon as possible.

3. Run fans or open windows in high humid areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

4. Watch for mold growing on produce or other food products in the refrigerator. Discard any foods with mold growing or showing.

5. Remove or replace carpet or flooring that can't be dried right away.

6. Clean up mold with products like bleach, vinegar, or other recommended cleaners. I prefer to use vinegar and baking soda  or vinegar, water, and lemon essential oil preventatively as well. Do NOT use ammonia with commercial cleaning products such as bleach because the fumes can be lethal!

The fourth toxin of concern is heavy metals. Many times people have been ill for a long time only to find out they have an abundance of heavy metals in their body! Heavy metals can be ingested or breathed into our lungs without noticing. Many heavy metals are hidden, are tasteless, and cannot be seen. Heavy metals include lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, etc. They can cause dysfunction of the gastrointestinal, neurological, skin, vascular, kidney, immune system, and prenatal systems. They actually harm proteins like enzymes, membranes, DNA, endocrine, and just about any cellular function. (National Institutes of Health September 18, 2022) What products contain heavy metals? Industrial pollution, air or water pollution, foods, medicines, food containers, lead based paints, etc.(National Organization for Rare disorders) Symptoms of heavy metal poisoning include; abdominal pain, dehydration, chills, diarrhea, nausea & vomiting, weakness, numbness in hands and feet, scratchy throat (Cleveland Clinic July 7, 2022) Blood or urine tests can confirm heavy metal toxicity. Depending on how toxic your body is, it can take anywhere from 1 month to 1 1/2 years to remove these toxins! So, what can we do to prevent and/or remove heavy metals from our body?

1. Eat foods rich in fiber like fruit.

2. Magnesium Supplementation can remove a variety of toxins.

3. Tumeric can bind, chelate, and scavenge heavy metals.

4. Herbs such as dandelion, milk thistle, red clover, and cilantro can naturally detoxify heavy metals.

5. Flush out heavy metals with water, ginger tea, mint lemonade, pomegranate juice, cucumber water, green tea, or lemon water.

I prefer to use detox methods through tea. You can purchase detox teas that contain dandilion, ginger, etc. If you are concerned about serious symptoms of heavy metal poisoning though, contacting a medical toxicologist for help and recommendations is a good idea, especially if you have tried routine detox treatments. Also remember that your water may need to be filtered as well?! But as always, eat well and you will be well??... :)

