February 14, 2025

There are many houseplants that are beneficial for growing in the house! Keeping houseplants for cleaner air in the house is a wonderful idea?! Here are my top 3 favorite:

1. Spider Plant- The spider plant can remove harmful pollutants like carbon dioxide. It is easy to grow as well. It also can remove formaldehyde and xylene from the air. It's low maintenance makes it the top contender.

2. Peace Lily- Not only is it beautiful, it stays semi-evergreen as it grows. It thrives in low light and is a natural air purifier. It filters out harmful pollutants like ammonia and benzene. 

3. Snake plant- It is ideal for removing carbon dioxide as well as absorbing ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene. It also gives OUT an enormous amount of oxygen too! 


So if you're in the mood to add some beauty and greenery WITH a health boost INSIDE the house, check into acquiring one of these houseplants?!...


January 26, 2025

Gardening classes are becoming more popular! Creating classes for children to learn the importance of gardening is becoming more strategic in learning environments? Many garden centers, botanical gardens, and some public education schools are offering classes as well? Community gardens are popping up too! Also, free gardening curriculum is available online! "And studies show that kids who participate in school gardening programs score higher on standardized tests, have increased self-esteem, and are four times as likely to eat their veggies." Check out the free curriculum at:


January 14, 2025

This is about the time of the year that people begin "seed-starting." Whether using a sunny window, grow lights, or winter outside sowing, there are many techniques. However, seed starting does not have to be expensive! With a few basic materials and some potting soil, you can be on your way to starting seeds the inexpensive way? One way people start seeds is with folded newspaper "pockets?" Simply fold a double page black & white newspaper sheet into a square. Using a square plastic container for a mold and folding the newspaper inside is helpful but not necessary? Or, you can use eggshells halves with a little potting soil inside to start your seeds? Another way  you can sprout seedlings is inside a folded non bleached paper towel? Keeping the towel moist but not wet. Then, place your seed starting materials to sprout in a warm area around 70 degrees, and wait? (www.MotherEarthNews)  I remember sprouting seeds this way in grade school! After the seeds have sprouted about an inch long, transfer them to small pots containing soil. Using tweezers can help when transplanting seedlings. The paper towel technique is a good way to see if older seeds are viable as well?? Remember to keep any potted seedlings in a well sunlit area around 70 degrees for the best outcome! Happy sprouting?!...


December 30. 2024

Do you ever get tired of mowing the lawn?? Some people actually "like" to mow the lawn? It's like a "Zen" activity for them? Historically, lawns were originally "kept" manageable by animals. Then, the scythe and shears came along to help keep tall grass in a neater fashion. In 1830, Edwin Beard Budding invented the first mechanical mower. And by the 1890's the mechanical mower was available to the general public at an affordable price. ( Jan. 2024)  According to April 2023, "76% of respondents reported that their lawn is mowed at least every other week, and 39% of participants water their lawn once per month or less." But WHY?? I ask? Why are we continuing to labor over a lawn that is rarely used? Now, if you have children playing on your lawn, that's another story? But, MOST lawns are really for show, In My Opinion?? And, if that's what you love, then more power to you! At least you are getting good "grounding" time outside?? However, it is getting more popular to turn a portion of your lawn into good crop growing space? And, that's exactly what we did in our backyard! I was wanting more vegetable gardening space, so we incorporated a mulched edged area for just that purpose?! But, we still have plenty of enjoyable area for entertaining, sitting, eating, playing, and enjoying our firepit? Follow along with me and see exactly what I plant this next growing season??...


December 12, 2024

Can plants hear us when we talk to them? Are they affected by our voices? According to a study by the Royal Horticultural Society, "research demonstrated that plants did respond to human voices." ( Biologists have actually been researching this topic since the 1800's? The research at the society studied 10 tomato plants, 8 of them had headphones placed around their pots with recordings of male and female voices reading scientific literature for a month. The plants that were read to grew more than the ones that were not? Moreover, the plants that listened to female voices grew an inch more! The average human voice is 70 decibels which is the same sound level that plants begin to react to? It appears that plants respond to sound itself whether it be voices, music, running water, etc. Vibrations from the wind can stimulate growth as well? We are just beginning to realize just how much vibration and frequency affect all living entities. In the meantime, I'll be having frequent conversations with my plants in the future?...  


November 25, 2024

I LOVE FREE GARDEN DECOR! I've been collecting pine cones on my walks with my dog most days. But, that's not all you can find on your adventures?! Leaves, sticks/branches, evergreen cuttings, dried flowers, etc. can ALL become free decorations to use! Placing leaves, pinecones, evergreen cuttings, and specifically discovered branches in pots, beds, or other containers can make a festive holiday and/or seasonal decoration? Another bonus is that kids love to find these treasures too?! So, next time you're spending time outside on a walk, in the park, or in your own yard, look for those free treasures that nature provides?!...


November 13, 2024

Planning a garden space can be overwhelming for sure? Just where do you start? After you decide what "type" of garden you want, you can get started with your plans. Here are some tips:

1. Lay out your design/plot. Whatever type of garden you want, it needs to "fit" into the area you desire. You can draw a picture, lay out the borders with string, garden hose, or even bricks? 

2. Define your borders. Whether you have a curving garden area, rectangular, or square, defining your border with edging, brick, wood, or even concrete, will allow you to plan your space inside more specifically? 

3. Decide on what type of plantings you desire whether flowers or vegetables, hedges, or trees. Make sure desired plants will grow in your hardiness zone, and whether you require sunny or shade plantings.

4. Measure for those plantings desired., whether you like neat rows, vertical planting, or courtyard style? Making sure those plantings will fit in the designated area is key.

5. Choose the type of containers you wish to use IF NOT direct planting into the soil? Many different types of gardeners use pots, raised wooden beds, steel planters, or any type of thrifted/usable container is fine as well?

6. Research and plan for the types of seeds or plantings desired, and decide on the budget that you can work with? Order seeds if needed ahead of planting time.

7. Layout your garden border.  Applying cardboard or landscape fabric inside borders and under the base material can be necessary for container gardens to prevent grass and weeds in the garden plot. Apply mulch, rock, or sand for base of garden underneath containers. If direct sowing into the soil, tilling the base can be done sometime before planting. If laying out a flower bed, removing grass/sod may be necessary. 

You will now be ready for preparing to plant in Springtime after purchasing garden soil, seeds, seedlings, or other plantings. Take the time this Winter to plan your crops/flowers/trees, or hedges, etc. You will be glad you did!  

October 26, 2024


What happens when you don't get the harvest you expected this year??  Well, you plan for more planting space of course! Which is exactly what I did?! Don't like to mow your backyard? Then turn it into a planting bed? That's exactly what we did! We had extra edging from landscaping our front yard. So, we edged a nice triangle to be able to fit more veggies in next year? I've also collected recyclable bins, and other plastic bins I didn't donate when we cleaned out the shed, and a few extra trellises to use as well? Since wood is so expensive right now, these bins will do?! I also have my tomato cages in my flower garden where there is room to spread out? Next year I plan to grow corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, red peppers, possibly some type of squash vertically, and strawberries?! Whew... I know, I know. I'm dreaming big. I'll let you know how I set it up? I also need to finish my mini greenhouse before it's too cold. I've got the stand done, just need to reinforce it? Wish me luck? And, happy planning for next year!...


October 11, 2024

Bees are SO important for human survival! Bees pollinate food crops by traveling from one plant to the next, fertilizing the plants. Bees have little hairs all over their bodies that attract pollen. ( Aug. 2021) And, plants sense natural airborne sounds like "buzzing" and have been shown to produce sweet nectar within 3 min! It was found that the flowers vibrated mechanically in response to these sounds. Both the vibration and the nectar response is frequency specific! In turn, the plants' ability to sense their environment and respond to it is critical to their survival. (NIH Library of Medicine Sept. 2019) In addition, bees provide honey, royal jelly, and pollen. But, bees are at risk from pesticides, and air pollution! Air pollutants may interact with scent molecules released by plants which bees need to locate food. Pesticides have a broad range of lethal effects on pollinators. But, here's some ways to help preserve our bees:

1. Plant nectar bearing flowers like marigolds or sunflowers.

2. Buy local honey products to promote local beekeeping.

3. Preserve old meadows with diverse flowers. Do not mow until flowers have finished blooming.

4. Do not use commercial pesticides that harm bees. 

5. Help raise awareness of importance of bees and beekeeping.

( May 2022)

Let's help our bees which in turn helps us! Spread the bee love...

September 27, 2024


This is the time of year that I start planning my garden for next year. And I still try to get a few Fall crops in as well? I tend to freeze my harvests versus canning or dehydrating? But, that might change in the future? So, how does a person go about deciding how much to plant for the need of the next year?? 

1. Record your needs for a year. Either record or keep track of how much produce you consume or purchase as the year goes along.

2. Consider what plants grow easily in your zone. You won't be able to plant some of the items you eat due to climate. So, stocking up on those items separately is key.

3. Choose plantings that compliment how you preserve.. For example, if you like to freeze your bounty, make sure your harvest is freezable. 

4. Research which of the foods your family eats, when they can be planted, when they can be harvested, and average production rate. This will help you decide how many crops you need and what times of year to plant them. 

5. Utilize spring, summer, and fall plantings for the best harvest. Most gardens are an almost year long affair for the best results. Utilize a shade cloth, a green house, or other means to keep your crops flourishing for as long as possible.

(Mother Earth News Feb/March 2024)

Remember, experimenting is half the fun! So, don't stress when one particular crop does not do well? Each year is different. Roll with the changes, and you'll do fine!


September 12, 2024

It's that time of the year when you may have some abundance of crops, perennial plantings you need to thin, or even gardening equipment/surplus items you don't need or use anymore? Setting up a free take away at the end of your driveway for example, may just be the blessing for someone else? People walking or driving by may see your generosity and feel inclined to take what they need? You might be surprised by what a "FREE" sign can do for those items no longer needed? It's a win-win! Give it a shot and see? You might just be surprised by what a blessing it can be for someone else?? It's a good thing...


August 29, 2024

This summer has been challenging in the garden? Hot and humid early on. But it just continued most of the summer?! Bad storms. Some lost crops, some surprising crops, and some crops making a comeback?? For example, my broccoli I planted in May, is now taking off??? Also my new cabbage plants are surviving? My strawberries may be making a comeback as well? My tomatoes did fair. I have harvested some potatoes but hope to harvest more? I also still need to harvest my carrots! But they're buried in weeds? What am I waiting for?? I'm waiting for the 100 degree weather to improve? Luckily, a cooler front is coming next week where I can harvest and still get some Fall crops in like spinach, lettuce, and peas? So, not only is resistance "futile?" I'm definitely bargaining on it being "fertile" as well?? Happy harvesting everyone!...


August 12, 2024

It was a STORM!!! We were hit with a thunderstorm in our area last week with 90 MPH winds!! Trees down, and electricity out for some people for up to a week!! We lost electricity for 4 1/2 days in the 100 degree weather! It was NOT fun! So, after the storm had passed, we all took a look around. Besides, yard clean up, there was tree cleanup, garden cleanup, and making the best of what was left?! Well, my flower garden was hit bad, but my vegetables faired decently. My tomato plants were still standing, but cabbage plants were destroyed! When these things happen, it's best to look at the silver lining?? Because, most of my vegetables I still needed to harvest were root plants. So, after a week of cleanup, with much more to go, I decided to harvest some of my potatoes, and onions. My tomatoes however that I had harvested the week prior to the storm didn't do well in a hot house?! Unfortunately, I lost about half of them from being unable to process or freeze them?? I know I'll still get many more, but it's still a disappointment?? However, I'm going to learn from this storm! I'm already considering what to do next year to prevent storms from ravishing my gardens?? Wish me luck! ...


July 28, 2024

I was so happy to see my "naked ladies", or "lady fingers" as some people call them arrive this week! I am always so happy to see them in the melting heat of July! They are such a welcome sight to see when other perennials are succumbing to the heat?! Lady's fingers can also refer to okra though, the mucilaginous seed pods of a plant of the hollyhock family. ( I've always referred to them as 'naked ladies" as not to be confused with okra? They are amaryllis belladonna flowers, grown from bulbs that usually appear in mid-August after their foliage has died back. ( So, we're a few weeks early this year? Not surprising, given the hot temperatures this summer? I'm grateful though to whomever planted the bulbs prior to our purchasing our home? But, I believe that they have been around for many years, as our house was built in 1958? It's not always easy to find the bulbs to plant? But, if you can find them, they are a worthy perennial to have in your garden?! Happy hunting!


July 13, 2024

I finally did it! My hydrangea plant has finally bloomed! And, it's slowly turning purple as well? I thought for sure when I finally got a bloom, it would be pink? Which is fine. But I guess my soil is more acidic than I thought? My first hydrangea plant was planted in part shade. I had it for 3 years, it hardly grew and never bloomed! So, I moved it to my front garden in full sun. It died! I purchased my present hydrangea plant last year. It did not bloom however. But this year, it finally bloomed. Just ONE bloom,,, but I'll take it! I know all the hazards. Don't prune old wood or no blooms? Keep watered. Etc, etc, etc.  I don't usually like finicky plants. However, I know people who just plant them and do nothing else?? So, if you have one or more of those plantings, I feel your pain?! Just hang in there. Some plants just need to mature? Reminds me of some people I know as well?? Gotta still love them though?? Happy planting!!...


June 29, 2024

It's the year for crabgrass! It's everywhere, even if you've applied crabgrass preventative?! And to be honest, weeds are particularly abundant this year! Crabgrass thrives in stressed areas. It appreciates excessive sunlight. But, watering too frequently can cause an abundance as well? The biggest problem is that crabgrass can crowd out other plantings.  That is what I'm dealing with this year for sure! I'm waiting for my moss roses to return, but they may be prevented by the daily emergence of more crabgrass?! One way to prevent it in the lawn is by NOT mowing the lawn too short. Because, it causes the stress and dryness that crabgrass thrives in? Weeding crabgrass by hand is best. But, spraying it with a natural weed killer is good as well. And, don't just toss your crabgrass debris into the compost pile or you will find it many places you use your compost in the future?! One homemade recipe I use for killing weeds is as follows:

1 gallon white vinegar, 2 cups Epsom salt, 1/4 cup dish soap

Spray directly as needed being careful not to spray near other plantings. Hopefully, my moss roses will make it through the weed jungle? Happy weeding...

June 13, 2024


It seems to be the year of the "giant Hostas?" My established Hostas are at least twice the size as they were last year? And many gardener's channels I watch on YouTube are experiencing giant Hostas as well??According to, the Giant Hostas are determined by the light exposure, available water, and the depth and quality of the soil. All three factors need to be optimum. However, I just really feel like the sun has become more intense?? states that there is NO net increase of solar energy since the 1950's?? So, why does the sun feel stronger and brighter?? Could it be that the cloud seeding manipulation is now being reduced? Could we be feeling the intensity that we felt in the 70's and 80's?? I'm not sure we will ever really know? But, in the meantime, if your plants are getting scorched, you can try a shade cloth if necessary? And, by all means, don't forget to water your plantings!... They just might get GIGANTIC if you're lucky??...

May 31, 2024


About HALF of the US has shifted to warmer planting zones, according to Nov. 2023. "The new map for 2023 pushed half the country into a warmer half zone, while the rest of the country has remained in the same zone, the USDA said in a press release." In my area, Omaha, Nebraska has moved from 5b to 6a? states "the planting zones are shifting north as the US warms." Some people aren't surprised. However, I say, "Not so fast?" This is really a subtle change. And, with plants as expensive as they are, I am choosing to wait it out, just to be sure? Historically, our zones have been dependent on the weather for THAT particular year? Meaning, it could be a cooler OR a hotter year?? So, for MY garden, I will wait for some consistency for a few years when it is scientifically measured to be true?? But, the choice is yours to plant according to your new revised zone. Because, any time spent in the garden is rewarding as well...

May 14, 2024


It's lilac season! One of my favorite, and very fragrant flowering bushes?! To me, most of the lilacs I have grown or have been around are considered a "tree?" But, lilacs can grow as a tree OR a bush?

Most lilacs sold today however are considered "bushes?" It all depends on the variety of lilac you purchase?? They actually do sell a "dwarf" lilac as well? Along with a Korean lilac that can grow as a "rounded topped" tree? In any event, however you grow them, lilacs are beautiful and quite fragrant. So much so, that perfume companies try to bottle the scent of lilac?? So, bring some in the house? Give some to a friend? Or, just enjoy their beauty? Because, they don't last long after they bloom??...

April 30, 2024


There are many crops that you can grow to help detoxify and improve your soil? Sunflowers are just one of them? I love driving by farmland where they have planted a crop that gives back to the soil, replenishes the soil, and is also such a pretty sight?! Dandelions are another miracle worker for the soil, contrary to what most believe?! Dandelions have deep roots that bring up nutrients to enrich the topsoil! (www. So, I have let my dandelions alone this Spring to do their thing! Other plantings that improve soil conditions are clover, alfalfa, comfrey, peas, beans, buckwheat, nettles, vetch, borage, lupin, and oats. So, feel free to plant a cover crop of any of the above? You can till them under, mow them, or plant along with them?? I have a grassy area that I'm actually trying to replace with clover because it grows slower, is pretty when it flowers, and helps my soil as well?? But, your garden will help you when it's fed properly with cover crop nutrients! Have fun!...

April 14, 2024


It appears that 2024 is going to be the year of the tulip?? Tulips, at least in zone 5b are looking very nice?! It's really hard to wait until Spring to see if and what performs from those bulbs that you planted in the Fall? But, the wait is definitely worth it?! Besides the red tulips, I have white, yellow, purple, and a deep orange/red. It seems like such a great show for the cost of the bulbs planted? Not to mention, they should return year after year in most zones? The warmer zones may not get cold enough for them to become dormant long enough to rebloom in Spring? But, even if they are considered an annual and not a perennial in your zone, it is still worth the cost?! An added benefit for perennial tulips is the ability to divide them and double your show for the next year? You have to wait a few years though until they are more established. But, an extra added benefit for sure?! In any event, I will continue to add to my tulip collection in all shapes, sizes, and colors? Because, it is my favorite Spring flower for sure!...

March 29, 2024


This is the time of the year to garden "dream!" I love to peruse the gardens of other people to find ideas and plans for the possibility of including them in my own garden. And, even if I don't implement the "exact" idea, I usually twist it to fit my needs?! Gardeners are the best learners after all?? Although, I could be a little biased? So, my rock wall isn't quite as extravagant, it may just take more time? And, I'm needing to add a rock path in my new bed but I'm sure mine won't be quite as detailed? And, that's ok?! For example, I will probably do a flat brick and paver instead? Because, I like to walk barefoot a lot? So, take those fancy ideas, and make them your own, to suit your needs instead? And of course, have fun planning your garden dream??...

March 14, 2024


Spring has sprung!!! It's so wonderful when you see that first perennial color bursting through the soil?! I have been itching to get all my garden chores done? But, I've learned finally, to take it slow?! First, make sure your hard frosts are not returning? Second, your gardening muscles have been dormant as well? So, start with one area at a time?Your body will thank you?! What have I started so far? I have cleaned out a few beds from leaf debris, planted my first few potatoes deep in a garden container, seeded some spinach outside, started seedlings inside for broccoli, cauiflower, and marigold flowers, and trimmed the lavender, But, this list could change depending on your zone and current weather patterns? Have fun, stay safe...

February 29, 2024


Getting outside, working in the dirt, sitting under a tree, etc., all have great benefits for your physical and mental health. Benefits of gardening include exercise, relieves stress, boosts mood, encourages healthy eating, strengthens the immune system, decreases dementia risk, exposes you to Vitamin D from the sun, stimulates creativity, and improves muscle strength and dexterity. So, don't let anyone tell you that gardening isn't exercise?? Or, that the benefits don't outweigh the time and effort?? Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work! Great job!... 

P.S. Don't worry, it's almost Spring?! 

February 14, 2024


Chemical companies all tout the the same stories that synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides are "safe?" However, the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements says "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" First, they base their assumptions on one single ingredient instead of the whole formula. Secondly, they state that their endocrine disrupting ingredients are only toxic in large amounts? Thirdly, they state that the degradation of their product renders it harmless in the soil?

Lastly, they state that these ingredients are "essential" to farming and they ignore peer reviewed science that contradicts that claim! 

(MaryJanesFarm Dec-Jan 2024)

The choice is ultimately ours whether to believe their claims or not? One way to counteract their statements and to choose safer organic practices is to buy and choose organic! So. how about we make it our new decision for the betterment of our health and environment?...

February 1, 2024


Winter can be frustrating for some gardeners. Cabin fever can set in for sure?? However, you can start some seedlings indoors now? But otherwise, it's a lot of sit and wait for your growing season?  Although, it doesn't have to be?? This is a great time to plot out your garden? How big will it be? Where will beds be placed? What do you want to grow exactly? What will it cost you?? These are all great questions to ask yourself? Also, taking care of maintenance like cleaning and/or sharpening gardening tools is a great idea? I like this time to shop or browse for what is new and available out there for your gardening use? Another great idea is to visit gardening shops because you might be able to get great deals now?! Even if you are just going to plant garden pots, a little planning is beneficial, so you don't make those unnecessary impulse buys? And, that is likely if you're missing those sunny gardening days? But, whatever you do, it's o.k. to dream as well? You just might come up with a great plan??...  

January 14, 2024


I believe winter gardens are quite wonderful! Being able to see the "hardscape" of the garden is beautiful, especially after a snowfall?! I know my love for winter gardens is not the most popular? But, if you plan your garden to include beauty during winter, you may have a spectacular view? One way to accomplish that is to add more evergreens, shrubs, and structures. Bare branches, hedges, and ornamental grasses all add to that structure too? And, seeing the birds come to my birdfeeder during the winter months is pleasing as well! So. don't count a winter garden out? Start next spring and summer to add those elements for next winters view?? Plan now for that winter wonderland?...

December 31, 2023


It's that time of year to start planning for the New Year's garden! Browsing seed catalogs, and garden centers is a tradition this time of year? It's a way to strategize and see what's new and available? Even though it's the "quiet" time of year, planning ahead is a great idea. It's a way to save money by planning efficiently. So, curl up on the couch with a cup of tea or coffee. Watch your favorite gardening shows, or browse your favorite gardening magazine. And most importantly, dream up a beautiful and/or tasty garden?! ...

December 15, 2023


Growing our own food is becoming increasingly popular! Whether that be food crops. orchards, or livestock?! You don't have to be a homersteader to grow all your own food! In fact, many farmers and gardeners select few certain crops or meats to grow and barter their product to others in turn for what they are lacking to feed their families? The Amish have been doing it for decades. And in fact, early American settlers did just that? No, I  don't think we have to go back in time? Instead, we can create newer, better co-ops to exchange products for what we each need? I can see millenials would actually probably be very good at it? Why? Because they seem to have entrepreneural goals? Don't like gardening, farming, or livestocking? That's ok! Because I'm sure you have some type of product or service you can barter as well? I really do see a future that relies less on money and material things?! How do I know? Just by the increase in popularity of all the above with the added popularity of thrifting as well? People are finally realizing that the old ways have some benefits to them? And, we can put a new spin on marketing as well?? Maybe that could be your talent for a co-op? Either way, I'm excited about what the future holds for us? Getting back to the basics is always a good thing??...

December 1, 2023


I've been busy this last Summer and Fall building a portable mini greenhouse. It's progressing, so hopefully by next year I can finish?? However, farmers around the world are experimenting with a new idea of covering their crops in the ground with solar panels?? You would think that it may heat the crops too much and cause crop burn? But, according to (MaryJanesFarm Feb-Mar 2023), "a "symbiotic" cooling relationship occurs when growing crops under solar panels? Plants growing under the diffused shade of photovoltic panels are buffered from the day's most intense rays. Shade then reduces air temperature and the amount of water evaporating from the soil? The plants give off water vapor that helps to naturally cool the panels from below, increasing panel efficiency?"  So, in the future, this method of farming just may protect crops more efficiently in droughts and hot weather? Experiments continue in many countries and may promote a generation of photovoltaic energy in agriculture?...

November 15, 2023


I spent some time out in the sunshine today! I forgot how healing it feels to bask in the sun? Fall is some of the best time to get some sunshine without the heat and humidity? So, try to take a 15 minute break outside each day? Sit in nature and enjoy the Fall weather? It's the BEST part of gardening!...

November 2, 2023


My relationship with leaves has slowly evolved over the years?! I've decided to become thankful for the leaves available to use in my garden. And even though we do not have ANY trees that shed leaves for us, our neighborhood community provides plenty that are blown right into our yard! Do I still rake leaves? Of course. But now, I rake those leaves right into my flower and garden beds? It is nature's mulch after all from the harsh winter temperatures that can wreak havoc on your perennial plantings? And once the snow falls on the beds, the plantings are tucked in nicely until spring. The question however, is whether you grind them up first before you apply them to the beds? I do not believe that is necessary, as long as you rake the leaves out of the garden come spring to prevent mildew. But, don't be in too big of a hurry? Because those leaves are also providing important nutrients and nitrogen to the soil as they break down! We can talk about that more come spring though! Until then, happy raking, and tucking all your plantings in for the winter season to come!

October 16, 2023


It would be very simple to spray the weeds infringing on my trellis from my neighbors house with Roundup and be done with it?? But, I won't. Why? Because I care... I care about my health, my ecosystem, my pets, and my fellow human beings! Let's spell it out as to the hazards of Roundup. According to Drugwatch Sept. 5, 2023, Some studies have linked heavy glyphosate(Roundup) use to an increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other cancers. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in commercial agriculture.  In the U.S. Agricultural workers apply 280 million pounds of glyphosate to 298 million acres!! The herbicide kills the the roots, shoots, and leaves of the plant. It will kill ANY plant it touches! And, The World Health Organization states that glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic to humans" based on animal studies. So, what can we use as an alternative to Roundup to kill unwanted weeds and/or vegetation? Here are some ideas: (Michelle Llamas, BCPA Sept. 5, 2023)

1. Acid Based Herbicides- Vinegar based products from 4%-23% acidity kills the leaves of the weed, leaving it damaged. Some products include; Alldown, Apple Cider Vinegar, Green Goblin, WeedPharm, White Vinegar

2. Corn Gluten- It can kill germinating seeds or seeds just beginning to sprout. However, due to its high nitrogen content, it is a potent fertilizer as well? I use it on my lawn specifically which fertilizes my grass but controls weeds in the spring. Some products include; Epsoma, Jonathan Green, Nature's Creation, Scott Turf Bulder Weed & Feed, Vigoro Weed n' Feed

3. Essential Oils- Essential oils can damage the plant by causing cell death. Some essential oil products include; Avenger Organic, Bioganic Broadleaf Killer, Dr. Earth Final Stop, Ecosmart, and SaferGro Weed Zap

4. Iron Based Herbicides- Chelated Iron can be easily absorbed by the plant and dries up the plant with death within a few hours. Some iron based products include; Ecosense, Elementals, Fiesta, Iron X!, Whitney Farms

5. Mulch- Mulch, leaves, pine needles, dried grass clippings, or wood pieces can all kill weeds by suffocation. 

6. Soap Salts- commonly called potassium salts of fatty acids. They break down readily in soil and are the main ingredient in many herbicides. Some products include; Avenger, Certis, M-Pede, Safer

Although these products are "safer" for yourself, the environment, and/or pets, care should be given to avoid ingesting, breathing in, contacting the skin, avoid getting into the eyes or mucous membranes, or into a water system as well to avoid risks. For more information see;

October 3, 2023


Is gardening season over?? Nope, not yet! We have a lot of time to harvest crops, to plant cold weather crops, to clean up garden beds, and to prepare for protecting our plantings from an early frost?! It clearly seems that gardening is a four season project?! And personally, I appreciate the cooler temperatures. It is also the time of year to reconfigure or expand garden plots or areas, a great time to transfer perrenials, plant trees, and plant bulbs for their spring arrivals? I have also been working on cleaning out the garden shed, and building a miniature green house to place my plantings in when the weather gets cooler? Or to start my seedlings in the spring with cold protection?? But, whatever your gardening chores are, just start where you are, and soon enough you might be surprised by how much you can accomplish this fall?? 

September 18, 2023


I have found my inspiration picture for my backyard garden trellised area. Right now it is full of weeds! It also has wonderful perrenials like hostas, lillies, iris, salvia, etc.etc.  But, they are buried by the weeds...So, what happened? Well, the neighbor above our yard had excavating done to their backyard. But, they let the weeds take over their yard this summer and last summer. Their weeds were so tall that they had skunk, possom, rabbits, and other critters starting a habitat there?? Also, our neighbor to the left of us cut down a large tree that allowed much more sunshine onto the area. Lastly, we had weather this summer like Florida, hot & humid!! All these circumstances have led to the perfect conditions for weeds to take over! I tried at first to keep up, but to no avail after the numerous rainstorms followed by 80% humidity?? So now, here we are. The daily temperature is decreasing, thankfully. The neighbor above us is working on eliminating his makeshift weed habitat. And, I am weeding a section at a time. People say gardening involves weeding. I get that. But, I'm bound and determined to have an oasis of wildfowers along with my perennial keepers! I will continue to weed what I can, place mulch where I can, and seed perennial wildflowers again in the Spring? Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it!!! 

September 3, 2023

A few of my flower choices this year have been shining stars! Back for another year are my morning glories. And glorious they are! Each year, I think I will plant something different at my gate area. But each year, they bring me joy, so I keep them? However, clean up after the first freeze isn't as fun, but I will do it again for sure? My other NEW flower choice this year was zinnias. And boy!! They did surpise me! I had a few empty spots not filled in my side yard garden, so I threw a FEW seeds out? And wow! They took off! I think the biggest surprise for me was all the pollinator action!! Everyone talks about milkweed for monarchs, and my sage for bees, but these zinnias attract everything! So pleased! I will be collecting seeds, but I might try them in a different spot next year so my perrenials can grow up a little faster? So, it's zinnias for the flower win this year! Give them a shot next time, you might just be surprised?!...


August 19, 2023

Have the ORGANIC standards changed? What does it mean to really grow organic food? And, how do we know that those standards are adequate? The "industrial" organic business is growing. But, is it quality grown food as we know organic to be? Whenever products do well, production increases and money follows. But, is that a good thing? CERTIFIED ORGANIC can only be used if the product complies with the law which EMPHASIZES the enhancement of soil quality as its foundational principle. (Mother Earth News Feb-Mar 2023) However, the USDA has allowed hydroponic farming to be labeled organic, especially in the industrial market? AND, these "organic" hydroponic container growers aren't currently required to disclose the fact that they are hydrponic??!! Many of the plastic containers they use end up in landfills, the plastics leach byproducts into the products, and hydroponic plantings differ nutritionally without those soil based minerals. So, is the USDA intentionally trying to eliminate soil based farmers and producers in the name of improving climate change??? This is alarming for our nutritional needs. Well, luckily, farmers are fighting back! They have started the REAL ORGANIC PROJECT. Look for this label, as it protects the integrity of organic foods that are grown. Please support these farmer's efforts. To learn more see

August 3. 2023


It's that time of the year where the harvest continues, but there is a window of opportunity to plant more crops to harvest in the later Fall? My roma tomatoes have been a bumper crop this year. My carrots, corn, and potatoes are still awaiting harvest. I almost pulled my pea plantings but they boomeranged when the temperature dropped into the 80's and the rain continued?! Still, remembering my lettuce and spinach harvest from Spring, I'm ready to plant more for the Fall. I do also have some swiss chard growing as well. I planted it and some green beans that are growing well despite those 100 degree days we experienced. I may try some late cucumbers as too?? So, don't waste the mostly overlooked growing season of Fall if you have the urge to keep the garden growing!...

July 16, 2023


The harvest has begun! What a difference a year makes in my tomato harvest?! It's like night and day! It seems like my strong contenders this year will be tomatoes, peas, corn, and carrots. My spring lettuce crop was great as well! Some disappointments this year are onions?? My cucumbers were swallowed up by my morning glories as well? I planted chives that didn't take too? So, I planted extra corn, green beans, and more carrots. It's always safer to be sure? My potatoes are going strong as well. Just not ready to harvest yet? If you haven't started a garden yet, it is NOT too late! In facty, I'm thinking about adding some pumpkin seeds this week?! Happy Harvest Everyone!!... 


June 26, 2023

We made it to our Colorado property in time to see the cactus blooming! Our property is 8,000 feet in elevation in the high desert. It is rocky with sandy type soil. Although many trees like pinion, pine, birch, and white oak trees are on our property as well! It was a little warmer up in the mountains this trip, anywhere from 77-85 degrees. However, the nights remained cooler around 48-60 degrees. We were able to use our outdoor griddle to cook on, but did not see any signs of a bear this time! Although it is nice to get away to the mountains each year, the drive is getting longer it seems, but not in actuality?? But, we will try to get away into nature as much as we can! Do yourself a favor in this crazy world and at least take a walk outside, sit outside, or window watch at least! Your health and mood will thank you for it! ...

May 26, 2023


I think Summer is finally on it's way??! It was a long Spring. But, I didn't mind at all! I got a bangbuster of a lettuce crop, which has now been swapped out for more spinach, and cabbage. I also have broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, green & red onions, kohlrabbi, swiss chard, and corn. The only thing left that I would like to get in the garden yet is acorn squash. I've just been trying to figure out where I can fit it in?! The one thing about gardening is that it will also surprise you?? My bulbs ALL bloomed EXCEPT in the containers because the squirrels stole them ALL??? Oh well! I threw some seeds in my flower garden, and I'm finally seeing a few zinnias emerge I think?? The one thing I've learned is to never pull what you "think" might be a weed until you are sure?! Lots of volunteer native plants have emerged as well.? But, just waiting to identify them too?? The moral of the story with gardening for me is this; try, try, and try again. Because, you just might be surprised in the most delightful way?! And, if something doesn't turn out, it just might not have been the right place or planting? Even if you've done everything just right?? So, happy planting!!!...

May 8, 2023


It's been a cold Spring?! I actually don't mind it! There's been a plethora of Spring bulbs popping up FINALLY over the last few weeks!  Spring bulbs like my miniature iris, tulips, daffodils, etc. are such a nice greeting after a long Winter for sure! Lilacs are just starting to bloom here as well? It seems we are anywhere from 3 weeks to  a month behind average this year? And, that's o.k.! Every year is different. And, a long Spring is fine with me! However, when we head up the mountains into Colorado in a month or so, I may have a different feeling? Leaving Spring to see a lot of snow again may not be my favorite idea? So, enjoy your Spring crops now. My lettuce needs to be harvested soon! My onions, broccoli, potatoes, peas, and carrots are all on their way!  So enjoy! Because, Summer is just a few weeks away?!...

April 24. 2023


A garden is truly worth the weight in gold! And the better the soil, the more it produces?! So, how do we get that garden soil worth gold?? Healthy soil contains healthy microbes and fungi. It's a delicate dance that includes sunlight, water, carbon, and nitrogen. There is a "nitrogen cycle." And it DOESN'T include a nicely tilled garden?! Beneficial bacterial slime actually holds together soil particles, fungi, and organic matter. This in turn allows air, water, nutrients, microbes, and creatures like worms to move about. When you till, it actually encourages soil compaction by causing space and disrupting those important beneficial soil aggregates. Organic matter is broken down by beetles, worms, nematodes, bacteria, and fungi. Tilling also brings dormant weed seeds to the surface! Then, when we apply synthetic fertilizers, we may be disrupting that balance as well? Fertilizers do provide nitrogen needed but lack the other nutrients of living soil. Nutrient dense food is produced with fertile living soil. (MotherEarthNews April/May 2023) So, what are we to learn? Try a no till garden this year? Try adding compost or more organic materials to your garden? And, reduce your dependence on synthetic fertilizers. In other words, go green, go native, and try less "perfection." Add back to the soil what it naturally needs. Allow nature to do its work?? You may just end up with stronger plant crops. And maybe a field of gold?!...

April 12, 2023


I've been making progress on my garden decor. I finished this birdhouse and am working on my mini greenouse. Hopefully I can finish that project so I can start seedlings this Fall and Winter. My Winter sowing project has NOT resulted in any growth I'm afraid?! However, the weather in finally getting warmer, so I haven't given up just yet?? My tulips, daffodils, and miniature Irises are emerging that I planted this last Fall as bulbs. However, I think the bulbs I placed in pots were ransacked and stolen by the squirrels??? I'm not exactly sure what they do with them? Maybe they eat them? Or, maybe they replant them elsewhere? That would be o.k. to I guess?? I'm hopeful for the bare root blackberry planting I planted last year, but I'm not absolutely sure it will survive? It was budding up, but then we got another freeze spell?? So, we'll see? I also bought a clematis bareroot plant from Tractor Supply that did not look like anything was left in the package but one small root? I planted it, so we'll see?? But, looking forward to better Spring weather has made me happy! So, here's to planting season! Go get 'em gardeners! I'll keep you updated on the bulb stealers and they're destruction? Let's just hope they're late in popping up??? Crossing my fingers...

March 27, 2023


I'm planting all things Spring! The dirt is finally workable and easy to plant. My first garden chore was to get my potatoes planted. As you can tell, they've been ready for awhile with growth well started. One long eye branching out to find the sun?! They were stored in our cellar storage room which has one small window that the growth was reaching for? I planted them in a fabric container that I filled halfway with potting soil, added my potatoes with eyes facing upward. Then I covered them the rest of the way to the top with more soil. You could also plant them in the ground with the same approach. I watered them lightly. You can also divide the potatoes with at least one area of growth started. However, leave them to dry at least overnight after they're cut to avoid decaying in the soil if too moist? I also sowed peas right in the ground. In my recycled, recycling collection containers I sowed carrots, green onions, spinach, and lettuce. These are all cool weather plants and will germinate well, even with temperatures down to 28 degrees at night?! But, after they have sprouted, keep a light cover on them at night when temperatures near frost range below 32 degrees. I'll let you know when they've sprouted, and how they're doing?! Next time we'll hopefully talk about planting some Spring flowers like Violas or Pansies. Let's hope the weather cooperates?? 


March 13, 2023


The tulips are starting to peak through the dirt! But, we have a few more weeks of Winter?! Not to worry! Tulips can even handle the snow as well? It's one of the reasons I love them so much?! They are resilient, to say the least?! So, don't worry if your tulips are starting to grow even though the weather remains cold. And if you didn't plant any bulbs last Fall, you can purchase tulips planted in pots for sale as we speak. Just check your local floral section of your grocery store, or home improvement store? You'll be glad you did?!

March 1, 2023


I spent an hour outside yesterday and it was glorious! Starting on those gardening Spring chores was exactly what I needed?! It got me thinking, WHEN did we all start staying inside so much??? I think a few decades at least? Well, THAT needs to change? We need to make it a goal to enjoy "outside" again! So, take a few minutes this week to step outside, take a few deep breaths. And, if you want to sit out there a little longer, that's o.k. too. Well. as long as it's above freezing that is?...


February 19, 2023

The Japanese have a health remedy that they use often called " Forest Bathing."  I talk a lot about walking in nature, because of its proven health benefits! It doesn't have to be a forest, but pick a spot where you feel that connection to nature? For you, it may be the beach, the mountains, wildflower plains, or a nature conservancy? For me, I just really relate to trees? Add physical activity to the mix, and your health benefits double! You can walk, run, skip, jump,dance, do yoga, or whatever you choose? Physicians in Japan now PRESCRIBE forest bathing due to their concerns regarding indoor screen time for their patients? Imagine if the elderly were allowed to get nature into their care? Well, some nursing homes attempt this by adding bird sanctuaries or outdoor gardens, which I applaud! But, it also includes children who spend way too much time indoors these days?? Besides decreasing stress, breathing in "phytoncides" which are produced by trees and increase our white blood cells , help increase our immune system! (Janie Macomber Grillo, certified therapy guide, & MWL M/A 2022) So, pick your place, get comfy, and breathe deeply. It will open a whole new world and perspective to your health and wellness for sure...


February 10, 2023

What is your plan for a garden this spring? Don't worry about space. You can literally start a garden most anywhere??? If you only have room for pots, that's o.k.! Seeds are inexpensive. And check out thrift stores or dollar stores for pots or containers. Almost anything works as long as you have drain holes in the bottom? You can drill drain holes or even hammer nails in the bottom to create holes if need be? You will be so excited to see your flowers blooming or your tomatoes growing?! Most people are apprehensive at first. So, if this is your first attempt, don't worry. It's as simple as getting potting soil and your pot. Or, finding a place in the yard with your existing soil. You can always amend or enhance the soil by fertilizing if you think your soil is poor? Do you need to till? NOT necessary. Really? Yes, I say there are plenty of gardeners who don't till the soil, but use a no-till method?. This is where you just dig a hole, plant your seed or plant. Water as necessary to keep the soil moist until your seeds have sprouted. Then, water as needed. OR, if nature helps with a nice rain shower, all the better?! I really feel this is the year that more people are going to be attempting to grow some of their own food?! Going old style again? Maybe this trend can grow into home canning again??? But, if you're just beginning, just follow directions on your seed packet for outside gardening. You will be astonished how many flowers or how much produce you can grow with just a few seeds?! This is the best time to start planning. Good luck!


January 30, 2023

The Peace Lily is not only pretty, it's white petals are representative of purity. It beautifies and purifies the air! (CNBC Science April 2016) It prevents mildew, absorbs acetone vapors, removes mold spores, is low-maintenance, reduces volatile organic compounds, absorbs electromagnetic radiation, and is non-toxic and a safe houseplant! It makes a GREAT plant to have in the bedroom especially by purifying the air while you sleep! So, if you are looking for the best indoor plant that gives great benefits, it's the Peace Lily for sure! I actually had no idea of its benefits until I researched them?! Winter is spent mostly indoors in the northern states and hemisphere, so treat yourself to a bit of nature indoors, knowing it's helping you stay healthy as well!...


January 21, 2023

I've started my winter sowing! This is the first year I am trying this adventure! It's one of those gardening ideas to try. I guess I haven't tried it in the past because I was hesitant to fail?! But, I don't know why I waited so long to try it? The verdict of course will be out until spring to see if I have any success? Try cold climate seeds to increase your chances of success. Plant broccoli, spinach, or flowers like pansies or snapdragons that do well in cooler climates. I planted broccoli, kohlrhabi, onions, and squash. Hold off on tomatoes or peppers. Or, start them indoors instead? Use clear containers with moist soil. Cut your containers in half or 3/4 cut to leave a small intact area where you can bend the top back to better access your plantings. Puncture drainage holes at the bottom of containers. Allow the top to remain open to allow moisture from rain or snow to water your plantings. Check on them every few weeks if your weather hasn't allowed for any moisture inside your containers. Add water as necessary. Then, wait and hope?...


January 11, 2023

I finally did it this year?! I left my plantings, perennials, and grasses alone to brown and cover the gardens this Fall. Scandalous??? I know, right? I'm offering safe harbor for insects, rodents, small animals, and future seedlings! I can't say I've seen anything but squirrels scavenging the left overs?! But, there's a lot I don't see, I'm sure? I have a feeling I have bunnies under my garden shed however? Because, I see footprints in the snow. And, we actually saw deer prints heading up to our bird feeder right before Christmas?! Bluejays have actually made it back to our garden this year as well! It is fun to see the winter animals that browse gardens this time of year vs. the spring and summer? I do appreciate it all! So, don't forget to leave out some seed, suet, fruit, or other healthy snacks for our garden inhabitants. You just might be surprised by what you see???...


Into The Forest I Go

December 28, 2022

In my childhood I spent a lot of time in the forest behind my house. It was a place I could

go to escape my worries. It was a place to play, explore, and have fun! What I didn't realize is that I was grounding my body to the earth with every step I took! When the body comes in contact with the earth, a natural electric charge stabilizes the phisiology at the deepest levels; reduces inflammation, pain, and stress, improves blood flow, energy, and sleep, and generates greater well-being. ( The forest is also a microcosm of EVERYTHING! Those days spent in the forest hold a special place in my memories. Forest exploration is missing in a lot of children's lives for sure these days?  But, you don't have to have a forest to "ground" to the earth. Any area where you can touch the earth will do! So, even if you don't have a forest, sitting under a tree will do wonders for you. I challenge you this year to spend more time amongst the trees! It will help your health & soul. Please accept my challenge? I trust you will thank me??... 
