October 11, 2024

Mental health issues are on the rise?! Maybe it's time to check in with yourself? Absorbing negative energy seems to be the most obvious reason at this chaotic time in our country and world?? Are you absorbing the negative energy around you? Symptoms like anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, GI upsets, body aches, generalized pain, poor appetite or increased appetite, etc.  can occur? What can we do to stop "absorbing" all the negative energy in the atmosphere surrounding us? Here are some tips:

1. Shield Yourself. Activate by visualizing a bubble of white light of protection around you. Or, prayer for protection helps as well. 

2. Walk Away if Necessary. Politely excuse yourself when feeling anxiety or being uncomfortable around somebody's energy. You do not need permission to remove yourself from an uncomfortable scenario.

3. Meditation and/or Solitude. Sometimes "getting away" from the stressor and relaxing is helpful. Even if you can escape to a quiet place for 5 minutes, it can be successful at changing the circumstances?

4. Ground Yourself. Taking a walk outside. Getting some fresh air can also help you readjust from negative energy.

For more information, check out  how to stop taking on other people's stress and negativity with the book ~ POSITIVE ENERGY

by Judith Orloff M.D.

September 27, 2024


Science is changing. We are learning about more things that have been suppressed, hidden, or lost. But fortunately, we have enough information in our history to unlock those scientific breakthroughs?? What we do know is that the Earth behaves like a gigantic electric circuit. It protects all living things with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 hertz on average. The physicist Winfried Otto Scumann predicted it mathematically in 1952. And, is otherwise known as the "Scumann Resonance." (  So, one way to sync our brains to earth's frequency is to take a walk in nature and/or listening to a recorded tone set to 7.83 Hz, Doing this a few times a week can significantly change your mood? Grounding is another way to achieve this same outcome. But, what does it do for our health?? Just as listening to classical music has been proven to improve our health, binaural beats in the alpha frequencies of 8-13Hz have been shown to encourage relaxation, promote positivity, and decrease anxiety. And, binaural beats in the theta range of 4-8Hz are linked to REM sleep, reduced anxiety, relaxation, and meditative states. ( These low frequencies can affect our bodies by reducing heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and easing muscle tension. Alternately, high frequencies can create feelings of alertness and/or tension?? ( Nov. 2023)  But also, listening to pleasant 432 Hz music helps to release serotonin and endorphins, keeping BP and HR stable. ( In addition, this frequency has been shown to have a promising effect on EEG activities of the brain, especially helping those with sleep latency. 

Each person seems to respond differently to frequencies. So, it's best to listen when not operating machinery or driving?! Again, helping people to relax, get to sleep, or stay asleep may be an awesome therapy? It's definitely worth a try? I've recently been using it to help fall asleep. I set the timer on the TV, (Youtube program) to play for 20 minutes, then the TV shuts off? I think it's conditioning me well?? But, start slowly for a few minutes at first, then work up to what is comfortable for you? Good luck and happy dreams!...  


September 12, 2024

Our emotions can sometimes get the best of us it seems?? But worse, is how our unresolved emotions can affect our health?? Anger, grief, sadness, loneliness, fear, and disappointment can all be buried, or unspoken. But then, they can go on to "fester" in our bodies, appearing as health problems later on?! It's not uncommon to see grieving family members develop pneumonia? Or, our digestive problems being caused by our anxiety or worry?? So, what's the answer to preventing health problems due to our unresolved emotions?? Finding and releasing repressed emotions is the first step to prevent psychological or physical symptoms. We can blame our emotional repression many times on our childhood experiences. For example, "if showing your feelings in childhood led to distressing or painful outcomes, you probably learned it was much safer to avoid this entirely." (Timothy J. Legg PhD, PsyD, and Crystal Raypole Mar. 2020) Yes, repressed emotions CAN make you sick unfortunately. Here are some tips to prevent these health problems:

1. Talk to someone you trust. Whether a friend or therapist, talking about your emotions can help you understand your feelings, and potentially learning helpful methods to help.

2. Avoid Denial. Checking in with yourself frequently after experiencing painful emotions can help you identify exactly how you feel. Try journaling, listening to a song that expresses those same emotions, or expressing your emotions through art.

3. Ask yourself how you feel using "I" statements. For example, "I feel _____." Allowing yourself permission to feel "how" you feel is key!

4.Let go of any judgement. You are allowed to feel how you feel.

5. Focus on the positive. Even if you don't "feel" positive, releasing emotions can lead to better understandings and outcomes,

6. Practice naming and sharing emotions. Giving emotions a "name" can help you to recognize these feelings in the future. Getting more comfortable with your emotions can help, even though it does not "feel" good at first. Naming the "issue" helps to formulate a plan to deal with whatever you are struggling with.

Bottom line, taking care of yourself includes taking care of your emotions and how you are feeling. Take care, as always...


August 28, 2024

It appears we are barraged by chemicals in our environment, air, and water?? I remember years ago, writing a blog about our "toxic load?" This was one of the first posts that I had ever written. And, nothing has changed? In fact, it has gotten worse it seems?? But, now that we are becoming more educated, we can take steps to become as healthy as possible. We can do this by eliminating those harmful toxins as much as possible?? Here are some ideas:

1. Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. And, eliminate recreational drugs as well.

2. Reduce overuse of caffeine products. To reduce rebound headaches, decrease caffeine use slowly as tolerated.

3. Eliminate toxic household cleaning products, makeup, and personal care products. This includes items containing aluminum, fluoride, and any toxic chemicals that are not natural and are harmful to our environment. This includes most traditional cleaning products on the market.

4. Consume fewer pesticides by buying and eating organic fruits and vegetables.

5. Decrease Mercury ingestion by eating smaller fish such as sardines, anchovies, and smaller salmon. 

6. Store food in glass containers. Do not microwave food in plastic containers. 

7. Drink water/beverages out of glass/steel/ or BPA free receptacles. Also consider filtering drinking water to reduce contaminants and fluoride as well.

8.Keep a balanced sleep schedule to promote ultimate healing. Include relaxation techniques in your routine like massage, meditation, and prayer as well.

9. Try grounding techniques in nature. 

10. Include exercise most days as tolerated to stay healthy.


For more information on toxins and safety of different ingredients and products, see The Environmental Working Group at: (


August 12, 2024

The mind-gut connection seems to be getting a lot more attention these days. As does, "retraining the brain techniques." It appears that MANY things can influence and/or rewire your brain! And, that is a good thing if you choose wisely?! It may sound complicated, but it is absolutely something you can accomplish yourself?? Here are 6 ways that use neuroplasticity to rewire your brain:

1. Play Video Games. Helps with coordination, visual recognition, reasoning, and team participation.

2. Learn a New Language. Improves cognitive function.

3. Make Some Music. Helps mood and concentration. 

4. Travel. Helps with inspiration and creativity.

5. Exercise. Can improve learning and memory.

6. Make Art. Can help sort through and express emotions.

( brain June 2020)

Sometimes trying new things, getting out of our comfort zone, or expanding our knowledge can do wonders to treat anxiety, depression, cope with illness, or just experience increased happiness? So, give it a try and rewire your brain!...


July 28, 2024

Are you one of those people that are still wearing a mask?? Especially out in nature, or when driving alone in your car?? I'm not blaming you at all. I promise. I'm trying to educate you on what you "actually" experienced during the "pandemic?" It is criminal in my opinion, that they scared the population into believing that a mask can help even if there truly was a pandemic at all?? It is imperative that people understand that wearing a mask is detrimental to your health physically and mentally, especially for hours at a time? Not only did Dr. Anthony Fauci testify that he LIED about the benefits of wearing a mask. He also let people continue to put their health at risk! I was in healthcare long enough to know the medical professionals do NOT always get it right? Contrary to popular belief?! So, it's time we allow our immune systems to do what they do best? Fighting bacteria and viruses is hard enough for some without making it more difficult for your body to fight against extra unnecessary masking? The choice is yours of course. However, if you are dealing with an immune deficiency due to cancer, etc., wearing a mask in that respect, when out in public MIGHT be sensible?  But, I hope you choose to give your normal immune system a fighting chance?...


July 13, 2024

It's becoming difficult to know who to trust with our health anymore?? If this past "pandemic" taught us anything, it is to pay attention to who is responsible for our welfare? As "lay people," or people with no medical training, it can seem daunting? But, it doesn't have to be! More than anytime in history, you can do research at the touch of your finger on your phone?! It's more about being a "detective" to see, observe, read, and discuss your concerns? Trusting your instincts is becoming paramount! Do I think all health care professionals are not in the field for the right reasons?? No, not at all! MOST health care professionals ARE in healthcare to help people for sure. However, eventually up the line are those that are looking out to make a profit, or at least to keep the "bottom line." Gone are the days of the "country Doc," who would even barter or trade goods with folks for their healthcare. Now we have multimillion dollar corporations who can be cut throat indeed, in my opinion anyway?! It is up to the patient now to dot their I's and cross their T's. Always check out the credentials of your health care professional AND the facility they work for! Only until we become our own best advocates, and call out those with ill intentions, will our systems be safe again! Remember, YOU are worth it!, and YOU pay their salary. So, take the time to make those accountable for your care. Ask questions when needed! Not only is it allowed, it is mandatory for your safety!... Take care of yourself first and foremost...


June 30, 2024

Are new cancer treatments emerging? Is new research pointing to other non-traditional cancer treatments? What is a person to think?? Alternative cancer treatments have been around for decades actually. Yes, SOME people are successful in treating their cancers in alternative ways!! But, it seems it is not a "one size fits all" endeavor? Many questions and discussions are needed. EACH PERSON affected by cancer needs to choose their own treatment by doing their own research. Common Sense approaches are usually safe. But, according to Mayo Clinic .org, alternative cancer treatments can't cure your cancer, though they may provide some relief from signs and symptoms. However, according to, a holistic cancer treatment center, their 2020 data shows an improvement in quality of life and a 95% reduction of side effects in their patients vs. other cancer centers? According to their founder, "Cancer is a disease of genetic mutations, messaging, and immunity." In contrast, according to March 2013, they state that "cancer is a primitively structured parasite that can be classified in Class Mammalians, Species Genomeintruder malevolent. Their studies reveal "exhaustive evidence of the parasitic nature and evolutionary origin of human cancer as this primitively structured parasite." Whatever your beliefs are in treating cancer, PERSONAL CHOICE is the main concern.  AS always, do your own research for your personal decisions?! God Bless...

June 13, 2024


Seed oils have been in the news lately for possibly causing cancer such as olive, canola, peanut, safflower, sesame. soybean, corn and sunflower oils? But is it the seeds that make the oils detrimental, or the way the oil is processed?? I believe it is the latter. "When searching for the best cooking oil to be used at higher temperatures, expeller-pressed oil will be your best option." Cold pressed oils are better for salad dressings, marinades, etc. "They are BOTH better than consuming "refined" oils that undergo processes that include high temperatures, chemicals, high pressure, and deodorization." ( As in most products of our food industry, changing the time proven ways of producing products have given way to "refined" or easier and more "shelf stable" version. But are less nutritive and more hazardous to our health! Expeller and cold pressed options allow for natural enzymes to stay intact and maintain higher levels of nutrients. Virgin and Extra Virgin oils are generally cold pressed and refer to the initial stronger flavored oils from the first press. So, seed oils themselves are a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids with essential nutrients our body needs. Just make sure you are buying and consuming the healthiest options produced... Cold or Expeller pressed should be on the label...

May 31, 2024


When did the use of fluoride toothpaste first come into fruition?? In 1956, Crest toothpaste hit the market. And, within a few years, fluoride toothpaste became the first cavity-prevention toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association. ( However, there has been very little evidence supporting the use of fluoride?! Currently, there is not enough evidence to suggest using fluoride enhanced toothpastes or mouthwashes OR that undergoing fluoride treatment is beneficial at all?! ( In fact, excessive fluoride levels in drinking water can lead to skeletal fluorosis which is a metabolic bone disease that can weaken bones in your body?! This can increase risk of fractures, when bones become hardened and less elastic.  Several countries have already rejected water fluoridation to include: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland! ( Perspectives on fluoride use are definitely changing! In the US, Hawaii has also banned fluoridation.  However, according to Kathleen Hoke, University of Maryland law professor and eastern region director of The Network for Public Law, "Good public health policy is built on decades and decades of scientific review, NOT junk science."  I agree. So, lets look at that science more closely? As of 2020, 73% of the US population with public water access have drinking water with fluoride. Three states, Georgia, Kentucky, and Nebraska have also filed bills that would reverse mandates and leave the choice of fluoridation up to local voters or to the governing body of local water systems. The debate definitely continues?? But, I say more research is required to see if the benefit outweighs the hazards in using fluoride toothpaste, drinking fluoridated water, or getting fluoride treatments at the dentist?? In the meantime, I have been using non-fluoride toothpaste and drinking water which filters out the fluoride. But, the decision is your to make. And, should always be YOUR decision...

May 14, 2024


It's becoming increasingly clear that the ONLY way to health is NOT just medications?? Many foods in our world are beneficial to the various health problems and ailments that occur? To quote Hippocrates, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." He is emphasizing the fundamental importance of nutrition in promoting and maintaining good health. Food not only nourishes our bodies, but also prevents and treats diseases as well. (>pulse July 28, 2023) The Bible states, the food we eat can be seen as preventive healthcare. (Ezekiel 4:9) In addition, God gives us the use of plants and herbs for curative care, both physicals and emotional. (2 Kings 20:7. Psalm 51:7, 45:8, Genesis 43:11) Also, the Greek philosopher Plato stated, "a moderate and thus healthy diet consists of cereals, legumes, fruits, milk, honey, and fish. However, meat, confectionary, and wine should be consumed only in moderate quantities. Excesses in food lead to ailments and therefore should be avoided." ( So, who are we to argue with wisdom itself?? Where did we go wrong as a society?? As fast food became the norm in most households, our diets went through a great transition?! Convenience foods became the norm as well?? Which means, most consumers were eating a great deal more of processed foods?! The introduction of "processed" foods caused consumers to eat many more "chemicals" that were included in the foods to keep them shelf stable. Gone are the days of growing our own fruits and vegetables?? However, the comeback has started! And that's a very good thing?! So, if you are experiencing illness frequently, check your diet?? Are you eating the necessary whole foods in your diet to sustain your body in peak condition to combat the diseases or illnesses that you are experiencing? Maybe it's time to up your nutrition and see how much better you feel? Good luck and happy eating the "real" good stuff??...

April 30, 2024


We have to start asking why diseases would have a patent? We know that medications have a patent. And when that patent is up, generic types of the medications can then be introduced. This way, the pharmaceutical companies can recover the costs of manufacturing and research until the patent is up. But viruses and diseases? Why would they need a patent?? Many health officials are asking these questions?! "You can't patent a disease condition per se, such as cancer or influenza. But if you're talking about patenting a lifeform like a bacteria or virus, if altered by man, the answer there is yes." ~ Canadian patent lawyer David Schwartz  So, there we have it?? Are these viruses or bacteria manufactured??? And WHY would that be done?? And, WHY would that be allowed?? These are the questions that need to be answered?! It's time we know the truth about many diseases that make a lot of people a lot of money??? Stay tuned as research continues...

April 14, 2024


Forever chemicals appear to be everywhere in our environment?! But now, we have to worry about our medical supplies as well?? Just how many toxins are we exposed to on a daily basis? According to 1440 Daily Digest April 11, 2024, the US Environmental Protection Agency released rules on April 10, 2024, requiring public water utilities to remove six common "forever chemicals" from the water supply within five years. PFAS are synthetic chemicals that are heat resistant, oil, and water resistant for use in textiles and fire suppression. They are nondegradable and are linked to cancer, hormone disruption, and weakened immune systems. It is believed that most Americans have some PFAS buildup in their bodies?! Clean Water Action 2024 recommends 10 things you can do to reduce exposure:

1. Ditch non-stick cookware. Use stainless steel or cast iron instead.

2. Reduce the heat on non-stick cookware. And don't use it in a heated oven over 400 degrees. Don't use scraping cleansers or steel wool on non-stick cookware as it can release the coating into your food and/or environment.

3. Do not use microwave popcorn. The bags are lined with PFAS coating. 

4. Use glass or metal food storage containers for leftovers. 

5. Reject PFAS coated dental floss.

6. Install untreated carpeting in your home.

7. Avoid stain-resistant sprays or treatments when buying furniture.

8. Avoid ingredients in household products that have PTFE "perfluor" in the ingredient list.

9. Buy clothing that are non-PFAS, treated with Scotchguard or Goretex coating.

10. Support clean water actions. And, in my home, we filter our drinking water. However, filtering water you bathe with may be smart as well??

Taking care to reduce all household chemicals is key to maintaining a strong and robust immune system! Evaluate those household products during your Spring cleaning? You'll be glad you did!...

March 29, 2024


Most people view aging as a difficult, painful, or depressing time in life?? Then, there are those people who think your age is just a number? So, who's right?? Well, it all depends on your attitude? It's not the first concept in life that depends on your attitude? But more importantly, you don't have to age poorly? Yes, some things are out of our control, but how we react to our aging process depends on us exclusively? So, we DO have control after all? Our aging process can be influenced by our diet, exercise, mood, friends, travel, spiritual beliefs, families, and our homes, to name a few? But most importantly, how "you" feel about aging matters the most. What words do you describe when talking about aging? What steps have you taken to ensure a happy and healthy aging process? It is your "decision" to age how you want to age? And when adverse events occur, how you handle your aging crisis issues, is up to you as well? So, I'm going to make the decision to age well, no matter what? I hope you do as well??...

March 14, 2024


I learned just how useful cloves are when I had my wisdom teeth removed years ago? I developed "dry sockets" and the pain was constant and annoying! I went back to my oral surgeon's office and they packed my sockets with medicinal clove oil?? Who knew that would immediately take away the pain?! I was SO thankful. But what else are cloves helpful for? Some key benefits are: help to regulate blood sugar levels, have antibacterial properties, are packed with fiber, alleviates tooth pain, can be used as a cough suppressant, have anti-inflammatory properties, can protect against aging because they are high in antioxidants, can soothe digestive problems, and can even ward off insects! ( July,2023) Cloves are native to Indonesia. They are an antioxidant rich spice. You can find clove oil in skin health products, mouthwash products, and you can actually chew on cloves directly (but don't swallow) for suppressing a cough? I love drinking chai tea daily which has cloves and other great ingredients like cardoman, ginger, etc. So, the next time you have an issue that cloves can fix, give them a try??...Gotta go make my tea now...

February 29, 2024


Do you know what ingredients or hazards lurk in your cosmetic procedures? Or, in your hair products, skin products, or makeup?? I think you might be surprised by what is put in your body, or absorbed by your skin?? For example, many implants have ruptured and caused serious symptoms and side effects. According to the, scar tissue may develop and distort the implant (capsular contracture), breast pain, infection, changes in nipple sensation, implant position changes, and leakage or rupture may occur. Also, the US FDA has identified an association of breast implants to anaplastic large cell lymphoma, an immune system cancer! Furthermore, breast implant illness like fatigue, memory loss, skin rash, trouble concentrating, and joint pain have all been reported? So, you might want to reconsider cosmetic procedures that may cause future health problems? Considering that breast implants aren't guaranteed to last a lifetime, might hamper breastfeeding, and make mammograms more complicated, is it really worth it to risk your health? Yes, these procedures may boost confidence, but careful consideration may be needed by weighing the pros and cons. Ultimately the decision to decrease these harmful chemicals is yours? Just choose wisely for your situation?...

February 14, 2024


On this Valentines Day, lets declare CHOCOLATE for the win!!! I'm in?! Especially since I just ate some?? However, "a study in the journal Hypertention has found that people who ate moderate-to-high levels of cocoa flavanols for just two months experienced decreases in insulin resistance, and improvements in blood pressure, as well as improved significantly on thinking assessment tests." (MaryJanesFarm Dec-Jan 2024) Try to consume a  dark cacao content of 70%, and choose minimally processed chocolate. And did you know chocolate can enhance mood, blood flow, and improve vision?? Heck yes!! Yum...

February 1, 2024


We are all ENERGY. It is actually science based knowledge! According to Einstein, "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." All things in the universe vibrate at a certain level. As the "hippies" said in the sixties, GOOD VIBRATIONS is what you need??? So, what kind of frequency or vibes are you putting out?? Are you hanging on to negative vibes? Or, are you feeling the good vibes sent your way?? Here's how to stay in that "good vibe" mode and bring positive energy back to your life? Because good energy and frequency helps maintain good health both mentally and physically! Here are some tips:

1. Feel your negative emotions. There's a reason that they say, "the only way is through!" Happiness is a great feeling! Bring it on! But, we tend to hang onto negative emotions for days?! Are you feeling angry? Then, by all means, get it out. BUT, hurting others is not acceptable! Instead, scream if you need to, work-out physically or take a walk, listen to music, journal, or stomp your feet if you need to. Because, releasing that "energy" will bring you back to a better frequency.

2. Let go of expectations and demands- In other words, "SURRENDER" to the universe. Many things are out of our control? So, do what you can, then let it be...

3. Bring in good frequencies- You can actually listen to frequencies?! Just google healing frequencies. I like to listen to youtube channels that have 639hz frequencies. You can start in a lower frequency at 369 or 432hz, which is what Nikola Tesla theorizes to heal. Or, if you prefer quiet meditation, that is a great alternative as well. Listening to music at a healing frequency helps too. You can actually google a high vibration playlist to your favorite music genre! So, have fun exploring!

4. Get out in nature. "Grounding" is what is occuring when you spend time in nature. The Earth itself has a healing energy and frequency. Walk barefoot if you can or at least touch the Earth, a tree, a plant, or a rock. Our Earth is healing for sure!

So, start by seeing how you are feeling today? If you could use a boost, get those good vibrations going!...

January 14, 2024


How has the New Year been treating you? Have you already given up on your health goals?? Well, I'm here to encourage you to NOT give up! We all hit roadblocks in our health journeys! Getting back on track is the most important thing, not that you fell off schedule? Good health is a journey, not a sprint? "Life" is a journey, not a sprint after all? Sometimes taking baby steps is the way to go? If you need to regroup, reset, or re-evaluate, thats ok! So, remember to put yourself first, start over, get back to basics, and give yourself a break?! You can accomplish your health goals by not giving up? Work on being consistent, no matter how many times you start over? Because, YOU are important!...

December 31, 2023


So, it's the New Year?? Can we start a new fitness mantra? How about, MOVE IT OR LOSE IT?? Unless you move your body, you are inclined to lose your body's and joint's full range of motion! Even after age 30, we have less fluidity in our movements because of less pliability in our muscles and tendons, According to Women's Health March 2023, "mobility is, in fact, the secret sauce for staving off physical decline and improving perormance for the long haul." Not only does mobility PREVENT injury, but it leads to faster recovery times?! AND. it improves strength significantly! So, how do we accomplish better mobility? First, start where you are. Practice mobility throughout the day. Then with practice, you can increase to at least 3 sessions a week? You will probably feel improvements in your mobility if you are consistent within 2-3 weeks. So, HOW do we best incorporate increased mobility?

1. Most people can start by walking? Walking adds little to no stress the body. Aim for or work up to 30 minute walks at least 3 times/week.

2.Try working out first thing in the morning.  This is usually when energy and cortisol levels are most high. If that is not an option, just try to avoid working out too close to bedtime?

3.Besides cardio, try to incorporate or alternate with strength training as well. Limit sessions to 15-20 minutes with higher intensity vs. longer stressful sessions that stress your body.

4. Make sure to rest overnight or post workout for recovery. Taking the time to recoup is crucial.! And, don't sacrifice sleep for early workouts. 7-8 hours of sleep is ideal!  

So, lets move it, move it! Remember, starting is the hardest point. But, you will always be glad you did?!

December 15, 2023


We are on the verge of discovering that food is medicine, that natural supplements are medicine, that moving your body is medicine, and that simply breathing & grounding is medicine for your body?! Why have they kept research regarding natural substances for staying healthy away from us? Who has an agenda to keep a population sick? Better yet, who makes money from keeping a population sick? And worst of all, who does rsearch and patents viruses and other pathogens? I think we all know the answer to that question?? Our current healthcare system does in fact contribute to all of those issues. But, we CAN change the status quo? And, how do we do that? By doing our own research, by finding the healthiest solutions, by getting back to the basics of eating well, sleeping well, moving our bodies, reducing stress, staying hydrated, and getting to know our own bodies and how they act or react to physical or mental stresssors in our lives? One way to get to know your body is to take notes, write in a journal, or keep track of our daily activities? It starts with us? Let's start a new journey towards health? It begins with you! Good luck...

December 1, 2023


It takes just five minutes of intentional breathing 

to reduce blood pressure! It can be even MORE 

effective than strenuous exercise or prescription

drugs! (Colorado State University-Boulder 

Research seen in MaryJanesFarm Dec-Jan 2022)

More than 65% of Americans over age 50 have

high blood pressure! In the hospital when

recovering from surgeries, most patients are

given an inspirometer which is a plastic device

used to breathe "in" by inspiration which when 

done several times a day strenghthens breathing

muscles. When tracked, those patients systolic

(top) blood pressure number decreased by nine

points on average! This improvement is similar to

walking for 30 minutes 5 days a week! You can

simulate this exercise by deep breathing on your

own?! First, take a normal breath. Then try a deep

breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose,

allowing your chest and lower belly to rise as you

fill your lungs. Let your abdomen expand fully.

Now breathe out slowly through your mouth.

(Harvard University) Repeat for 5 minutes or until

relaxed. Use this technique antime you feel

stressed as well. Deep breathing of course, does

not take the place of exercise. But when infirmed

or inactive from injury, etc., it can be a helpful 

substitute. So, give breathing exercises a shot and

see if you have any blood pressure improvement?

At least, you may feel more relaxed??...

November 15, 2023


PRACTICING medicine has been occuring for decades. Lifesaving medicine due to trauma or acute illness has benefitted patients GREATLY! This I have No doubt! However, chronic illness has plagued western society for decades as well? Why have we not made more progress with chronic illness? And, what have we changed in our habits to the detriment of our health? And, what habits have we added to the detriment of our health? I think the research is clear about the hazards of the western diet and the pesticides we are exposed to and ingest? And, since we've become so technologically savvy, exercise, daily chores, and activities have become less intense, if at all?! Also, slathering sunscreen on our bodies with toxic ingredients not only prevents Vitamin D absorption, but increases our toxic load? Family and personal connections have taken a back seat to social media? And, the lack of these connections have driven  the habits of alcohol and recreational drug use? The point is that our health needs and should always be OUR responsibility? Just ask your doctor what his health habits are? I guarantee you that they are the OPPOSITE of what causes chronic illness? However, taking a "pill' is much easier and also "promises" health, which rarely happens. And, it doesn't provide a cure? It's time we all take responsibility back for improving our health? And if we do, we may just need to eventually take less of those medications? However, Rome wasn't built in a day?  Take the time to research what is best for you and discuss your plan with your doctor. He may just want to be part of your team?... 

November 3, 2023


It has become clear that questions have been raised regarding vaccines and SIDS? (Sudden Infant Death Symdrome) For many years as a pediatric nurse I taught about prevention of SIDS; what not to do and what actions can be done to prevent it? And I do believe lying infants on their backs to sleep, removing loose bedding and blankets, and not encouraging bed sharing have all helped to prevent accidental infant smothering. However, there is another dynamic that may be at play with SIDS occuring? What is happening to an infants neurological system that is promoting a malfunction in the brain to breathing alert system? Why do they suddenly stop breathing? What is causing this deficit? Is it a sudden inflammation of the brain? And how do the fevers that accompany vaccinations play into this deficit? Or, are the fevers a symptom of what may be happening to the brain and/or respiratory system? And, how does the brain stem functioning/or lack of, contribute to this problem?? These are all questions that now need to be researched and addressed. It's clear that with the increased ratio of one in four children developing autism as well, MAY need to be addressed? Do vaccines contribute to brain fuctioning, inflammation, and development? Stay tuned for more research as it develops? In the meantime, choose medical treatments at your discretion, however you feel comfortable. The choice is yours. Please do your own research to make a comfortable decision for yourself and your infant? Stay safe and take care...

October 17, 2023


I recently read an article by Dr. Thomas Levy Oct. 12, 2023, that states that most chronic illness is ultimately caused by and sustained by chronic deficiency of one or more vitamins, minerals, nutrients, or other natural agents. He goes on further to say that supplementing these deficient nutrients can provide clinical benefits. And, the benefits can continue as the doses are increased?! Although these doses may far exceed the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance), in general, the doses of vitamins are difficult to push to the point of clinical toxicity? Although care should be taken for those nurtients like calcium, copper, and iron, There are a few nutrients as these that CAN become toxic with minimally excessive intake. The point is that our health can be greatly impacted by adding essential nutrients that we are lacking!! One example that he suggested is that the treatment of schizophrenia can potentially be improved with the supplementation of Niacin, if it is tolerated? Niacin can cause hot flushing affects in some people. He states that "Schizophrenia is chronic Encephalitis...and Niacin Cures it!" If true, this can be a game changer for treatment for sure!! However, studies are needed. And, need to be allowed?! This is but one example of research that needs to be funded? Personally, I know people diagnosed with MS, like myself, who take larger doses of Vitamin D3 than what is recommended by the RDA, but they have shown improvement in their disease process?? In My Opinion, research needs to be allowed in the future for treating chronic illness with nutrients?!  But for now, the choice is yours? Get the nutrients you need by feeding your body what it needs to stay healthy! Let's make better choices, shall we? I will if you will? Good luck and good eating?!...

October 3, 2023


It's not fun to be lied to?? Especially by those people that have taken an oath to "first do no harm?" So, when did our healthcare industry know about all of the vaccine injuries from the COVID 19 vaccinations? And, do they take any responsibility at all? And, WHY are they still pushing these dangerous vaccines? Well, in my experience as a nurse for 36 years, many times we don't find out about dangerous drugs and/or treatments for many years?? Yes, there are always whistleblowers. But, usually their careers are affected by this truth telling?! So, practitioners may have had a lot to lose? Maybe they were even threatened to keep quiet? Maybe they were instructed to downplay the injuries being reported? But maybe, there are some heroes who led the path to discovery?? What have we learned? We have learned that we should be responsible to research our own treatments, be responsible for our own care, and help give legitimacy to those affected. So, don't be part of the cover up? Bring a voice to the truth by choosing your healthcare with authentically responsible practitioners?! The choice is yours? Take care...

September 18, 2023


Quercetin is a nutritional supplement that seems to be flying off the shelves these days?! Some of the health benefits of quercetin include: fights free radicals, reduces inflammation, reduces cancer risk, reduces the risk of neurological diseases, relieves allergies, reduces the risk of infections, reduces the risk of heart disease, blood sugar control, lowers blood pressure, ( and new evidence shows it can help with intestinal damage. WOW! What a powerhouse! But what is it exactly? It is a flavanoid found in plants, fruits, herbs, vegetables, and nuts. Some good examples include: apples, grapes, onions, broccoli, peppers, buckwheat, berries, tea, nuts & seeds, and wine. Studies have shown it acts as an effective anti-histamine, reduces age related cognitive decline, is antibacterial & antiviral, mitigates heart vessel dysfunction, lowers harmful cholesterol, slows cancer cell growth, and inhibits overall inflammation. Usual doses of quercetin are 500-1000mg/day. Supplements of quercetin may include Vitamin C or bromelain to help increase absorption. As a supplement, it is considered generally safe with little to no side effects. Studies are limited for pregnant or nursing moms, however. As always, consult and/or notify your healthcare provider if on blood sugar or blood pressure medications as well. (healthline Feb. 2023)

September 3, 2023


There are necessary questions that we need to ask ourselves before we choose to get a  COVID vaccine or to repeat a COVID vaccine? One of the first questions you should be asking yourself is, "Is it safe?" Secondly, does it cover the "variant" they are stating is new? And if they are saying it does, how fast do you think they can make a vaccine to cover a new variant? Could they realistically have done that already, or is this a "guessing game?"  And lastly, did you get COVID even though you received the vaccine? If you did, are you then questioning the efficacy of that vaccine?? My opinions have been clear, natural immunity is always the strongest way to fight off these types of illnesses. Now, they are saying this new variant is going to be worse for those previously vaccinated??? Why would that be? Is it because the vaccine previously weakened your immunity? Or is it because most of those vaccinated are mask wearers? Or is it because those vaccinated did not develop any natural immunity to the covid virus?? These are all important questions to ask yourself. As an example to consider, one group of people, the Amish people, refuse all vaccines. But, especially during this covid "pandemic," they have fared very well?!  Please take the time to consider all alternatives to approaching this new "variant?"  Will this "new" vaccine give many false security only to get the virus? Or, could you develop a stronger immunity with naturally acquired immunity instead? There are more questions above in the picture to help you decide? As always, Take Care of you because you are worth it!...


August 18, 2023

What is mindful movement? Some people say it is yoga? Some people say it is like Tai Chi? Yes, they are examples. However, you can practice mindful moving while sitting, lying, standing, or walking. Mindful movement involves exercise with psychology?! It's focusing on how you feel as you move. It's concentrating on the movement that enhances your mental stillness. Feeling the sensations of your movement combines the mind with the body. So, how do we accomplish this type of exercise? It starts with your breath. Breathing in through your nose, deeply inhaling into your chest. Notice how the breath makes you feel alert, alive, relaxed? Then, stretching your arms, legs, and feeling your muscles responding awakens your body. Thirdly, slowly raising arms above your head opens up your chest, allowing oxygen to travel to awaken your body. Continue to move your limbs, stretch your body, and hold poses to release stiff and/or sore muscles in whatever pattern you choose. You can choose a routine or develop your own? Your mind may wander during your exercise, and that's ok. Just focus back to your movements. There are many apps that combine meditation with movement. Or, maybe you can listen to nature's sound as you walk, hike, or stretch as well? The point is to be present in the moment. It's like tranqility "on the go"? With practice, you can accomplish mindful movement wherever you go or need to practice relaxation ie. the grocery store, waiting in line at the post office, waiting in your car in traffic, etc. The possibilities are endless! Happy practicing!  Information included from Women's Health March 2022

August 3, 2023


It's time we start to look at how the body heals and protects itself against intruders. We've been taught that fevers are bad. When in fact, fevers are due to the body fighting bacteria, viruses or other pathogens not known to it. It's the body's defense. Mucous traps the bacteria or virus so the body can cough it up and out. Diarrhea occurs when the body needs to eliminate toxic bacteria, fungus, or parasites. Nausea and vomiting occurs to eliminate toxic bad foods or viruses that we've acquired. Chills and then sweating occurs when the body is eliminating toxins through the skin. We can also eliminate toxins through our urine as well. You may even become thirsty to help eliminate these toxins through your urine as well? So, it appears that we have been looking at health and immunity in a backwards way. When in fact, we should look at all invaders as toxic. This also includes medication adverse events, environmental toxic exposures, rotten or poisonous foods, ingested parasites, fungus, or bacteria, and inhaled toxins affecting us negatively as well ie. smoking, radon, etc. Our bodies are always trying to protect us as best it can. All of these toxins can eventually overwhelm us and lead to failures of our organs, cancer, or fatal infections?! But, is cancer the bad guy we have always thought it was? Or is it another way, just like cholesterol walls off vessel bleeding or inflammation, does cancer capture these toxins and wall them off into a tumor or lesion??? Then, does chemotherapy blast these tumors to release these toxins all over the body?? Better known as metastasis? I know, it's a departure of what we've thought of previously? But, there have been too many testimonials of people "curing" their cancers by improving their immunity?? Holistic approaches to curing cancer include: eliminating toxins, nutrition, stress management, bio-identical hormone balance or replacement, IV vitamins and antioxidants, chelation therapy,  Giving your body the tools it needs to heal effectively is key. Finding the root cause of your cancer is key. If you or a loved one need a different approach or at least an integrative approach to cancer care see:  And, in the meantime, work on giving your body what it needs instead of assaulting it with toxins...

July 16, 2023


When did we stop eating for our health? When did preparing food became less important? Was it when TV dinners became popular in the 60's? Do we blame Banquet? I say no. Obesity started to rear its head in the 90's. It was a combination of several things emerging on our food production arena?! We can blame a combination of bad nutritional advice ie. "the low-fat" agenda which increased carbs in our diets, the rise of fast food normalization especially the "super size portions", the increase of processed & genetically modified foods, the increase of pesticides, and the increase of sugar & sugar substitutes? So what's a person to do? ADD REAL FOODS TO YOUR DIET! The less processed the better! We have a plethora of good real foods that can feed our bodies! Just start eating real! Happy Eating Real!...


June 27, 2023

I remember when copper drinking cups were all the rage in the 1970's! People liked the aesthetic and appeal. But, we didn't realize the potential health benefits of drinking out of those copper containers brings?! According to Sept. 2020, the benefits include better heart and brain health, a more robust immune system, and even weight loss, anti-aging, and tanning effects. People in ancient times used to gargle every morning with water stored in a copper vessel. (>blog) However, depending how long the water has been stored in the copper container, you could be at risk for copper toxicity resulting in potential liver or kidney failure. Although, most people process copper effectively. Some symptoms of copper toxicity include: anemia, chills, dementia, diarrhea (blue in color), difficulty speaking, and fever.  According to world health officials, if you have stored the water in a copper bottle for more than 10 hours, do not consume it!  Also, wash and clean your copper vessels at least every three months, and allow to dry thoroughly. Some health experts also state that copper water is good for thyroid disease, as most suffering usually have low levels of copper? This really doesn't surprise me as most people are deficient in minerals. My take on drinking from copper containers is that it  is beneficial but we should be cautionary? Also, copper vessels should remain at room temperature and not refrigerated! So, drink out of your fancy copper cups, but toss any unused liquids at the end of the meal? Just to be on the safe side? Welcome back 70's decor!!!...

May 24, 2023


What's exactly in your water these days??? I now believe that filtering your drinking water, at least, is paramount to staying healthy and free from chemicals, parasites, micro-plastics, medication residue, etc. etc. Sure, you can buy bottled water, but the plastic it's bottled in can leach chemicals as well? You don't have to get a house filter, just a pitcher with a filter will suffice for your drinking water?! Water is what we ingest MOST into our bodies. It's important to make sure your drinking water is safe. You can also find out about the safety of your water through your local water municipality reports as well?? You just may be surprised though? Don't panic if you do?! Besides a filter, you can add nutrients to your drinking water to counteract those detrimental contaminants. One of my favorite ways to enhance water is just adding lemon slices. So, whenever I eat out at a restaurant, I always ask for lemon water. Not only does it have a detoxing effect, it adds vitamin C as well. Other fruits can be added to drinking water as too! So, don't limit yourself? Try any variety you like! The weather's getting hotter, so time to make your drinking water safe as well! Stay hydrated everyone...

May 8, 2023


When was the last time that you looked at the ingredients in your suncreen?? Many commercial suncreens actually contain hazardous chemicals for your skin, which are actually also absorbed into the skin?! They act as a sponge by absorbing into the skin where it converts sun rays into less damaging form of radiation?? And, most commercial sunscreens also have chemical ingredients that have been reported to cause skin reactions and irritation! Commercial sunscreen ingredients are also known hormone disruptors with cancer causing free radicals! And, they can take 20-30 minutes or more to become effective?!  So, when using commercial sunscreen, you are actually absorbing chemicals known to be hazardous to your health! Using a MINERAL based sunscreen is a better option as it reflects rays, lasts longer, and is free of benzene, parabens and dyes. Or, try a homemade version of your favorite commercial sunscreen instead?? And, if you are sun sensitive, avoid the sun's strongest rays between 10am-4pm, wear hats or other protective clothing, and remember the sun's rays pass through clouds on overcast days as well?! So, just be SAFE, and enjoy that sunshine when you can!...

April 24, 2023


Alternative natural medicine has been around for centuries. Some types of alternative medicine includes homeopathy (uses minute doses of natural substances that may produce symptoms of the disease which initiates an immune response), acupuncture, naturopathy (treating disease with diet, exercise, and massage), ayurveda (balancing the body with herbs, diet, and yogic breathing), massage, aromatherapy, traditional chinese medicine, reflexology (applying pressure to specific points on the body), hypnotherapy, and yoga. Newer alternative therapies include energy therapy, Some complimentary medicine includes chiropractic and osteopathic medicine. So, what are the benefits of trying complimentary or alternative therapies? Patients may be looking for a cure, comfort or pain relief, reducing symptoms to feel better, a more natural approach, boosting immune system, and most importantly to feel more in control? ( Side effects of medications are sending people to a more natural approach to their healthcare. Most of these therapies were common place prior to the medical system and medical schools moving over to the pharmaceutical care model in the 1950's. Unfortunately our present medical healthcare industry is profit driven. Although there are MANY great physicians presently, their education regarding alternative therapies is minimal. This is especially true regarding nutritional supplements. It is IMPORTANT to let your physician know of ANY therapies you are using to prevent incompatability with traditional treatments?! Some of the alternative therapies I use routinely are chiropractic care, massage therapy, aromatherapy, and nutritional supplements. I would love to try acupuncture and energy healing therapies. I have had great success with the therapies I've chosen. AND, I have a medical doctor who supports my decisions. Afterall, it is YOUR healthcare and your choices. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise?! Take care and try an alternative therapy if you like? You might just be happily surprised?!...

April 12, 2023


Have they always known the cure for cancer? Since 1931??? It seems there are many "cures" that have alluded us in the past?? But, what exactly causes our bodies to be acidic? The human body has its own pH. We can be highly acidic which promotes early aging. Or, we can be more alkaline which is the best environment to prevent disease. Excess acidity weakens ALL body systems! Acidosis can lead to serious problems in the liver, heart, and kidneys especially. We should try to maintain a healthy slightly alkaline pH. This helps prevent weight gain as well by allowing fats to be burnt normally for energy instead of being stored as fat?! Body acidity also accelerates free radical damage and premature aging. Many healthy cells are destroyed. Do they also mutate into cancer cells?? Cells can also be poisoned by unwanted wastes not being properly eliminated from the body? High acidity also corrodes arteries, veins, and heart tissue! It also slows the delivery of oxygen to cells! What causes this acidity? An acidic diet, emotional stress, toxic overload, immune reactions, or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen, all contribute, (ann arbor Holistic Health) So, what can we do to alkalize our body efficiently? Start with an alkaline diet to include eating lots of vegetables, fruits, drinking water, cutting back on sugar, alcohol, meats, and processed foods. (MD Anderson Cancer Center) Next, exercise daily to increase your breath work and detoxify your lymphatic system. Focusing on self care by reducing stressors and increasing spiritual practices will create an alkaline environment as well. Try herbal teas or green teas to reduce caffeine and acidic coffee. Replace sugar with Stevia, coconut sugar, or small amounts of honey. Add greens to every meal. Go to bed when you are tired or fatigued. Practice restorative rituals like journaling or meditating to help you sleep well. (mbg Dec. 2019)  Hopefully, incorporating these practices into our daily routines will prove productive to staying healthy in the long run?! Besides, what do you have to lose? Here's to staying young!...

March 27, 2023


I went barefoot all summer, for most of my childhood. I didn't realize the many health benefits I was accomplishing until now. Our Earth is vibrating with energy. And when we place our feet on the ground, we are vibrating with our Earth as well! The benefits of grounding are many! Some of the benefits include: better sleep, enhanced blood flow, improved electrical activity in the brain, reduced inflammation, increased heart rate variability,and improved tissue and cell repair. ( Feb. 2023) It takes 20 minutes to reap the benefits of grounding. Try spending 20 minutes a day outside with your shoes off in the grass, sand, in a lake or ocean, touching a tree, lying on the ground, even running or walking on concrete as well! You can even ground with your socks on! Probably a good thing. Because, I'm always taking out the trash with just my socks on?!  ;) ...

March 13, 2023


Your medical prescription for the day is 20 minutes of sunshine! Forget the sunscreen with the toxic chemicals, or use non toxic sunscreen. But, rest or sit and sun gaze for your health! But, you don't actually have to sit? You can walk, garden, ride a bike, or play outside in the sunshine for optimal benefits as well. So, what other benefits does sunshine have for us??? Here are a few:

1. Enhances mood and energy.  This is a positive benefit for sure! All you have to do is listen to people when they remark on how nice of a day it is? They are happy!

2. Boosts the Immune System. Just like the picture states, the sun actually helps our microbiome, which gives us a boost! It activates our DNA to do its job to keep us healthy!

3. Improves your quality of sleep. There's nothing better than spending time in he sun to get you ready for a good night's sleep? Balancing those hormones and carcadium rhthyms helps as well. You might even have some great dreams too?!

4. Strengthens our electromagnetic field. We are energy. And, so is the sun! It gives off its energy to and for us. And is the main reason photosynthesis helps our plants grow. 

5. It increases our pineal gland size which helps with the production and secretion of the hormone melatonin. The pineal gland receives and interprets light and dark. So, you can imagine if our pineal gland is calcified, our brains may not get the best information to help us regulate our sleep/awake cycles?

So, it is imperative that we start spending time in the sunshine again! Make it a habit daily! And, don't worry if its cloudy, it counts as well! 

February 28, 2023


What is HORMONE HEALTH? Hormones are So important because they are responsible for cellular turnover. According to The People's Chemist Vol. 09, "you must have hormone intelligence therapy if you want to live enthusiastically and tirelessly." HIT is not hormone replacement, hormone intelligence is responsible for a directing enzymes, neurotransmitters, and hereditary DNA to do their job. Hormones regulate your metabolism, regulate blood sugar, and control hunger, appetite, and store fat or build muscle. So, it's important not to sabotage our hormone balance! How do we keep these processes working properly???

1. Wean off toxic medications when possible. Or, as soon as possible! It surprises me when people don't ask their health care practitioners whether there is a more natural approach to their treatments, no matter what the diagnosis?? Or, people see the "newest" medications on commercials and want to "try" them even though they come with a myriad of side effects, including possible death??? Insist you have a plan with your physician to eliminate them in the future. 

2. Prevent Obesity. Whatever physical activity you love, incorporate it into your life at least 3-4 times a week, or more! Eat healthy WHOLE foods that feed your body properly. Reduce sugar and overeating of carbohydrates in general. Your diet needs to be balanced with healthy carbs, protein, leafy greens, and healthy fats. Eliminate ALL artificial foods to improve hormone sensitivity. 

3. Eliminate Artificial Hormones, Bio-Hormones, and Junk Supplements. If medications worked, why would we need to refill them, or continue to use them, including hormone replacement?? Or, can we include those important vitamins and minerals in our diets? Seriously, this song and dance has been going on in our healthcare industry for decades! Junk Supplements include those vitamins packaged to include additives, or foregn substances. 

For more information, Visit: for specific plans to help you accomplish these goals. 


February 19, 2023

Have you already fallen off your new exercise regimen? No worries. Because, we get a chance every day to start anew? Many people give up too soon because of EPOC. You know when you first start working out again, and you get exhausted very easily? Well, thats usually due to "excess post-exercise oxygen cosumption."  And, it is a GOOD thing! It means that you are experiencing "the afterburn effect." (Women's Health March 2022) This is where the body continues to burn extra calories, energy, and oxygen even after you end your workout! Your muscles, heart, and metabolism are still working at higher rates post workout. So, when you start exercising and feel "terrible" at first, it just means you have a deficit of energy. But, once oxygen metabolism kicks in, you start to feel better. on average, usually 10 minutes into your workout? And that "afterburn effect" is the body's overtime work to replace your oxygen stores, which burns additional calories!! So, don't give up too easily. And, each time you exercise consistently, you will "feel better" as you exercise. Because, your body is acclimating to your workout. Which is why you need to continue to challenge yourself as you improve your endurance? Also, need a quick pick me up? Take some slow deep breaths. You will be revitalized before you know it! ...


February 9, 2023

Getting back on track with exercise is hard, especially if you were injured or getting over an acute illness? But, there are strategies that can help you get back on track!

(Women's Health 2022)

1. Start with a clean slate. Start back SLOWLY. If you're used to using dumbells or weights for resistance training, start back with your own body weight first, using no added weight through your routine. Then, add weights in increments of 5lbs. If you're used to running, walk first. Or, use the treadmill to be able to stop if need be? 

2. Embrace the 15% rule or low-intensity for the first two weeks back. One of the biggest mistakes is going "too hard", "too fast." This will prevent re-injury and allow you to increase your stamina at your own pace. 

3. Try Switching Things Up. If you had a specific injury, overusing  that body part too fast may sideline you again. Try a yoga, pilates, or stretching exercise first. This may help you rebuild the strength to that injured area faster than returning to your normal routine? It can also help you build accessory muscles that support the injured area as well? 

4. Skip over monitoring your progress. It's not always a race? Returning from injury or illness will be on its own timeline. Be patient with yourself and you will reap the benefits. It may even help you be stronger in the long run?

Also, since you have muscle memory, you may be surprised how well you bounce back? And, most of all, congrats for making it back to where you can even start again?! Because, it's your previous regimen that will help you now as you return...


January 28, 2023

It is a conundrum, I believe? Why are synthetic drugs considered safer than natural supplements?? Yes, ANY medication or supplement can be contaminated, expired, ineffective, or toxic! However, most pharmaceutical medications started off by being developed with natural compounds. When did that change? And, why? When pharmaceuticals became a "money making" operation, things changed?! When I first graduated from nursing school in 1984, most medications had been around for some time for chronic illness. Most were very effective. Some though, had devastating side effects ie. mental health medications especially. But even then, natural treatments were available? Most people can remember their grandparents tried and true "remedies" back in the day? Most actually worked! They might have taken longer, were more difficult, or different than just "popping a pill?" Just listening to commercials for new drugs advertised now days should give you pause when they recite ALL the negative or adverse reactions that are possible?! It seems like "sudden death" is becoming an acceptable potential outcome?! Well, I say times will be changing? People want SAFER alternatives to these potentially dangerous new drugs. Whenever someone asks my opinion, I honestly tell them that I do NOT try any new medication until it's been on the market for at least 5 years? Why that long? Because, it's enough time to be out of research trials and used in the public health arena to show detrimental effects if any? Taking care of your health is YOUR number one priority for your overall well being?! Don't take unnecessary chances. Research your treatments before you start them. AND, look for any safer, more natural options that are available? You deserve to have safe and effective healthcare. And, by the way, I do believe in complimentary healthcare. Not ALL pharmaceuticals are bad! Some are lifesaving in fact! Just do your due dilligence and research what is available for your healthcare needs with the least amount of risk? As always, Take care...


January 21, 2023

It's clear that Ivermectin as well as Hydroxychloriquine have been villiified in these last two years. They are proven to be safe and effective when used appropriately. As we continue forward and more research is conducted, we can treat COVID with medications that have the LEAST amount of detrimental effects. And also, we can treat those potential effects of experimental vaccines as well? If you are suffering from any of these effects, check out the peer reviewed paper published in March 2021, which discusses how to reverse the "spike protein" in the vaccine or COVID illness with the combination of over the counter supplements Bromelain and Acetylcysteine.  Always take care to follow recommendations of your health care practitioner when combining supplements with other meds as well. But, generally, these supplements are safe and effective when used properly. It is clear now that Big Pharma does NOT have all the answers.  So. taking responsibility for your own health is key... See study link below:

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Double-click here to add your own text.


January 11, 2023

Our children need our protection. No matter what choices parents have made regarding vaccinating their children with mRNA COVID vaccines, care is needed to observe children who have received these vaccinations for any adverse reactions. These reactions are not limited to 2+yrs. following any injections. So, this will be a mutiple year investigation into the health of these children. Myocarditis, arrythmias, and sudden death seem to be the most alarming reactions so far. However, adverse reactions can take years for symptoms to develop? Unfortunately, we are just beginning to realize other sudden and chronic reactions. More research is needed to determine any lasting detrimental effects of these vaccines. Until then however, take any and all necessary precautions to prevent your children from becoming a statistic... 


Science or Falsified Research??

December 28, 2022

When do "scientific" findings that go against the norm stop being "conspiracy theories?" It's when the truth is verified by double blind studies, then they are no longer conspiracy theories?! What has happened in the healthcare field and industry the last 3 years is the worst lack of "real science" I've seen in my 36 years of nursing experience! I'm sad actually. Looking back over 2022 and seeing more deaths of "vaccinated" vs. "unvaccinated" patients becomes the new realization. As a former pediatric nurse, I'm even sadder. Never in my experience has a "medication" no matter what form it comes in, been allowed to stay on the market with so many deaths, adverse reactions, and chronic illness caused by it! People keep telling me that it is a choice. Yes it is. But, scaring people, threatening people, or demanding people take a treatment is not choice in my mind?? The biggest lesson to learn here I believe is that you MUST be in charge of your own health.? You MUST do your own research to make an educated decision for your health. No longer can you just "trust" those in healthcare authority. So, as more research continues to be known, we need to change focus? We need to start or continue damage control for those that have made an unfortunate choice...Stay with me on the journey in 2023 to stay informed. 

Be Prepared For The Fallout

Not everyone is going to believe the possibiity of what has happened or they allowed to happen? But, it will be our mission to slowly help them come to realizations and what they can do to help?


Education will be key. Not all medicines, even if approved are "harmless." It's time to remember the hippocraic oath, "First do no harm."

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is difficult when you are scared, manipulated, bribed, or threatened. So, give yourself a break if you haven't made a great healthcare choice. Even the "best" scientific minds have been proven wrong in the past. It is ALWAYS o.k. to make it right. Don't let ego get involved in correcting a situation.

Comments Are Always Appreciated:

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