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October 11, 2024

What is the awakening? What does it mean for our present lives? Well, it depends on who you ask? Some people think we're living in a "simulation?" It is said that Jesus had a mission for people to "awaken" and ascend from this "simulation" so to speak? That we are not OF this world but with him in spirit? Even the Simpsons television show depicts us "living in a dome" in a simulation?? These theories are just part of what people are referring to as the "awakening" to this simulated reality? Many refer to it as a spiritual awakening, where people question their sense of reality? People are starting to question synchronicities they notice, coincidences, and whether we are alone in this galaxy? Are you questioning whether reality "as we see it" is accurate? Or, is there much more to our environment, history, and existence?? If you are starting to question these types of ideologies, you may be experiencing an awakening? In fact David Kipping, an astronomer at Columbia University, found that "the odds of us living in a base reality are pretty much 50-50, with the odds only slightly in favor of our universe not being simulated." (www.usatoday.com Oct. 2023) But, don't panic!!! Simulation experiments tend to experiment on the "model," not on the "system itself"? In other words, is someone studying the interactive effects of individuals and certain variables affecting them? In my opinion, reality is still REAL, we are just interpreting it differently for the first time as humans?? As far as ascending, is it another way to shed our old self spiritually and experience an elevated frequency? It's a natural process of evolution in where we give up our "ego" life and follow a more peaceful existence? Some people have experienced reevaluating beliefs, deja-vu, intuitions, vivid dreams, or feeling detached, It appears that the goal of awakening is to obtain the highest form of wisdom? Well, it remains to be seen if the awakened can indeed make a difference in this world? but in my opinion, I think we can?! God Bless...

September 27, 2024


It's denial?? STILL!! I'm not sure what more educators like myself can do to inform people on what is happening in our world?? And frankly, it's been happening for a very long time? But, it's just now ALL being revealed! However, that doesn't mean we just sit back and do NOTHING? We owe it to ourselves, our children, and grandchildren to provide them a "cleaner" world to grow up in?? The question above asks "what" is making us sick? It's ALL of it! Unfortunately, until people CHOOSE NOT to participate, things will not improve? More people will get sicker, some may die, and others may be injured for life with continuous health battles? Remember, there ARE ways to improve your health even after you've made unfortunate decisions? But, it is up to you to make those choices? No one else can do it for you?? So, please choose wisely and take care!...


September 12, 2024

We were fooled. Yes, but we don't have to be fooled anymore?! Now that the truth has been revealed, it's time for accountability! However, some vaccine companies are doubling down, creating variant COVID vaccines, and potentially even MORE harmful vaccines?! How can we stop this over reach of Big pharma? Well, there are people on our side! Not only have states been suing companies that have misrepresented their products, even some Democratic senators have crossed over and voted to require Senate confirmation of all international pandemic treaties! (Meryl Nass Sept. 12, 2024) So, it seems, when push comes to shove, the people's voice matters! Let's continue to agree AGAINST giving up health sovereignty to the WHO. Because your health and possibly your life could be on the line?? Stay informed, and protect your health sovereignty. And protect those that are vulnerable to false information appearing real by means of fear tactics? Do your own research before you decide on any health treatments. Because, you are worth it!...


August 28, 2024

Has anyone paid attention to the commercials on TV when the pharmaceutical companies advertise their new medications?? Oh yes, they seem to have singing, dancing, laughing, wholesome life pictures and family scenarios to get your attention?? BUT, does ANYONE pay attention to the side effects mentioned at the END of the advertisement?? It's kind of like the small print that you don't read at the bottom of a contract?? IN MY OPINION, it is all meant for you to think that medications are always safe, and meant for the betterment of healthcare?? But, is it really?? Or, is it a conflict of interest when half of the FDA'S budget is PAID FOR BY THE SAME PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES that are selling these drugs. AND, that they are wanting FDA approval granted?? And, what is the FDA anyway?? "The United States Food and Drug Administration was first created to enforce the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. In this capacity, the FDA is charged with protecting the health of the US public, to ensure the quality of its food, medicine, and cosmetics." (https://library.weill.cornell.edu) The FDA is under the Executive Branch of the Federal Government in the Department of Health and Human Services. One of the weaknesses of the FDA is that it "does not compare competing drugs and rarely requires tests of clinical efficacy for new devices." (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) Well, that's scary?!! IN MY OPINION, I think it's time we start scrutinizing EXACTLY what the FDA does for our nation's health? And, WHO'S interests are they really protecting??...


August 12, 2024

Are we over vaccinating our pets? Just as vaccine injury may occur in humans, vaccine injury can occur in our pets as well?! Pet vaccines have dangerous and toxic additives that can cause side effects, illness, allergic reaction, and even death?? But, what's a pet owner to do when many of these vaccines are mandated by law?? In the USA, vaccines for canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis, and rabies are considered core vaccines. Non-core vaccines are given depending on the dog's exposure risk. (https://www.aspca.org)

Hawaii is the only state in the US that is free of rabies and all dogs and cats entering the state must follow import rabies quarantine requirements. (https://www.animallaw.info)

Optional vaccines for puppies include Bordtella, canine parainfluenza virus, leptospirosis, lyme disease, and canine influenza. However, the only vaccine required by law is the rabies vaccine. (https://blog.ferplast.com May 2022) And, the rabies vaccine is also required for most pet licensure. The AVMA recognizes however, that some animals might benefit from a waiver because the vaccination may endanger the animal's life. And, only 10% of animal rabies cases in the US occur in domestic animals such as dogs and cats.


Most rabies occurs in wildlife like bats, raccoons, coyotes, feral cats and skunks.  Much research is needed to protect our animals from rabies for sure. But limiting the hazards in vaccines is essential as well?? The least amount of vaccines for your pets may be the answer, as well as monitoring their outside behaviors??... 


July 28, 2024

More and more, everyday, we are learning about our medical industry? And, it's not good news?! Money, in many cases seems to be running the healthcare industry? Maybe, it's time we go back to the beginnings of the medical field, just to realize truths and false doctrine? Yes, I believe MOST healthcare workers are truly trying to help people, educate people, and treat people appropriately? However, these last 4 years have been eye opening for sure? Maybe, it's time for "functional medicine" to join the team?? Functional medicine doctors look at your full history to identify the ROOT cause of an illness. They collect detailed information about the disease and your overall lifestyle. Functional medicine doctors often spend more time with their patients in order to get all the information they need. (webmd.com Dec. 18, 2023)  The downside of functional medicine is that it is not always covered by insurance. Insurance companies claim "lack of research" is a defining reason. However, approximately 31% of patients seen by the Center for Functional Medicine improved their global health scores by 5 points or more. (newsroom.clelandclinic.org Oct. 2019)

It just may be worth the cost in my opinion? Because, your health is worth it?...


July 13, 2024

It is heartbreaking to me, what has been allowed to continue with vaccine development and implementation in childhood vaccination schedules?! I started giving vaccines to infants back in 1989 in my pediatric nursing career. The middle schedule shown above was the vaccine schedule at the time. Now, the childhood vaccine schedule is at least 6x the amount of what it was back in 1989!  What are we doing to our babies??? These are chemicals, many that are harmful, injected ON PURPOSE into our infants?! IN MY OPINION, the need for pharmaceutical companies to make money, far exceeds the safety of our children? What have we allowed to develop? When will we start to say "enough is enough?" Also, autism spectrum disorder is on the rise, simultaneously appearing, to the rise in number of vaccines implemented in the childhood vaccine schedule?! Coincidence? I think NOT? According to Statista,com April 2, 2024, "6.7 in 1,000 children were diagnosed with ASD in 2000, that number has risen to 27.6 in 1,000 children by 2020" WOW!, over 1/4 of our children are being diagnosed with Autism??!! Even the Pediatrics Journal in 2019,  stated that "1 in 91 children in 2009 rose to 1 in 40 in 2017 with autism" diagnosed! I also have a feeling there are many more undiagnosed children with milder forms of ASD as well?! So, why are we treating our children like "test subjects?" Because, "science" says so?? Well, there are just as many scientific findings for NOT over vaccinating our children? The time is NOW to address these results! First though, to be fair, are we OVER diagnosing autism cases?? Are we overlooking genetic influence of autism as well?? And lastly, are we deciding to turn a blind eye to chemicals being exposed and injected into our children?? Also, why do certain countries have lower rates of autism? According to medicinenet.com, "exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides, drugs used during pregnancy such as antiepileptics and antidepressants, certain maternal infections, alcohol consumption in pregnancy, increasing age of parents, and survival of more premature babies may all be adding to the increase of autism as well? My point is, we are all so very careful about what we eat and are exposed to during pregnancy, but then we allow so many exposure of hazards, drugs, nutrition, etc. to be allowed, during infancy especially.? Well, it's time to start eliminating those hazards, IN MY OPINION! Let's give our babies a fighting chance in this ever changing world? It starts with parental choice. As a parent, it is your decision what your child is exposed to? Don't be bullied into doing something that doesn't resonate with you? Do your research and do what makes sense to you? Take care and God Bless!...


June 29, 2004

We are finally making headway in information and response to the irresponsibility of the pharmaceutical vaccine companies?! Why did it take so long? Why did it take SO many vaccine injuries to wake up? Well, IN MY OPINION, we weren't allowed to hear or see the truth? Also, misplaced trust in those who SHOULD HAVE had our best interests at heart occurred. And in fact, the CDC has just recommended these potentially dangerous COVID vaccines again, even though their own literatures shows the dangers of injecting them into our bodies?!!! But, because the vaccine industry has NO liability for their products, granted to them by the government, they will continue to recommend them? Because, they are a MONEY MAKING industry. But, I think it's time to look at healthcare in a different way, IN MY OPINION? Never has it been more important to take responsibility for our own healthcare? Doing research, getting second or even third opinions, investigating alternative treatments, and questioning ANY treatment will be the most important strategy as we move forward. As far as progress investigating the COVID vaccines, a new report emerged June 24, 2024 that states the Biden Administration pressured the FDA and ignored risks during initial COVID vaccine phase.


The report details short cuts and lowered standards, that allowed these vaccines to be mandated! How can this happen? There were whistleblowers, however! In fact in August 2021, "the top two FDA vaccine reviewers with decades of experience announced they were leaving the agency." (Chairman Thomas Massie R-KY) So, why did the FDA abandon its directive to protect citizens?? According to the subcommittee's investigation, "two FDA scientists testified to the subcommittee that they felt pressure to cut corners on the vaccine review."  And, outside pressure still continues to be the norm?! However, the FDA is now admitting that they did not do enough to address vaccine related injury. Well, to me that sounds like a big, "MY BAD" statement! IN MY OPINION, the lack of ethical integrity is quite obvious! I'm sure all those suffering from vaccine injury due to these dangerous vaccines are moved by their careless concern?? I say, "thanks but no thanks for this apology?!" Trust is broken. And, I doubt it can be reclaimed. We here at Green Girl Grounded are DISGUSTED at the meaningless response from the FDA. And, that damages should be awarded, IN MY OPINION. Please, do your own research for ANY medical treatments in the future, because YOU are worth it?! God Bless...

June 13, 2024


Was Jesus a Vegetarian?? They say he was Jewish, but did he follow the Jewish diet?? Or, was he a Nazarene? An Essene from Nazareth? First of all, we have to identify WHO the Essenes were? The Essenes were a Jewish sect that practiced a higher degree of purity than other Jewish groups. (study.com>lesson>essenes Dec. 2022) They emphasized the prophecies of a coming Messiah. John the Baptist was thought to be an Essene because of his lifestyle living in the desert. They believed that the Messiah would bring a heavenly kingdom that would battle the forces of spiritual darkness. (tcd.ie) The Essenes observed the Law of Moses, the Sabbath, and Ritual Purity. Their diet was lacto-vegetarian with an emphasis on the benefits of consumption of raw foods and sprouted breads, Qumran was a community of Essenes who devoted their lives to writing and preserving sacred texts. They were believed to have written 11 scrolls hidden in caves before Romans destroyed their settlement in A.D. 68, otherwise known as the "Dead Sea Scrolls." (smithsonian,org) These scrolls provide a historical foundation for parts of what we read in the Bible today. So, if Jesus was part of the Essenes (IN MY OPINION), he followed a strict diet as follows:

1. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables- grapes, figs, pomegranates were available in the region, legumes, lentils, onions, garlic, cucumbers, leeks, olives and olive oil

2. Barley & Wheat- unleavened bread would have been used

3. Nuts & Seeds- almonds, walnuts, pistachios

4. Milk & Honey- raw milk was the norm at the time from goats or sheep, butter and cheese

A peasant diet at the time also included olives, breads, grains, grapes, dates. wheat, barley, and maybe fruits? But, did Jesus eat fish?? Well. according to Leviticus 11, and Deuteronomy 14, Mosaic diet laws explicitly forbid catfish, shrimp, crab, and shellfish. But, the story of feeding fish to people would support the view that Jesus was a pescatarian "IF' he did indeed "eat" the fish?? The verdict is still out?  It is also noted in the Bible, and in Essene literature that "FASTING" was practiced routinely, especially fasting for 24hrs. on the Sabbath Day. In addition, there is no mention in the New Testament of Jesus eating poultry, beef or lamb. And, the documentation of the last supper only mentions bread and wine?? Jesus gave specifications in the New Testament to "abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meat of strangled animals" (Acts 15:29) Furthermore, the Essenes believed that they would be able to ensure the purity of food by gathering and preparing it themselves. However, that is pretty much the furthest thing that is happening in our world now?? Fresh foods are often shipped from far off places, sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals. So, for me, I will continue to eat a clean diet by eating organic, local (as much as possible), non genetically modified, grass fed meats, fresh water fish, cold and/or expeller pressed oils, almond milk, honey, hard cheeses, butter, nuts and seeds, and gluten free breads... I always bless my food I eat as well? But as always, the decisions are yours. God Bless...

May 31, 2024


What exactly is THE GREAT AWAKENING??? The First Great Awakening was a period when spirituality and religious devotion were revived in the 1730's. The Second Great Awakening occurred during 1795-1835, which was the Protestant religious revival in the United States where many churches experienced a great increase in membership, particularly among Methodist and Baptist churches. (Encyclopedia Britannica) However, this religious aspect is not what I will be discussing here. It is true that our cultures across the globe have had various awakenings, reformations, and growth for the betterment of man. The Great Awakening that I am referring to cannot be found in any mainstream documentation, news, or journals at this time. To understand what is happening in our global community now is only found on alternative news streams, papers, books, and sources. Our world is awakening to the fact that several "organizations" want to control humanity in many ways. They are referred to by many names like the illuminati, the cabal, the freemasons, or just plain "evil ones." It is NOT a new phenomenon that power struggles have occurred in our lifetimes and in the past century. This is not new. However, power and money continue to be sought after by nefarious persons, organizations, and governments. In the Great Awakening happening now, the PEOPLE are waking up to these evils wanting to have global dominance. Systemically and slowly, these evil people have been trying to eliminate all freedoms by their sovereignty. They appear to stop at nothing to accomplish their tasks?? War, famine, pestilence, disease, weather manipulation, government and law infiltration, etc. etc. all appear to be tools of their trade. BUT, a Golden Age for society appears to be on the horizon?! It is referred to as "a period considered to be the peak in history of a country or people, a time period when the greatest achievements are made." (wikipedia.com) According to the Greek and Roman literature, it will be when mankind lives in a better time and is pure. So, are we returning to the Golden Age? IN MY OPINION, YES! In the heyday of the hippies and New Age movements in the 60's & 70's, they referred to this time we are in as "The Age Of Aquarius." In this belief, "there will be an awareness that each person's behavior affects the vast networks of other living beings and things." (3ho.org) It is a period of transparency. The period from 2020-2026 is a time of exceptional changes, and a substantial leap into a new era, the Age of Aquarius. (astrodaiva.com) Or as some call this era, The Golden Age of Aquarius, where individuals will awaken to the beauty of life, group interests and their own individual responsibilities.(trustgaia.com) In the Bible it states, and some prophets believe, that all souls will eventually mature and evolve towards the perfect, like Jesus Christ. (wikipedia.org) So, here we are at this pivotal time with many choices to make? Are we going to remain "asleep" to the evils of the world? Or, are we going to bring in our "Golden Age?" The choice is ours to make. BUT, we can no longer turn a blind eye, or discredit those who bring attention to these atrocities?!  And the hardest part for most people to accept is that many of these "evils" are in trusted organizations, groups, and people who have taken oaths to protect us? But instead, have chosen power and money?? In the near future, many more people will awaken, be angry for the betrayals, and want to exact revenge? But, In My Opinion, we can better use our time and energy to change what we can to make our world better as we enter our Golden Age. Because, "evil" will be taken care of, even if it takes us one step at a time? Please join the brave souls that want to see those changes occur by first NOT denying that these evils even exist. God Bless...

May 14, 2024


Well.... We knew the time has come for the Covid vaccine companies to admit that there is a problem?? Even though they are just admitting to a "rare and dangerous" side effect of their vaccine??! The Telegraph, May 9 2024, reported that "Astrazeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine worldwide, months after admitting that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect... In contrast however, they marketed and stated that their vaccine was "safe and effective" as well just months previously?? I cannot say that I am NOT surprised?! Now that thousands of lives have been lost following administration of these vaccines, I say, "A little too late!" These vaccines should have been pulled IMMEDIATELY when Vaers (Vaccine Adverse Events Reports) Reports started reaching the CDC, IN MY OPINION?! This atrocity could very well be declared the world's worst death toll by vaccines recorded in our entire history??!

In addition, the healthcare industry has FAILED to alert the public of the hazards developing from these vaccines?! As always, PLEASE do your research when taking any medication and/or vaccine... God Bless!


April 30, 2024


As more of the truth comes out on a daily basis regarding the COVID-19 vaccines, people are going through a myriad of feelings? From anger, to fear, to sadness, to unbelief?? I understand... As a proponent AGAINST the vaccines, I felt alone as well?? This UNNECESSARY catastrophe is horrible. And it would be truthful now to say that it was the WORST vaccine roll out EVER?!! My recommendation if you have received these vaccines is to be proactive. Watch for any strange or unusual symptoms you may be experiencing and report them to your Doctor as soon as you can. Do not ignore symptoms unusual for you?! Also, search out alternative treatments to prevent any harmful effects. And by all means, if your Doctor is still recommending these vaccines, show him your concerns right from the CDC website! And, remind him of his oath, "First do no harm!" Please advocate for yourself! Because, you are worth it! Take care and God Bless!!

April 14, 2024


It is not a debate anymore?! It is being reported on many platforms by many Doctors, nurses, journalists, etc. Specifically, that the COVID-19 vaccines have and are causing disease and death?? What was "developed" to protect us has now caused great harm IN MY OPINION... As reported on The Expose April 14, 2024, "the CDC has confirmed that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused at least a 14,000%  increase in cancer cases in the USA up to the end of March 2024. With data revealing a minimum of 6,113% increase in cancer cases among children and young adults." Also reported in The Expose, April 11, 2024, "New research out of Saudi Arabia has found that a shocking 27% of, or a little more than one in four people who took the COVID "vaccine", suffered heart-related complications within a month to more than a year after injection." And finally a message from Professor Masayasu Inoue, a specialist in  Molecular Pathology and Medicine of Osaka City University Medical School In Japan to the WORLD, warns of "a dangerous new governmental development. There is a high risk that Japan made vaccines will be exported under the guise for false trust." "If Japan were to become a vaccine perpetrator, it would leave irreparable harm to future generations. Therefore, the actions of Japanese government MUST BE STOPPED by international collaborations." He goes on to say that "the pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world. A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines, which usually takes longer than ten years, to less than one year. Operation Warp Speed. This operation was used to cover up the misconceptions of the genetic vaccines. Under the pretext of saving time, an extremely dangerous method was selected. That is, intramuscular injection of viral genes to produce toxic spike proteins directly into human tissues to stimulate immune system. Because this is a completely new method and misconceived method that has never applied before in human history, it is impossible, therefore, for most of doctors to give proper informed consent. However, due to irresponsible government and media campaigns to promote vaccines, 80% of the Japanese has been vaccinated. Unfortunately, seven shots have been done so far. This is the most and worst in the world. And the result was the induction of the terrible drug induced injury that has never seen in human history. I believe that the fraudulent use of experimental gene therapy to healthy people, particularly to healthy children, is an extreme violation of human rights. However, Keizo Takemi, Japanese Minister of Health. Labor and Welfare, has been insisting thast there is no serious concern about the injury caused by genetic vaccines. And without learning from the current situation of injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system in preparation for the next pandemic. This is an unbelievable, crazy situation." (The Expose April 14, 2024)  He goes onto say that if the Japanese government continues to solicit large clinical trials, it is possible that vaccines will be exported under the guise of false trust?? Those who are speaking out about potential future harms are censored and speech suppressed! In MY OPINION, I believe it is essential for countries to withdraw from the WHO (World Health Organization) , who are perpetuating these vaccine protocols?! It is time to take a stand against harmful medical protocols through unity for medical freedom?!!!... 

March 29, 2024


I've never really enjoyed change much??? I've spent too much time thinking about the future, and spent too much time dwelling in  the past? So, what about now? Living in the present moment is really the only reality?? I'm not saying we shouldn't dream, or learn from our past. But, shouldn't we invest our attention in right now?? Since my MS diagnosis 25 years ago, I've had to learn how to live in today, because planning isn't easy if you're not sure how you may feel tomorrow? So many songs have been written about living in the moment. Quotes like, "Don't let life's journey pass you by...", etc. are our reminders to live in the now? The Buddhists seem to live by this mantra? They believe in concentrating the mind on the present moment. They believe that you should not mourn the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles. That really is a great mantra to live by? So, how do we actually do that? Not only does meditation help, but choosing to act in the moment inserts meditation into daily life. (tricycle.org>magazine) Buddhists believe that every morning we are born again?! So, letting go of things is key! To me, living in the moment includes loving when you can, forgiving when you can, and taking a deep breath in and calming yourself right at this very moment? It's living right here, right now, and being grateful for what you have? Now, that's peaceful to me?... So I wish you Mudita (joy) in the present moment!...Peace...

March 14, 2024


What a whirlwind of 4 years it has been? It seems like our world went topsy turvy in 2020? For me, it seemed like all convention left the healthcare world?! And for some of us that preached common sense, we were ostrasized... I started in my nursing career with the goal to help heal, and offer compassion to those that are sick or facing health problems? I now have to ask myself, when did the healthcare industry change?? Not that the majority of people in the healthcare industry aren't helping, compassionate people. But, somehow the healthcare industry became more about profits over humanity, In My Opinion?? Healthcare became a profiting business it seems? What happened to the family Doctor? What happened to the neighborhood pharmacist? What happened to the hospitals that focused on compassionate care? In America, the first medical school started in 1765 at the College of Philadelphia. In Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries small groups of physicians created medical schools as well. The professors were actually practicing physicians that taught classes to supplement their incomes. But eventually, it became less about the 'patient" and more about the institution of making money?! These last 4 years have shown us the worst of an industry that has lost its way and started instituting procedures, medications, etc. that have now turned out to be detrimental to MANY?! It's a lesson for us all, including the "patient?" Will we learn our lesson that the best advocate for our healthcare is ourselves? It's time that we get back to basics. Because, you are worth it!...

February 29, 2024


How much does grounding affect your health?? In My Opinion, "grounding" is not only healthy for you, but mandatory to live a healthy life?! According to the National Institutes of Health, "grounding reduces pain and alters the number of circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes, and also affects various circulating chemical factors related to inflammation." Remember when your grandmother encouraged you to play in the dirt as a kid? Well, sometime in the last 30 years or so, that advice had changed due to "germs", etc? But, that is a shame? Because, as you are "grounding" you receive a charge of energy from free electrons, helping your body synchronize with the natural frequencies of the Earth. (h Health) So," Earthing or Grounding" is when the body has contact with the Earth's natural electric charge that then stabilizes our physiology at the deepest levels, which reduces inflammation, pain, stress, improves blood flow, energy, and sleep." (www.sciencedirect.com) We should try to ground each day for 20-30 minutes. But some people find relief in as little as 10 minutes?? Experts recommend we stand, walk, or lie on the grass. soil, or sand, brick, concrete, or stone. Or, you can use grounding "mats," tile floor, unpainted and unsealed concrete floors inside as well? Also, touching anything living on or in the earth's crust counts as well like trees, bushes, flowers and grass! Going barefoot is best but wearing socks made of cotton counts too! This is a good thing, because I have a habit of taking the trash out in my socks with no shoes?? Try to get your grounding in daily for that natural dopamine boost to the brain! It makes you wonder why kids enjoy recess so much now doesn't it?? I guess those kids could teach us grown-ups a thing or two??!...

February 14, 2024


What are Schumann resonances? They are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. (Wikipedia.org) So, that's the official definition. But, what exactly can it tell us about ourselves and our Earth?? IN MY OPINION, most people can feel and some people can even hear electromagnetic fields?? According to some people, the Schumann Resonance has been undergoing a global transformation since 2019, and into 2024 now? So, if the Earth is making a transformation, are we as well?? According to Medium Spiroverse July 2023, "This global transformation will be complete in 2039. There is a high concentration of electrons and free ions influenced by ultraviolent and cosmic rays from space, and from Earth's gravity and magnetic field. In 1905, Nikola Tesla patented his idea that the Earth was a resonant circuit at 6.18-30 Hz. Thunderstorms have the greatest influence on the ionospere. Lightning discharges generate electromagnetic waves that are trapped and propagate within the ionosphere. Their frequency is the Schumann resonance." So, what does this have to do with us humans and how does it affect us?? Studies on resonance involve not only the scientific community but esoteric community as well?! Each group is skeptic of each other, but recognize the relationship to the human brain?! They both agree that low frequency magnetic fields enhance neurogenesis, the formation of new brain cells. What is more important is that the Scumann resonance is rising, and quickly! This is what they call the Global Transformation. The Hindus describe the change as moving toward open consciousness with less aggression, competitiveness, with kinder relationships and cooperation. In My Opinion, this is the death of the "EGO." And, thank goodness for that! Further scientific studies show that the human brain adjusts its frequencies to the Earth's ionospere. Although, the Earth is ahead of us it appears. So, it's an adjustment for some?? Meditation may help if you're finding yourself emotional or irritable, as the human brain can reach a frequency up to 200Hz. We just may reach that "love frequency" with a little work on ourselves. So, do what feeds your soul? Meditate, pray, walk in nature, dance, listen to music, etc. And who knows? By 2039, we just might all be living in peace for the forst time in human history?? In the meantime, I'll be thinking happy thoughts??? God Bless!...

January 31, 2024


We seem to be at a pivotal moment in time? What EXACTLY is the "NEW EARTH" movement? According to wikipedia, the New Earth is an expression used in the Book of Isaiah (65:17 & 66;22, 2 Peter (3:13), and the Book of Revelation (21:1) in the Bible to describe the "final state of redeemed humanity." It is one of the central doctrines of Christian eschatology and is referred to in the Nicene Creed as the world to come.  The New Earth appears to be our final destination? Our New Earth will be cleansed from corruption and return to how it was originally intended? So, if our bodies are our temples where God does and will reside, nothing unclean or anyone who is detestable will be able to enter? Well then, we have a lot of work yet to do?? In My Opinion, our exercising of our freedom of choice, "free will" has not always gone very well? And, how do we get rid of this "Old Earth?? I believe it is a choice?! Let's at least start by cleaning our Temples, by eliminating those things that are not good for us? And at least, I believe it will allow us to see more clearly?? God Bless us on this journey forward!...

January 4, 2024 


AND, here we go again?!! RSV- Respiratory Synctial Virus?? It is a COMMON RESPIRATORY VIRUS THAT USUALLY CAUSES MILD, COLD-LIKE SYMPTOMS!!! (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

There you have it! Right from the CDC website! It is common! And, if you are older, you have probably been exposed to it NUMEROUS times! Who is succeptible? Premature infants, or those that have a decreased immune system?! Now, have you made your immune system deficient by getting numerous covid vaccines?? IN MY OPINION, Possibly, probably... The website goes on to explain that if you are age 60 or older, the vaccine is available to protect you?? But, is it??? Lets talk about what has already been reported on in the Vaers (Vaccine Adverse Event Reports)  literature comming out about THIS "protective" vaccine?! Documentation on Pediatric Use 8.4 for AREXY vaccine states, "Evidence from an animal model strongly suggests that AREXY would be unsafe for individuals younger than 2 years of age because of an increased risk of enhanced respiratory disease. Safety and effectiveness in individuals 2 years through 17 years of age have not been established." In fact, the adverse effect list is too long to post here!! (Jessica Rose, June 21, 2023) So, IN MY OPINION, WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THIS VACCINE TO PREGNANT MOTHERS??? Because, the commercial says it's ok???? What Jessica Rose goes on to state is more odd is that "58 individuals died in the PLACEBO arm"??? That's a lot of people to have died in ANY clinical trial??? "In another study one participant  died from encephalomyelitis when getting the influenza shot and the RSV shot?! In another study, one participant developed Guillain-Barre' syndrome nine days after receiving AREXY." She also notes that 12 infants have died in the context of an RSV product (momoclonal antibody drug)  recently, reported from an article written by Amber Baker June 19, 2023 titled Twelve Infants Die During Clinical Trials for FDA-Endorsed RSV Drug at publication The Vaccine Reaction. Here's the bottom line, if you get nothing else from MY OPINION, STOP BEING A GUINEA PIG FOR BIG PHARMA DRUG OR VACCINE TRIALS! And, if you didn't know, even though the FDA has signed off on these drugs and/or vaccines, YOU ARE STILL THE TRIAL RECIPIENT, anytime you receive these new drugs or vaccines! PLEASE, do your research! It could literally save your life or your loved ones life??? 


December 31, 2023


Did you know that most people who die from heart attacks have low cholesterol? And that population studies show that those with high cholesterol live the longest? (People's Chemist Journal Vol 10) Are doctors just parroting what they hear from the drug companies?? According to The People's Chemist, "your doctor will go into a well-crafted sales pitch about high cholesterol being responsible for plaque build-up among the arteries." However, cholesterol is a NATURAl substance AND found EVERYWHERE in the body?! So, why are 90% of the regions being blocked off by this build up of plaque in the coronary arteries?? And, in fact, cholesterol IS healthy for you! It's vital for brain development, production of hormones, digestion of nutrients, and cellular organ function. But, cholesterol lowering drugs bein pushed have many side effects as well? These effects include but are not limited to: "muscular aches and weakness, kidney disease, liver failure, heart failure, dementia, Alzheimer's and cancer!"  Are doctors paying attention? NO, they are MORE likely to blame age, not drugs, for your decline in health?! When in fact, the FDA has been adding warnings to drug labels for decades, including cholesterol lowering drugs since 2012! So, how do we protect our hearts instead? We can reduce hardening and narrowing of the arteries by reducing our inflammatory response? Reduce inflammation by increasing exercise, quitting sugar, artificial flavors, and alcohol. Increasing sunshine exposure ( for Vitamin D benefit), eating a healthy diet to reduce obesity by eliminating processed foods, and considering PLANT based medicines instead? According to The People's Chemist, there are only 2 types of patients; those who take meds, and those who suffer from the side effects of those meds they take?! In conclusion he states, "stop trying to lower your fuckin' cholesterol!" And in MY OPINION, I AGREE! For more plant based product information and analysis see: www.FreeStraightTalk.com

December 15, 2023


According to a German public broadcaster, Mitteldeuster Rundfunk, a spotlight has been cast on the serious issue of DNA that has been found in covid injections?! (The Expose Dec. 15, 2023) He reports about  an independent lab in Magdeburg where Professor Brigitte Konig is testing corona vaccines, ALL 5 BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine samples tested are contaminated with SUBSTANTIAL foreign DNA!! They contained foreign DNA 83 times OVER the WHO's limit which raises significant safety concerns! Dr. Jurgen Kirchner pressed for the vaccine's withdrawal under the Medicines Act. 

But, health services around the world are devoted to these vaccination programs??? Neither doctors nor nurses seem to give a damn about evidence or their ethical responsibilities to their patients. (The Expose Covid-19 and Vaccination Horrors Dec. 15, 2023)  According to Dr. Vernon Coleman, not only will the jab NOT prevent you from getting Covid-19, the "rebranded flu" has NOT killed more people than the ordinary flu! He states that it has been proven beyond question that the short-term risks for those accepting covid-19 jabs are horrific- worse than ANY traditional, mass market vaccine that's ever been made. They are now known to cause heart trouble, strokes, neurological problems, myocarditis, and percarditis! And, there are already signs of increased cancers among patients who have been jabbed. Finally he states that the covid pandemic appears to be the greatest fraud in history! And, all WITHOUT MERCY, to make the highest profit for drug companies and doctors in history. It's time for a national debate? But, that won't happen when the media is a paid advertiser for these companies as well? The choice remains with the patient. But, in the end it will be affecting ALL of us?...

December 1, 2023


It seems like we've been through a transition from truth to propaganda in our society??  What we used to consider the truth, we have to check and double-check that the information is authentic?? The BULLSHIT meter is at an all time high. AND, the truthtellers are on the chopping block so to speak?? It's fair to say that we have been inundated with a lot of advertisement from the pharmaceutical industry for example. It seems that if they show a pretty picture on an advertisemnent or commercial, you will forget about or not pay attenetion to the severe side effects of the drug they are trying to sell  to you?? Along with the pretty advertisements, they also try to appeal to your empathetic nature as well. For example, they suggest taking an injection to "do your part", or "to save grandma." Peer pressure by your peers or even your Doctor is another example of trying to influence us? In my opinion, it's time to put these propaganda influencers on the chopping block instead? Please take the time to research any and all decisions that could change your life? Because, your life could LITERALLY depend on it? Stay safe out there! And, make sure your bullshit meter is running at all times??...

November 15, 2023


The law suits are now starting?!  But, Pfizer, nor any other COVID vaccine pharmaceutical company, are NOT admitting to any blame for the thousands of deaths due to the administering of their COVID-19 " vaccines"? This is not surprising. Also, their acknowledgement will probably never come, even if found guilty of any crime or negligence? However, IN MY OPINION, the court of "public opinion" is already sounding the alarms! A new documentary called SHOT DEAD, can be found at www.shotdead.org. It is a documentary that discusses several deaths directly attributed to the COVID-19  vaccines. But, this appears to be just the beginning?!  And, it's not just deaths that have occurred. Many disabilities, cancers, miscarriages, and possible future fertility issues may be on the horizon! According to Jessica Rose Nov. 12, 2023 at Unacceptable Jessica, "31% of women who were exposed to COVID-19 products prior to pregnancy experienced a miscarriage according to VAERS domestic data." She goes on to compare the influenza vaccine data to all COVID-19 shots including Moderna, Pfizer, Janssen, and Novavax.  She found that during 2018-2020, those women exposed to influenza products during their pregnancies who also reported a miscarriage to VAERS, was 8.8%. This percentage is 2.2% lower than the "lower limit" calculated by the CDC. In comparison, during the years 2021-2023, 976,270 people reported an adverse event from the COVID-19 shots! Of those events, 5,140 women who had a COVID-19 shot during their pregnancies, 876 reported a miscarriage. This brings the miscarriage rate of those who recieved a COVID "vaccine" to 17%, which is 1% higher than the "upper limit" rate, almost double that of influenza vaccine reports?! In addition, the rate of miscarriage to women who received COVID-19 shots PRIOR to pregnancy compared to influenza was also 6% higher! If you are looking for more information from the official CDC website however, you are out of luck, as they have removed that info regarding COVID-19 vaccination safety for pregnant people with an Oops! message that states they can't seem to find that page?! Of course! So, stay tuned for other reports of injuries as they are many and need to be heard! 

November 3, 2023

Kristy's Viewpoint

It is becoming clear that natural immunity to COVID is paramount. That, INCREASING your immune system to its optimal level is paramount in preventing viral illness?! What also did they overlook when implementing the COVID vaccines? Well, the truth is that NO  genotoxicity studies were conducted for the vaccine. What they're really saying is "because we are calling it a vaccine and vaccines have traditionally been safe with no link to genetic toxicity we don't need to do any genetic toxicity tests." (TGA-Pfizer non-clinical evaluation report released under FOI) So, basically it's a genetic therapy, but they don't have to call it that! In addition, their only concern is if it is safe and not whether it works or not??? And, to make an unknown entity super safe-just call it a vaccine?! (The miscarriage of medicine, Dr. Ah Kahn Syed, Feb 2023)  IN MY OPINION, they are gene therapies! And, we have all been part of the biggest gene therapy experiment in our history?! Well, we can now see how this has ended? Very badly indeed! What's worse is that NO FORMAL CONSENT ever occured! It's becoming clear that this is one of the worst atrocities perpetuated on mankind?? And, it's very sad indeed...

October 16, 2023


It appears that it is difficult to see things with a new perspective?? I understand that trusted individuals are now being questioned? However, logical thinking should be how we are reacting to these healthcare events in our world?! Logically, we can make an assumption that vaccine injuries have occurred, that vaccines may not offer you the protection that they claim, and that if there is NO liability for the consequences of making and distributing these vaccines, that people should think before they act??? But, not so fast.?! FEAR continues to drive people to receive these vaccines despite their lack of efficacy, hazards, and costs? People forget that we DO have an immune system that works very well if given the support that it needs?? So, please stop before you act in fear? Try a proven approach to boosting your God-given immune system. Feed your body what it needs, and it WILL take care of you! Your immune system also needs sleep, body movement ie exercise, and relaxation as well?! You are worth the expense, time, and effort to keep you body in working condition? Because, taking the "short cut" may just get you worse off than where you started? Take care of you!, and you can't go wrong?...God Bless...

October 3, 2023


What is changing about healthcare? Healthcare is becoming less about "managing" disease, and more about "preventing" disease and even "curing" disease processes. Welcome functional medicine!! A functional doctor, nurse practitioner, or therapist works "holistically." They consider the "whole" picture of their patient which includes physical, mental, emotional, spritual, AND nutritional factors when treating their patients. They will look at your diet, genetics, hormones, exercise, stress reduction techniques, prescription, supplements, and other over the counter medications as well?! They help to identify the "root" cause of disease processes that may be affecting you. Functional medicine is a science backed approach to healthcare as is traditional medicine. But, the difference is that they treat the whole person vs. the symptom or diagnosis. Functional medicine doctors believe the body is one integrated system, not a collection of organs or diseases that get divided up by medical specialty. (amymyersmd.com Apr. 2020) Because each symptom may be just one aspect of a person's illness, the "whole" persons physiological health needs to be considered. So, if functional medicine is more efficient, why do insurance company's not cover this type of care? Well, because insurance companies are "profit" driven and do not want to "prevent" illness which is opposed to their business model?! This is why functional medicine doctors are paid "out of pocket" by the patient. However, you also receive treatment for the "whole body" vs. each diagnosis at a time? In my opinion, it will be a wash in cost at the end? Also, their treatment may prevent further illness as well?

So, stay tuned for further information regarding our healthcare future. And if you are so inclined, by all means, check out a functional medicine practitioner near you for a preventative medicine evaluation specifically tailored to you! 

September 18, 2023


We can never forget what we have been through these last few years?? It's been a learning curve for sure? But what exactly have we learned? IN MY OPINION, we have learned not to blindly trust authority figures? We have learned that one way is NOT the ONLY way to accomplish something? We have learned to humble ourselves? We have learned that we are COURAGEOUS! We have learned that we ALL matter? We have learned that we can work for the greater good? We have learned how to love and care about each other again! And most importantly, we have learned who does NOT have our best interests at heart?! So, where do we go from here??? We rebuild! Yes, even in the midst of chaos! We remember that we belong to a higher purpose in this life, no matter what your beliefs are? And, we never let crimes of humanity continue or happen again?! Take care everyone...

September 3, 2023


I think it's actually a miracle? I just read an article from Newmax.com that quotes former White House COVID-19 response coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx who states, "Four years in, we don't need to mandate. We need to actually empower people with the information that they need for themselves and their families because every family is different. And by the way, outside is safe, and playgrounds are safe."  FINALLY!!! In my opinion, 4 years too late, but better late than never! It should have ALWAYS been about each individual and their health needs?! Instead, they locked the country down, which was not only economically disastrous, but healthwise as well. So, because we were locked down, the usual viruses emerged stronger than ever after we came out of nationwide quarantine. AND, mask wearing did irreparable harm to many people, especially our children and elderly with infections like pneumonia, etc... Also, according to a research study done where 200 young adults with common colds were studied, 138 participants showed 69% viral etiology. This means that the "common cold" is many times a cluster of viruses and bacteria, Some of these viruses included Influenza A or B, coronavirus OC43 or 229E, RSV, parainfluenza, adenovirus, and enterovirus. Bacterial infection was found in 7 patients as well to include streptococcus, chlamydia pneumonia, haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasma pneumoniae. The conclusion to the study supported the idea that the common cold is almost exclusively a viral disease. (J Clin Microbiology Feb. 1998) As you can see, this study was done in 1998, and coronavirus viruses were observed. They have in fact been around for decades most likely.?? So, what happens when you add a mask to someone who is otherwise healthy?? Well, during the Spanish Flu, most patients that died were mask wearers? Bacterial infection occurs more often and can be deadly? Also, consider what the masks are made of? What toxins/manufacturing materials are you breathing in as you wear a mask?? The choice is still yours of course? In my opinion, it is better to boost your immunity, stay away from those that are ill, get out in nature regularly, and eat & sleep well. Good luck with your choices, and take care! 


August 19, 2023

You have to be pretty out of the loop to know there is "something" not right with the world around us?? We can debate exactly "what" that is? But to me, it is clear that there is so much information coming out about the detrimental ways we are being "treated" in our world? From politics, to education, to healthcare, etc etc, things are coming to light! So, what are we to make of it? Well, some people call it the great awakening? Some people call it justice? And, some people call it the end times? Whatever your beliefs, it's time that you take a position on where you stand? Do we continue the "lies?", the "falsehoods", the "devastation"? I don't know about you, but I will speak my mind at least on those things I know for sure, will research those things I'm not sure about, and pray for all of us to become a better people? Will you join me on this mission to save lives, literally? I hope you do!  Share what you've learned! Take care and God Bless!...

August 2, 2023


It's become apparent that cognitive dissodance is alive and well in our world?! NUMEROUS studies have now come to prove that Covid vaccines are DANGEROUS, ineffective, and causing long term health consequences in MANY recipients! What more do we have to do to convince you? Now, don't feel bad! Most doctors also fell for the pharmaceutical scam?! And, many participated unfortunately! So, where do we go from here? We take responsibility for our OWN healthcare. And yes, this includes doing research from both sides of the table. Let's not just listen to what the government, your doctor, or what the TV news tells you to do. The older generation will have trouble with this especially? As they have been indoctrinated to believe that "the doctor knows best?" So, let's turn the page and help those who can't. And, by all means, detox! If the only thing you can do is to get your loved one to drink lemon water, green tea, or an anti-inflammatory diet, at least that's a start. God Bless and take care!

July 16, 2023


We have overlooked and trusted those professionals who are supposed to be keeping us safe and well? How has it gone so horribly wrong? We trusted the "science" without researching the "science" itself. We also granted immunity to those who could possibly do us harm! We naively thought that pharmaceutical giants are NOT just in business for the money?! Well, they don't call this "the awakening" for nothing? As a retired nurse, I have witnessed those times in my career when mistakes were made by those professionals? But, I didn't think they were done on purpose? But now, I think money is running the show! Greed is very much alive? Whatever your feelings are about vaccines, you can't deny that they have increased in quantity for our children? And, did anyone stop to think if it was necessary, safe, or effective? Not to mention, worth the cost? It's time to refocus, stop. reevaluate what's next? And in the meantime, keep our children safe! But, the decision is yours? Choose wisely...

Kristy's Viewpoint

June 26, 2023

Is it finally official??? Is this horror movie ending?? Well, maybe officially. Because, someone told us so?? However, many truths are finally coming out about ALL of these PATENTED viruses! Yes you see, a natural virus cannot be patented because it is NATURALLY occuring vs. a virus that has been DEVELOPED either accidentally or on purpose for nefarious purposes?! It surprises me so much that people are hesitant to believe that nefarious people would develop a pandemic for various purposes? What reasons you might ask? My response is usually to follow the money. But in addition, "the art of war" is alive and well unfortunately in our world?! Having worked in the life saving career of nursing my whole adult life, it pains me to think of what has occurred. ESPECIALLY, in the healthcare industry that I spent my life supporting! Some people say that we should just turn the page? Well, that's not so easy if you've lost loved ones or have been injured from nefarious treatments during these past few years? So, should we be happy with this announcement? Or, should we realize that it is just the beginning of the anger, betrayal, and disappointments of what has occurred? Since I have realized what was occuring for some time, I'm ahead of the curve. But, take the time to feel those feelings, grieve when needed, and carry on to the best of your ability. Because, GOOD things ARE on the horizon! And, we will be so much better realizing that we CANNOT, WILL NOT be fooled or experimented on again?! So, here's to finding our voice in the future! Take care...

May 24, 2023


It is sad but true?! You are more likely, statistically, to die in a hospital from a drug reaction, medication error, surgical complication, or other harmful incident, whether accidental or now purposeful it seems?? With the COVID hospitalization treatment we are learning about these last few years, unethical treatment has been uncovered?? For example, if you were intubated with a COVID diagnosis, your odds of surviving were dramatically decreased?! Why? And, WHO EXACTLY were driving those decisions on treatment? You may think it was the doctor on duty? You just might be surprised that they MAY have been taking orders themselves on how to treat these patients?? But, that's just what's happened these past few years? What about previously? What has happened to our medical association and institutions the last 50 years??? IN MY OPINION,

the medical field has become a PROFIT driven industry?! For example, when did it become o.k. to experiment on patients, despite an "emergency pandemic?" And really, WAS it a pandemic to the extremes reported at all??? It appears back in the 1950's and forward, the medical schools became driven to treat patients with medications. And, who profits from the amount of medications given to patients?? It's time to ask your physician those questions? One important question is whether they receive bonuses, monies, or other benefits from endorsing and prescribing certain medications? I personally believe this is a direct conflict of interest!! I'm not sure you will get an honest answer though?? Also, how many hospitals profited through the COVID treatments?? How many insurance companies gave "bonuses" for vaccine compliance?? I could go on and on... It's time for us to take our healthcare industry back! Yes, people need to make a living, but it doesn't need to be at our expense or life?! Please do your research before taking ANY medicine, treatment, or surgery. Also, research a hospital's reputation as best you can? You may not get all the answers you need, but it's a safe start to protecting your health and life?!! Stay safe my friends!...

May 8, 2023


So, the World Health Organization has now stated that the COVID pandemic emergency is over?! So glad they FINALLY agreed?? What took them so long? That's the question many people are asking? But, many people are still afraid?? I STILL see people driving alone in their car with a mask on???As a retired nurse, it makes me very sad... The amount of control they exerted over us in a small amount of time is alarming! The amount of pressure they exerted on us to be vaccinated is alarming! So, the question is, "Have we learned anything?" It appears that many are still afraid to venture back out? And, that's o.k. for awhile. I think most people have forgotten how strong they really are? Any time you go through a traumatic time, it may take some time to get your "legs" back under you?? But it's time. The masks are off, for good or bad? We have survived and we will continue to survive. All it takes is a little "FAITH." God Bless...

April 22, 2023


What THE HELL NOW are they doing to our produce??? Apeel is a coating that they are adding to produce to keep it fresher longer?! According to apeel.com, it is an "extra" peel to slow water loss and oxidation. Apeel Technology, Inc. is a food system innovation company that develops plant-derived technology to improve shelf life of fruits and vegetables for food growers, suppliers, and retailers. Apeel is a powder based product, mixed with water, than applied onto the produce. Right now, Apeel is applied to avocadoes, citrus, and apples in the US. HOWEVER, they state that it is UNLIKELY that you would be able to remove Apeel with water and scrubbing without damaging the fruit or vegetable. They state it forms a barrier of "edible" material on the skin or peel. Apeel states it is safe to eat since they only use food ingredients to make it??? They are in the process of formulating the product as well for USDA Certified Organic produce. Apeel products are non-GMO, non animal derived, and does not contain wheat, soybean, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, eggs, milk, sulfites, or crustacea. But WHAT does it contain??? When asked if it is a chemical, a link is provided to learn more, but the link is disabled??? (apeel.com/faq) They state that their standards are set by the UN/WHO/FDA, and Apeel is safe to eat? IN MY OPINION, I don't know about you, but I don't necessarily trust those agencies these days?! So, I say, NO THANKS! until we learn more. I will be avoiding any produce with the Apeel label...

April 12, 2023


Soooo??? Are we just supposed to forget what happened during this COVID debacle?? A debacle is defined as a complete failure; a fiasco; a catastrophe...(Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Just where do we go from here? First and foremost, we MUST admit the mistakes that were made. And for truth tellers like myself, this STILL needs to happen?! It appears that the everyday person who was NOT affected by the lies, still doesn't get it?! Be grateful if you were not affected by the dangerous mandates, rules, or regulations during this whole plandemic. Yes, it WAS planned! And, yes, by nefarious people and institutions. No matter how loud some of us shouted "FOUL," many did NOT listen? And, if you came out unscathed, be very grateful indeed! Because, many people lost loved ones, jobs, and ability,  Just because YOU didn't have a side effect, lose your job, or become disabled, there are MANY that did! Not to mention, what did all these "measures" to "control" the masses did to our psyche in whole??? Well, we are survivors for sure?! That is one thing that we have learned! We are strong! We are resilient! We are more educated! And, our eyes have been opened?! So, let's NOT let this EVER happen again? Let's NOT believe everyone with credentials?! Let's NOT forget those most vulnerable?! And, let's learn ALL the lessons, shall we?!! I say, YES, we shall!!...

March 27, 2023


IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW?! There's so much to know actually. Have we had surpressed natural remedies to stay healthy and avoid hospitalization? I say yes! Do we have natural solutions to detox bioweapons that our bodies have been exposed too? I say yes! Did hospitals blame deaths on "covid" to create the illusion of a pancemic? I say yes! In fact, the UK health system Director admitted to the "lie." (Natural News March 22, 2023) According to natural news, a whistleblower from the UK's National Health Service states that previous to covid, four different types of pneumonia were shown to be the cause of death in the UK. That number was reduced to zero after the pandemic was declared? Instead, medical personnel were instructed to categorize ALL pneumonia deaths as "covid." This was also reported by main stream media as a huge increase in covid-19 deaths, instead of ALL types of pneumonia related deaths. We saw the same in the US when the influenza rate dropped to "zero", as all influenza and associated pneumonias were classified as covid. The CDC graphs are clear that when covid increased, influenza all but disappeared?! Not only that, how many other deaths from cancer, natural causes, myocardial infarctions, strokes, COPD, etc. were also categorized as covid deaths? So, why artificially pad the numbers??? IN MY OPINION, this is a way to line the pockets of a dying medical establishment as new and innovative health treatments are coming onto the horizon?! Should you stop seeing your Doctor or taking your medications? NO, I am NOT encouraging that! There are still many good Doctors and Nurses. You have to look past them to WHO is giving those orders to them? WHO do they have to answer to? And, WHO has benefitted the most from this deception??! Stay tuned for all new medical treatments and what they have to offer? In the meantime, do YOUR part by becoming as healthy as you can be through diet, exercise, and stress reduction. It's time for all of us to benefit from new and innovative treatments available without "others" blocking or stealing those patents...

March 13, 2023


It's become clear?! The most deaths occuring from Covid-19 are the fully vaccinated and/or boosted in every age group! I'm not sure the evidence can be any clearer? It is clear that the individuals that are fully boosted with the mRNA covid vaccine are dying at an alarming rate?! It's time to pull the vaccine, IN MY OPNION. Matter of fact, it's really past time?? As we see, the damage has been done?? Detoxing from the vaccine may be the only remedy from its harmful effects to the immune system, heart, and or brain? Take the time to do your research if you have been vaccinated. Because, you will NOT see this evidence on the mainstream news. WHY? Because the media is paid for BY the Covid vaccine companies. Conflict of interest?? Yes, I do believe it is...

February 28, 2023


The future of healthcare may be changing soon?? Yes, med beds are real! Although, when they will be available may be a wait? Big Pharma will fight energy medical treatment for as long as they can? They will use whatever tactics they can to slow the introduction of this alternative type of healthcare. However, "energy medicine" is available and has been in lesser forms. EES (Energy Enhancement Systems) are available now in some states. Also, the Rife Machines have been available as well for decades. These machines produce low energy waves or radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Exactly what can they help? Interestingly, the American Medical System has refused to find out it seems? It appears that they want us to continue in a "chemical" medical system? Why? Because, medicine is big business?! But, more research is being done to see just "how" vibrations and frequencies affect our health?? And, you can find out for yourself by trying an EES therapy which usually costs around $60/hr, depending on where you live? In addition, you can try healing frequencies for yourself by searching on Youtube or Spotify, etc. Start by relaxing and listening for 10 minute increments and increase slowly to an hour. See if it helps you in anyway? You might be surprised by how calm you will be? Good Vibes are a good thing after all?...


February 19, 2023

There is a lot of talk about the "NEW EARTH?" What is it? What do they mean? According to astrology, signs in the Bible, political climate, earth changes, and ancient writings, the earth is ending a cycle? Hopefully, we are now ending a negative cycle in our physical and spiritual human development? According to the Mayan calendar, we were to end this cycle in 2012? However, it depends which calender you are following?? In actuality, 2022 is the end of this cycle if we were following their actual calendar, not our present calendar? So, that makes a lot more sense to me as these last few years feel like an ending for sure? And, maybe could have been as well?? According to most religious texts, humans will be choosing their future because they have free will.  And, most importantly, Christians believe that Christ will be returning and there will be heaven on earth? So, have we chosen our future? Has evil and/or negaivity been conquered?? I believe time will tell. Until we know this without a doubt, it is our chance to bring that positive future forward. How do we do that? In MY OPINION, it is by living simply, peacefully, without egocentric ways, getting back to nature, becoming self-sufficient by leaving the "rat race", by being grateful for all we have, and by helping others in their pursuit of happiness as well? This year, we will be talking more about how we can get there? Stay tuned for all things helpful, positive, healing, and hopeful? We can make it happen together if we try? We are entering the "age of aquarius," so let's hope peace will guide the planet?... Just like the song says?...


February 10, 2023

Parasites live amongst us literally and figuratively! Parasites can happen to anyone! They are far more common than you think? Some parasites that end up in your intestines include: roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, whipworms, and hookworms. Some signs that you may have a parasite invading your gut include; tummy trouble like  nausea, pain, gas, diarrhea with blood or fever, or bloating, anal itching, fatigue or dizziness, joint pain, eczema, or hives as well. And, undercooked meat has been known to cause toxoplasmosis causing mental health changes like rage disorder??? Parasites can lead to inflammatory bowel disease and allergies due to an autoimmune response. Yeast infections can be caused by candida albicans due to the parasites throwing off the balance of our natural bacteria. 

BUT, what about synthetic parasites??? What are they?? And, are they in vaccines??? Well, according to Future Microbiology Nov. 2016, A successful mucosal nanoparticle vaccine against toxoplasma congential infection in mice has been developed?! They used a PROTEIN in the form of a mucosal synthetic pathogen (synthetic parasite). Also, mRNA vaccines use mRNA created in a laboratory to teach our cells how to make a protein- or even just a piece of a protein which triggers an immune response in our bodies. (CDC Feb,2023) So, does this spike protein act like a synthetic parasite that produces an immune response? In MY opinion, YES. Herein lies the danger of mRNA vaccines in MY opinion. And, WHY we have had success treating not only COVID, but detoxing from these vaccines and vaccine injury due to them?! Stay tuned for more evidence as it emerges...

The Remdesivir Experiment

January 28, 2023

During the peak of the COVID-19 "pandemic", an experimental antiviral medication came onto the forefront. Instead of using tried and safe medications like Hydroxychloriquine, the medical establishment felt it was "safer" to try this experimental drug?  Although Remdesivir was shown to reduce COVID mortality by 17% in hospitalized patients (JAMA Dec. 2022), there was a substantial subsequent renal injury and/or liver injury to a percentage of these patients. Subsequently, causing long term impaired renal and liver functioning? However, several other studies do indicate remdesivir treatment was associated with a reduced inpatient mortality overall among patients hospitalized with COVID-19. (PubMed.gov/JAMA 2022)  So, which is it? Is it safe for all??  Still other studies show organ injuries to include hepatocellular acute liver injury, (ResearchGate/Hepatology International July 2020) Therefore, doctors caution against its use in less severe patients? For example, a 14 day old Covid-19 positive newborn showed liver injury after being injected with Remdesivir. (Advanced Paediatrics Centre, PGI /Indian Journal of Paediatrics May, 2022) Luckily, the treatment was stopped after elevated liver enzymes occurred. The newborn did stabilize after 14 days. However, many other patients have not been so lucky? Therefore, IN MY OPINION, Remdesivir should be avoided or at least used with extreme caution! The question remains? Was this an experiment where patients were not informed of the risks associated? In perilous times, is it "OK" to experiment with patients? I have a feeling more studies will conclude worse outcomes for more than we know? Time will tell? Stay tuned...

          Kristy's Viewpoint

Fear Of Flying?

January 20, 2023

Unfortunately, flying may have gotten a lot more scary? Because, according to the FAA, a new report indicates that the EKG's of pilots are no longer normal?! According to an article by Gateway Pundit, Jan.17,2023, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range so pilots wouldn't get grounded. It is reported that the vaccine rollout gave pilots and some 50M Americans heart damage!  Steve Kirsch reported that the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters from PR max of .2 to unlimited. The FAA is finally admitting that the COVID vaccine has caused a lot of damage to pilot's hearts. Instead of reducing their chances of dying from COVID, they have an excellent chance of getting a lifetime of heart damage?! Not only will these pilots lose their livelihoods, but are not allowed to sue the doctors, drug companies, or the government. They will say that you took the shot of your own free will? Pilots are now realizing, as are so many athletes, that the vaccines are and have caused permanent damage to their hearts? Well, I say, "not so fast?" Were you coerced? Were you mandated to keep your job? Were you professionally pressured? Then you may have a case? Many are in fact seeking legal representation for their injuries? And, many new treatments are being realized to counteract these effects. Naturopathic medicine may be the key for treatment? Do your research for your specific symptoms. And, by all means, don't ignore any symptoms. We are just beginning to realize as a nation, what has occured. In the meantime, we will work to find the answers?...

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Vaers Reports Are Clear

January 11, 2023

We are coming to realize the reality of the CDC's VAERS reports. Vaers stands for "vaccine adverse event reports".  Physicians are mandated to report these vaccine reactions to the CDC when they have occured. Some reports suggest only 10% of the reactions have been reported however? This is alarming if true.  New information on excess deaths are coming to the surface as well? The UK now reports an overall excess death rate of 1,ooo+ deaths A WEEK for the last month! Clearly, we are dealing with a health crisis like never seen before? At least, in my 36 years of nursing experience. What EXACTLY is causing the excess deaths for ALL ages? What common denominator has occurred with all ages of a population? It is clear that the mRNA COVID vaccinations ARE that common denominator, in my opinion. The first step to accomplish with this news is to acknowledge the truth. Have you started to acknowledge this truth? People say," it would be on the news?" Well unfortunately, ALL major news stations are benefiting by profit from one or more of the vaccine companies. Please note on your television programs, who the program "is brought to you by?" If a program is paid for by one or more of the vaccine companies, they would NOT be allowing detrimental information to be reported regarding their products? Please research actual CDC websites, company websites for your own research information instead of "PAID" programs that are just trying to influence you?! When we accomplish this first step of acknowledgement, we can start to research health information to reverse or repair these adverse reactions to these vaccines. Stay tuned for follow-up...


What is Green Health? It is all the ways you choose to support your natural immunity, body, and mind. Let's look at all the research to help you maintain you optimal health at whatever ability or age you are presently. 


Green Nutrition is all things healthy. It is eating organic when you can. It is eating clean without preservatives and additives. It is eaing gluten free, vegan, keto, or paleo if you are required. It is nourishing your body for optimal health!

Practice anywhere

Short and sweet, taglines are like punchlines.

Green Garden

Having a garden is one of the BEST things you can do for your health! Growing your own food helps you know exactly what you are putting in your body. Also, it is a way to get exercise and stay fit! And, don't forget the beauty of flowers?  No room for a garden? That's o.k. Even the smallest potted or window gardens work as well. Find out how easy it is to get started and get growing!...


Living a grren lifestyle is about caring for our Earth. It is giving back and being grateful for all our planet offers us. It is taking responsibility for your footprint that you leave here. Find out what you can do to make that happen! ...

Hello world

Having a green soul is about finding your inner self and how it relates to our bigger purpose, our universe or creator, and our fellow man. Let's explore just what that means to you?...

